
by shera13 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • shera13

    I admit I have been a lurker for a few months and now I can finally talk to u guys! I want to thank you guys for your honesty on this site and your humor...My husband and I formally dissassociated ourselves from the darling watchtower a few months ago and your site helped us keep our chins up! We particularly enjoy Blondies weekly commentaries on the watchtower articles! I will tell u our sad tale one day...but thanks again for being there......Maria

  • collegegirl21

    Welcome!!!!! Its nice to see new faces! :)

  • Super_Becka

    Hey Maria, welcome to the board!! Glad to have you here!!

    Sounds like you've been lurking here for a while now, so I take it you already know how the board works. And I take it that you already know just how great the people here are and now knowledgeable and helpful they are, too.

    Looking forward to reading more posts from you, and be sure to share your story with us sometime, when you're ready, I'm sure we'd all love to hear it!!

    Stick around!!

    -Becka :)

  • lola28

    Welcome Maria!

    Nice to have both you and your husband here.


    "out to change the world, one whore at a time"

  • seawolf

    Welcome to both of you! :)

  • Purza

    Hello to you too! And welcome.


  • MerryMagdalene

    Welcome! We're here for you


  • Victorian sky
    Victorian sky

    Welcome Maria! I know the transition out of the org is hard and at times painful but you're not alone. You and your husband have eachother and you have all of us. We'll be your friends with no conditions. Hang in there, it gets much better. - V Sky

  • prophecor

    Welcome, to you and your husband. It's great that you both have each other as supports in your exit strategy. Many here will come to be a support for you as well.


  • Frog

    A big HI to you & your husband Maria! I just want to say what brave superstars you both are I hope you find the support and understanding you'll find on the forum a great help to moving on with life. frog x

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