Evolution vs Creation and spontaneous generation

by MrMoe 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • anon

    I suggest reading the book Evolution: a Theory in Crisis by Michael Denton.

  • JanH

    For a review of Michael Denton's Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, See http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/denton.html

    Of course, evolution has been progressing a lot since his 1985 book, which is well outdated (probably before it was written). So evolution's crisis is a political one, from fundies and republicans in the United States. There was not, and is not, any scientific opposition to the fact of evolution. And lately, the traditional creationists seems to have been on a stready decline.

    Evolution is not in crisis. But where is Denton?

    - Jan
    "People are apprehensive when they meet me. They think I'm going to eat
    them. But underneath it all, I'm quite shy." - Freddie Mercury

  • anon

    I would still suggest reading it. I point out that Denton is a biologist who did (does?) believe in evolution. Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not believe gravity is subject to the same kind of disputes swirling around evolution.
    I know there are discussions about the old Creation book. Are there any on the newer Creator book? Not just misuse of sources but actual analysis of arguments presented in favor of creation?

  • JanH


    Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not believe gravity is subject to the same kind of disputes swirling around evolution.

    Consider yourself corrected. The basic theory of evolution, and the fact of evolution, are not subject to any scientific debate. Religionists challenge it all the time, of course, and once every decade or so they actually manage to make one scientist join their ranks and write a book. Of course, the book or the ideas are already refuted in the scientific world, so this [ex-]scientist does not puiblish it in scientific journals, but you can make more money selling to bible thumpers so who cares.

    The theories of gravity are subject to serious scientific debates all the time. I don't think it's very clear what exactly gravity is. But nobody, of course, debates whether there is gravity.

    I know there are discussions about the old Creation book. Are there any on the newer Creator book? Not just misuse of sources but actual analysis of arguments presented in favor of creation?
    I read it, and thought about writing a review, but every time I wanted to do it, I feel asleep. It's an extremely boring book, relying more on "feel good" arguments appealing to JWs (and other religionists) than actual arguments that are subject to solid refutation.

    - Jan
    "People are apprehensive when they meet me. They think I'm going to eat
    them. But underneath it all, I'm quite shy." - Freddie Mercury

  • bboyneko

    I think the most solid concrete argument the society dishes out in their masterpeice, Life: How did it get here? book against evolution is found in that diagram that shows three pictures of animals that lived in the past: the Archaeopteryx, (half reptile half bird) the lungfish (a fish that has evoloved air-breathing lungs) and the Eohippus, a 12 pound ancestor of modern horsies with a big red X over each of their pictures, therby irrifutabley proving their exsistance has nothing to do with evolution. It musta just been god experimenting with life :)

  • Moxy

    lol @ dan. thats actually a very funny comment in the larger context of that infamous illustration and the accompanying quote.

    i should warn you that i have recently come into the possession of a bloody powerful red magic marker and therefore do not except to lose any arguments on here ever again.


  • ballistic

    To Jan,
    Just to say this board would not be the same without you, and I welcome your messages. You obviously have a great mind and wish everyone to know about it. However, I wanted to comment on your general tone which is beginning to make me smile, as whenever I see your picture, I think, OK - now for God's thoughts on the subject. You must remember that not many people here (or anywhere) are experts on EVERYTHING, but many of us wish to give our humble opinion, in light of our shared experiences. This board helps people over come difficult experiences by the process of communication. Surely getting EVERY fact strictly correct is not the most important thing. One great scientist even commented that knowledge is like one small pebble on a beach.

    I was too far out... and not waving but drowning - Stevie Smith

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