How DARE he?! This is why I'm still Single!!!

by stillAwitness 51 Replies latest jw experiences

  • prophecor
    Do you men ever grow up??!!

    Not until after 40, by then, however, its usually too late.

  • stillAwitness

    LDH you make complete sense. Its obvious that although I don't think I am being oversensitive maybe I am allowing something that I have been made to believe is so different from the norm deserves a standing ovation or something.

    I mean, here I am still addressing those on the outside as the rest of "the world: Hello StillA? You are in the world. You're a part of this too now snap out of it and embrace your 20's and the hell with the men that drive you insane! At least they pay for dinner without asking.

  • stillAwitness
    Not until after 40, by then, however, its usually too late.

    NOOOOOO!!!! Say it isn't so!

  • LDH
    LDH you make complete sense. Its obvious that although I don't think I am being oversensitive maybe I am allowing something that I have been made to believe is so different from the norm deserves a standing ovation or something.

    You got it chica.

    If you were really *that* bizarre, not only would he be not interested in dating you, but you would deserve the ridicule. It could be his (male) way of complementing you by saying "They didn't affect you all that much! You're pretty cool."

    One thing that has helped the public in general see how wierd JWs are, is programs like Dateline concerning the way JW shelter pedophiles. Now that is something that flipped my husband out! And it wasn't me whining, it was a totally disinterested third party saying, 'These people are fucking BONKERS!!!!'

    I will see if I have the tape, and I can make you a copy if you wish to share it with him.


  • LittleToe


  • LDH

    I think you need to understand that the way he sees it is the way a person not part of the JW's is going to see it. We've been out for almost 10 years and I know exactly what he is saying, and agree with him. I wonder all the time why we put up with it. It's all so ridiculous.

    But..........when we were first out, it was hard to hear the criticism from others who haven't been there, and I was kind of offended. It didn't seem appropriate for them to make the comments they did. Now I get it.

    Ease up. I'm sure he thinks he is being supportive.

    PS Stilla, note my feelings mirror almost exactly Mulan's. Consider that we've both been out for about 10 years. It will take you some time to get there.


    Is that Little Toe that's fallen for me? -----> swoons and faints.

  • LittleToe

    That Elder video cracked me up. I've seen incompetance first hand, on many occasions, but the guy was completely inept. I only hope it does the rounds of BOEs as an example of what not to do - the guy would be a laughing stock that side of the fence, as well - LOL.

  • Carmel

    Let me see,,,he doesn't believe in God, but Allah or something... Seems you need to listen to him a little my dear. If you're expecting "support" take a little interest in him too!

    BTW, Allah is Arabic for God!


  • Sassy

    well my opinion.. having dated a non ever JW.. and one who actually believes in Allah..

    its hard if they have never been in our shoes to really understand us..

    its like you trying to tell a white person how it is to be black.. of they havent' been dubs, they can only get so much


    having stated that..

    you also need to have someone who tries.. or at least cares..

  • R6Laser

    LOL! This is what happens when we blame everything on the past. How about an idea, start taking responsibilities of your own actions. I'm tired of everyone here blaming everything on something so stupid. "I'm socially unaceptable because of being a JW". Well, guess what, it was your decision and your own fault for not having any social skills. When will we start realizing that following stupid ideas from men is our own fault. Most people don't give a rats ass about why we left the JW or why we think its a cult. I say the same thing and I did, why not think for yourself once and put blame were it belongs.

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