Jw men in relationships with "worldly women" take notice.

by jojochan 38 Replies latest social relationships

  • jojochan

    Awww...shucks. Thx becka!

    Now I can wear bright scrubs today at work.

    Be happy, be in love!

    It's a beautiful thing.

    jojochan, the believer.

  • Super_Becka

    You're very welcome, jojochan, I live to make people happy.

    Wear those bright scrubs today, be happy!!

    It really is a beautiful thing, keep on believing!!

    -Becka (of the "I believe in love and happiness" class) :)

  • jojochan

    Becka you have a pm.


  • kiddotan


    If I wasn't in love.... maybe i'll introduce you to my little sister....

    Thanks for posting this. My other half is a duck under the radar type. Oh and he's baptised (i know the fun it can be) Love him to bits. We did the secrecy thing for a bit. Of course I DON"T understand what he's feeling but am still happy to be there. I know I'm a bit late with this post been laid up. Normally I lurke here to learn. Just had to say thanks for this one.


  • jojochan

    Kiddotan you're welcome.


  • Super_Becka
    Thanks for posting this.

    I second that - thanks for this thread, jojochan. Someday, I think I'll show it to my JW boyfriend, when it comes to the point where he has to choose the WTS or me.

    Lots of great insights here, every JW man out there who's involved with or thinking about becoming involved with a non-JW woman should read this and think about what it is that they want.

    Unconditional love, it's a beautiful thing. I love my JW boyfriend unconditionally, even though I don't agree with his religious beliefs, but sometimes I wonder if his love for me is unconditional. I'm sure that he loves me, but I think he might love his faith more and that scares me. I guess time will tell.

    Thanks for this, jojochan, it's a beautiful thread, it really is.

    -Becka :)

  • jojochan
    Unconditional love, it's a beautiful thing. I love my JW boyfriend unconditionally, even though I don't agree with his religious beliefs, but sometimes I wonder if his love for me is unconditional. I'm sure that he loves me, but I think he might love his faith more and that scares me. I guess time will tell.

    Becka, you of all people are especially welcome. You are right, time will certainly tell. The thing is it seems to me that he really DOES love you. He did'nt get baptised, plus he's not active in the religion, so that's not so bad. But if he did, deep down I feel he would still respect your stand on the collective, and will understand, and give you space like you had with him. The key thing is communication, grow together and not apart. Especially with this, this is some heavy stuff here. Deep down you know you care for him and love him, and you know he would bleed for you.

    Communicate. As in regards to his family, they seem liberal about it. I would'nt worry.

    Any doubts? TALK TO HIM....you my be surprised.

    pm me for any questions if you wish.

    your buddy, jojochan.

  • jojochan

    Oh yeah, one more thing...

    I might post more on this subject, but I was thinking about what to do now? I mean, I know I said it once before on not dragging a woman through my issues, but really, if they don't see it as a big deal, then I wont see it as a big deal either...I guess I feel ready. I mean...what WAS the big deal? The FEAR? All in my mind; that's all....all in my mind. Now that I'm at that point if I, IF I; were to go into another relationship, and it were to get serious; I would'nt make it an issue like I did before.....the pin pricks would still be there, but....really, the fear was all in my mind...

    what do you think?


  • Super_Becka
    The key thing is communication, grow together and not apart. Especially with this, this is some heavy stuff here. Deep down you know you care for him and love him, and you know he would bleed for you.

    Communicate. As in regards to his family, they seem liberal about it. I would'nt worry.

    Any doubts? TALK TO HIM....you my be surprised.

    *sigh* He's so easy to talk to about everything... except his religion. He'll make comments about it - for example, when we were talking a few nights ago on the phone, he was telling me that his younger brother has taken up smoking, and he said, "You know, Witnesses have a rule against smoking" - but that's all I can ever get out of him. He's so open about other things, but talking about the WTS never pans out.

    Once, he mentioned the failed 1975 prophecy and I mentioned that I'd read about it, and immediately, he got very defensive about it. "How did you know that?? Where did you find out?? You've been researching, haven't you?? What are your sources??" I didn't even say anything against the WTS, I just said, "Yeah, I read about that once," and he nearly chewed my head off.

    I'm looking for ways to bring certain things up, and I think that his brother's new habit may be a window for me. He thinks that I don't know anything about JWs and the WTS (I haven't told him about my membership on this board, he'd probably be angry), so I can use that as an excuse to come up with a few things to ask him about - "Hey, I was thinking about that smoking rule you guys have, so I looked up what other rules you have, and I read that...", something like that. I'm gonna start a thread on that soon, to get some tips.

    I know that he doesn't agree with all of the WTS's rules, though - for example, he certainly doesn't think that "fornication" is bad, but of course, adultery is bad, which makes sense. (No, I'm not sleeping with him, just so you know.) Maybe I can find out what else there is that he has doubts about.

    I'll think about this some more, and I'll probably PM you over the weekend, jojochan, with a few questions, if that's not too much trouble. Maybe you can clue me in on some things that I haven't picked up on yet.

    He means the world to me, I can't bear the thought of it all going down the drain because of some high-control organization run by a bunch of old men in New York.

    Thanks again for this thread, we all needed this one.

    -Becka :)

  • ballistic

    Becka, was you not in "the truth"?

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