what will you be reincarnated as???

by theinfamousone 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    A lap dog.

    Rub a Dub

  • myself

    A horse, or maybe it was an ass, I forget.

  • Calliope

    JamesThomas. i'm not laughing at you. no. i'm laughing with you...

    of course, there's nothing to be proud of in being a PARROT!! wtf?

    Almost 36% of people will be reincarnated as a higher form of life than you.
    You're not perfect, but you've lead a better life than most. With a few changes now, your next life could be even better.

    ever since i say The Birds, i've LOATHED all forms of them. THIS IS HOW I GET PUNISHED????

    sorry i didn't mean to yell.


  • freedomlover

    I'll be a bear......okay, that's cool.

  • theinfamousone

    two lions??? shoot, i wanna know what better than a lion is... if its a human, ill flip out, cuz that would suck...

    the infamous one

  • JamesThomas

    I tried one last time; changing some of my answers to what I felt they would want to hear. As expected I did quite a bit better, and I am happy. I got legs this time:

    Dung Beetle

    99.98% of people will be reincarnated as a higher form than you.

    How such a moronic ass has made it through life is a mystery. As far as we can figure, it must be the solitary confinement in your prison cell that has kept you from being murdered. Your poor parents must of had to abandoned you in the woods at a young age in order to keep their sanity.

    The god's hope that pushing a turd-ball around in your next life, will keep you on the straight and narrow. The good news is: you have nowhere to go but up.

  • MerryMagdalene

    ...another zebra here...


  • tijkmo

    i dont know...

    but at some point in the future someone is going to be reincarnated as me

    lucky them

  • AudeSapere

    A horse. of course.


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