A Muslim thinks JW's are a Menace to them

by ICBehindtheCurtain 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • delilah

    Amen, Mary....I'm growing weary with all this Muslim rioting over a silly cartoon....they need to lighten up a bit...they're far too serious a culture.

  • Robdar

    I luv it!

    Thanks for posting this IC

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Robdar, you are welcome! I also think it's the pot calling the kettle black, they can and have good reason to critisize the JW's but they should take a look at themselves and see the stupidity that is costing so many lives.


  • Woodsman
    The reason that Muslims do not like JWs is that they ae alike.

    I got some crazy stares from a bunch of Witnesses after 911 when I made a comparison between radical Islam and the Jews of the Hebrew Bible. Namely how both will gladly wipe out people of other faiths, man women and child in the name of their God.

    I took it a step further and said 'Isn't that what you pray for when you pray for armageddon to come?"

    Seems to me it would be wrong for a Witness to criticize the terrorists for killing civilians.

    They didn't want to discuss it.

  • Robdar

    I agree IC.

    Ya know, I find fanatics soooo amusing. Well, it's amusing until somebody gets killed. Then it isn't funny. But before it gets to that point, they can be quite entertaining. Ever listened to Pat Robertson? He cracks me up.

  • coffee_black

    yeah, Robdar...Pat Robertson does say some pretty dumb things....but I don't think you need to worry that he will be organizing any suicide bombers or beheadings any time soon.


  • Robdar

    yeah, Robdar...Pat Robertson does say some pretty dumb things....but I don't think you need to worry that he will be organizing any suicide bombers or beheadings any time soon.

    Well, he may not be organizing them but if he doesn't learn when to shut his big, fat, trap, he might get one of his followers to thinking about it.

    Sorry, but you can't convince me that Christians are better than Muslims. Both can be fanatical. And extreme in that fanatacism.

  • Tigerman

    I haven't seen any fanatical Christians rioting, burning and killing in the name of Christ . . .not on the news , anyway, or in this century. And because of a caricature? Please don't tell me you understand their " feelings".

  • gumby

    If missionaries from christendom were as active in the same areas the witnesses are, they'd be as big a pain in the ass the dubs are. The simple fact is....they ( the muslims), believe they have the truth as much as do the dubs and get as irritated as a dub would if muslims banged on their doors and offered THEIR literature.


  • Tigerman

    I must ask the question . . .Is the rioting by Muslims warranted by the driving force of a cartoon? And if it is ,want is it you all think we should do in order to be safe in case it all boils over to your home country?

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