"Help! my dad is watching Pornography" Cries of a JW teen.

by Dune 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • DigitalFokus
    Does anyone else find it unusual that a daughter has been exposed to the sexual habits of her father?

    I thought everyone finds there parents or "uncles" penthouse stashes? I am guessing it was from her snoopin on his computer. And like a dumbass he saves them in his favorites as without changing there names (i am the porn NINJA)

    Kids always find what they are not suppose to.

  • diamondblue1974
    if its harmful to the relationship , thats between him and his wife.. its not something the elders need to stick their noses in on.

    that will just make things worse.

    Totally agree; it says a lot for their relationship if he needs to look at this sorta stuff without her being present...if they looked at it together then this would be a different issue. The elders should be kept out of this one! DB74

  • Dune

    She took it completely upon herself to find out if he was watching porn.
    She walked in on him one day and he just click off all his windows, so she got suspcious, then she looked through his history and found out what he was looking at.

    I dont like him, but he's not a pedophile.

  • truthseeker

    Despite what many on this board say, the liberals again, porn is unhealthy - it demeans women and men, it is unatural however much you try to justify it.

    If one spouse is watching porn and the other spouse does not know, then it is damaging - obviously the girl's father seeks his satisfaction outside the martial arrangement.

  • diamondblue1974
    If one spouse is watching porn and the other spouse does not know, then it is damaging - obviously the girl's father seeks his satisfaction outside the martial arrangement.

    Its ironic that your typo classes a marital arrangement as a martial arrangement....a freudian slip perhaps?

    I agree with your comments though.


  • Dismembered

    Years ago as an MS, I had to to turn myself into the Brudders for watching a hard "R" video. You know the type, only T&A. The reason I got caught was I rented two different videos from two different video stores and mixed up they jackets they came in. <--(Jehovah's holy spirit in action) Consequently my wife got a call from one of the videos stores about the mix up. When I got home from a hard day work that night, the shit hit the fan in a big way. Long story short. I had to fink on myself @ the behest of my wife. A judicial meeting ensued, and was shown mercy! Yeah. Whoopee!

    Come to find out, one of the elders on that committee had been watching xxx videos and was caught by one of his sons. Not long after that judicial meeting. he he he

    The moral of the story, (IMO). MYOB Don't be a rat-fink. EVERYONE has skeletons in their closet.


  • Satanus

    This should be purely a matter between the guy and his wife. Unfortunately for jws, it's a religious matter w some a$$holes in brooklyn sticking their noses into their bedroom, computer, etc. In this situation, even the wife is not allowed to have her own opinion. She is also governed by the opinions a$$holes in new york.


  • Frog

    heya matey, your lil friend sounds just like me at her age, was ok for me to speak my mind I thought cause I know how to keep myself in check lol!

    don't think you can apply a blanket rule to relationships in this regard. i know a number of non-dub couples who look at porn together for a bit of a laugh, or the guy does & it doesn't much faze the woman. depends how secure both parties are within themselves. in the case of a dub couple though I imagine that something like this is a bad sign of things going wrong in the relationship. i can understand why the lil chicky must be a bit spun out by it. lol! hope he gets his comeupance x

  • Frog
    Kids always find what they are not suppose to.

    yeah, my ma used to try & hide the chocolate coated raisins, her ford pills & diaphram (too much information you say??!) from us, but I always came across them during my snooping adventures ;) hehe. x

  • Honesty
    Despite what many on this board say, the liberals again, porn is unhealthy - it demeans women and men, it is unatural however much you try to justify it.

    Our senior pastor refers to porn as immorality, plain and simple. Personally, I believe he's right. The difference between the Wacktower and Christians is that the Wacktower just calls it uncleaness while Christians call it what it is, immorality.

    BTW, if you want to start flaming I went ahead and donned my flame-proof survival gear.

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