Working with STUPID PEOPLE!

by jojochan 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    I've had my share of working with "difficult" people [yes, I am being very P.C. here]. If it weren't for the fact that I can work nights and weekends (and rarely work day shifts) I probably would have gone mad due to the office politics that go on with the day shift crew. Now that I'm used to working nights, it's a piece of cake, and just have the best working relationships with my night shift co-workers. We're all part of the same team, and we're all there for our patients. We take care of them and each other.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I had the same experience when I worked nights. It was so much easier when the office politics could be ignored

  • diamondblue1974
    I work with liars, cheaters, backstabbers, asskissers, racists
    Yeah me too....and thats just my department lol 
  • jojochan

    1. patients who think they are in a hotel and not a hospital,
    2. patients who try to treat you like you are their personal slave

    Excatly! They seem to forget that. And they seem to not have those two qualities that is important as well.

    Compassion, and Patience.

    Which in fac tmine is wearing VERY THIN.


  • jojochan

    With the people that I work with might I add.Not the people I look after.


  • DigitalFokus

    i lov werkin wit ignant people. makes me feel inteligant.

    Man, have I worked with some meat heads before. There is always at least one dumbass at every job.

  • Virgochik

    The employees where I work are all Union. They work if they feel like working. If management tries to get on them, they file a grievance. Common gripes are, why did you tell me, and not him? Are you picking on me? Am I being singled out for harassment? He doesn't do his job either, did you say anything to him? etc, etc. Frustrating! Some of our fellow Supervisors just give the employees what they want because it's just easier, and that makes it even harder for those of us who do our job.

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