I'm home and here are more snow pics!!!!

by kittyeatzjdubs 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillAwitness

    Je suis americaine et tu?

    Mais oui voulez vous couchez avec moi c'est soi...apres le poulet prechez la bonne nouvelle.

    hee hee ho hoo.

    Don't ask me.

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    Je suis americaine et tu?

    Mais oui voulez vous couchez avec moi c'est soi...apres le poulet prechez la bonne nouvelle.


  • JH
    Je suis americaine et tu?

    Mais oui voulez vous couchez avec moi c'est soi...apres le poulet prechez la bonne nouvelle.

    hee hee ho hoo.

    Oh my.....yes yes yes

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    how exactly does that translate into english jh?

  • Virgochik

    Haha, better not ask, Kitty!

  • Legolas

    This is part of our back yard, see not much snow right now ( we are supposed to be getting a storm though )

    LOL...Just ignore the windshield washer fluid bottle, after I filled the jeep I just threw it in the back yard..Too lazy to put it in the barn!

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  • desertflower

    So glad you all like the snow so good. It is beautiful at first but then it gets old

    Just wanted you all to know that you ought to try being a truck driver out there in this weather

    My husband just got into Virginia and has to go to Betheham, Pa and he is driving an 18 wheeler so if you see

    trucks on the road be kind to them. Love all you guys you or great.


  • Undecided

    Just looked out the window and it is snowing in NC.

    Ken P.

  • MsMcDucket

    We could use some snow in Kansas!

    We're having wildfires around here and Oklahoma.

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