What were you disfellowshipped for?

by aquagirl 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunnygal41
    so... I'd say the train has sailed on my reinstatement.

    LMAO............I love your style of mixing metaphors, SMF!

  • alamb

    I got a protective order against my ex, an elder. To obtain one we had to have a hearing in front of a judge where he actually admitted to more abuse than I had charged him with.

    He refused to leave our home but could not be within 1000 feet of me so I moved out. I was brought up on charges of being an "uncontrollable woman." I asked to see the scripture that required that I be controllable. They said that question proved I was uncontrollable. They asked me to phone the judge and say I had lied on the stand...I hadn't and I informed them my ex had admitted to everything. Then they said they didn't like to get involved in "court matters" and that was it.

    p.s. I appealed and won and then told them I was DF'ing them for not being Christians. There's that uncontrollable thing again.

  • Dismembered

    Hey Breck

    You listen to the Door? Man, "People Are Strange"


  • ballistic
    p.s. I appealed and won and then told them I was DF'ing them for not being Christians. There's that uncontrollable thing again.

    LOL had to laugh.

  • katiekitten

    Alamb - thats great - an uncontrollable woman! Fantastic. Im so ashamed I never got D'Fed and especially for something as cool as being an uncontrollable woman.

    I bow down to your superior D'Fing reason. (Damn, wish I had been more uncontrollable now)

    Ballistic - that is such a sad thing to happen, as if having your world shattered by your ex-wife wasnt enough. They sure know how to kick a fella when he is down, dont they.

    Still, at least you dont have to court nice pioneer sisters anymore and study the 'Family Life' book for entertainment, you can go out and have sex with a wild woman in an NCP carpark if you want to...

    ...not that im suggesting...

    ...got any carparks near your house....?

  • diamondblue1974
    Married very young in the JWs to my first girlfriend. Unknown to me, my witness wife was sleeping around constantly during the two year marriage with strangers. When she decided to confess to the elders (not to me) , she made a big part of her confession the sex we had had before marriage.

    I was promptly ousted for not confessing to this previously. How about that? Find out what your wife has been up to and being told you are not allowed to speak to all your friends at the same time.

    I was actually told that the fact I had had two years in which to confess - and I didn't - made it worse and that was why they could not accept my repentance - even though some people on this web site and that I know of were told that the pre-marital sex were "so long ago - not to worry about it".

    I can't get these two principles to match up in my head... 1. It was so long ago, don't worry about it. 2. It's been so long, you've had all this time to confess.

    This is really bad...sorry you had to go through that Ballistic


  • ballistic
    Ballistic - that is such a sad thing to happen, as if having your world shattered by your ex-wife wasnt enough. They sure know how to kick a fella when he is down, dont they.

    Still, at least you dont have to court nice pioneer sisters anymore and study the 'Family Life' book for entertainment, you can go out and have sex with a wild woman in an NCP carpark if you want to...

    ...not that im suggesting...

    ...got any carparks near your house....?

    LOL ,

    If only I fully realised at the time how badly I was being treated ; instead I tried to go back for about 6 months.

    It is exactly like being kicked in the teeth while your already in the gutter. To do that to a 22 year old innocent lad with no one to look to for support.

    I cried in the judicial comittee and said "it must be Jehovah's decision".

    Yeah right! Jehovah Shmovah

    p.s. wild women a bit scarce round these parts, but I haven't been checking car parks! (well not all of them)

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