How many here were homeschooled?

by Highlander 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Highlander

    I'm quite new here, so I apologize if this topic has been covered.

    The reason I ask this,, I was raised in the midwest. A majority(more than 50%) of the children at the local congregation were homeschooled.

    The end result was that these homeschooled kids had social problems, found it difficult making and keeping friends and were completely out of touch with the world.

    As these kids became adults, rarely did they stay on as witnesses and usually went to the other extreme,, you know the old saying,, sex drugs and rock n' roll.

  • Spectre

    That sounds like me, except for the sex and drugs part. My folks took me out for my 9th grade year, all the usual excuses: bad association, teachers don't know anything....etc. When I went back for 10th grade it was almost like I had never been in school before.

  • greendawn

    Isn't it illegal for children not to attend school up to the age of sixteen? How does the government accept that they stay at home and who is going to teach them there?

  • Highlander

    Here in the US you can homeschool from gradeschool to highschool. The rules vary from state to state, however there is usually a bit of oversight from the local school

    system or a government office regarding what is taught at home. I think there are state sanctioned homeschool organizations that provide the books/tests and basic

    'platform' needed to do the home schooling. A close family member of mine originally homeschooled their kids. Finally they saw the light and sent their kids off to real

    school. They were young enough they adjusted quite well. I'm pleased they are in public school now.

    Believe me,, I think it should be illegal, but it's not here. I've met many witness kids and not witness kids that were home schooled,, the majority of which have trouble

    fitting in and being comfortable in social situations. I was screwed up enough being a 'weird witness' among the school kids in public school. I can't imagein how bad

    my social skills would be had I been home schooled.

    BTW,,, to answer your question about who teaches them,, it's the stay at home mom, who typically has her share of social skill problems.. Staying at home to teach the kids allows the mom/or dad in some cases to 'hide' from the big bad worldly people or whatever their phobia may be.

  • scotsman


    It's legal in the UK to homeschool your children too.

  • greendawn

    Highlander you are right, unless the parent that teaches them has some teaching ability it's difficult to be efficient, and the children miss out on the social dimension. I suppose the JWs do it to avoid worldly influences on their children.

  • Oroborus21

    It's not just JWs that do it. In fact, I would wager that in a comparison to other religious groups the percentage of JWs kids homeschooled is less than some other groups (excepting the whole Compulsory Flag Salute period of course).

    I have wondered about homeschooling myself. My friend was homeschooled and she is socially adept and one smart cookie and probably did more reading than her peers.

    But I find it hard to believe that homeschooling is the best way when there is a good alternative available. Between compettion and interpersonal dynamics of a classroom that mimics compettion in the workplace or life to the opportunities for extracurriculars and socializing, I think it rare that a homeschool situation could be better.

    But of course, everything comes down to the individual and their parents. A child may walk through the public school system and not be as well prepared and developed as they would if they were homeschooled and vice versa.

    Some homeschooling programs allow for a greater breadth and more challenging lessons than the public or private school systems. A lot resemble distant learning programs used by colleges these days with interactivity on the internet and video instructors. So today's homeschooling is a lot different than it was before.

    One problem though is college entrance. I think the homeschooling program is going to be a ding as far as GPA for matriculation into college and the student will have to do well on standardized tests (SAT/ACT) to have a good shot for some schools. Others it may not matter.

    It's all about the individual again and in part about the environment. I would not want my daughter attending some of the schools that I have lectured too and others have been fine.

    In the U.S. we have a major problem with our educatioal system K-12 and a lot of it would be fixable if we made it that the schools had to compete for the kids by giving the parents the money to spend as they see fit and allowing the kids to attend any school of their choice regardless of location.


    of the soapbox for education reform class

  • unique1

    I started homeschooling in 9th grade and graduated from Home School 2 years later at age 16. I am 28 now and was one of the few in my area doing it at the time, but now everyone is doing it.

  • Nolita

    I've been reading for a while and, though a little shy, I would like to post my thoughts. I've never done this before, so I do apologize if it is too long. This subject sort of strikes a sour note with me.

    I chose to be homeschooled after I finished the 8th grade. (Why on earth parents allow 13 year olds to make important, life-altering decisions is beyond me...but then again I was allowed to devote all my youth and future to a religion at 14, so I suppose homeschooling was not such really a big issue/decision after all.) I chose homeschool because I was afraid I would become an unforgivable sinner if I continued to be around the terrible and destructive influence of the well-adjusted, self-accepting "worldly" kids I usually chose as friends in school.

    I had friends who were also homeschooled and several neighboring congregations had entire families that had homeschooled their children from kindergarten through high school. Many never graduated, or, if they did, it was from some correspondance course through which they managed to complete an entire 4-year high school education in 6 months. (Sally Struthers face suddenly pops into my mind...I think she did a tv commercial stint for this satisfying academic experience.) I went the more traditional route and took a college prep course that actually took me four years to complete. Because I could choose my own courses, however, I neglected any accelarated math or science courses, instead focussing on literature studies and writing. Of course, in my area, the community college and even the vocational schools did not want to accept my diploma, instead insisting I get a GED - but I was too proud to do that, so I figured additional schooling just wasn't all that important since I planned on never needing a real income because I had theocratic goals and Jehovah would take care of everything else.

    On the whole, the course I took was not really deficient from an educational standpoint, but homeschooling for me was devoid of any social enrichment. I was a good little girl and began pioneering when I was 16 and spent the vast majority of my days in field service with married women over the age of 35. I should add that these married women were constantly shocked by just about any choice someone outside of the "group" had made. (Heaven help you if you were part of the "group" but weren't present for service one day. You then became an honorary outsider and had your choices critiqued as well.) I suppose their behaviour is not all that far removed from that of your average high school clique, or at least what I perceive them to be from my research compiled primarily from 80's teen flicks and "Mean Girls"...don't know if my sources are very accurate though. Perhaps because I was a great deal younger, their influence was more profound. I became an old curmudgeon before I hit 18, and it was all downhill from there.

    I must point out that I do have one "friend" (she doesn't really talk to me anymore, for obvious reasons) who, though she never graduated from Homechool High, seems to be doing fine on an interpersonal level. She seems to have no trouble "relating" to others. Another "friend" of mine, actually went to public school ffor the very first time to complete her final two years of high school. Of course, at that point, she and her family had left the "truth " and I, as result, lost contact with her. I did hear that she went away to college. She was reasonably well-adjusted for a lifelong homeschooler /witness, but then her family was one of those what did "shocking" things from time to time (aka- normal).

    The result of homeschooling for me is a continued disconnectedness (Is that a word? May be if I went to public school, I would know!) from my peers. Our formative years have been spent so differently, our experiences so far removed, I usually have trouble finding a common ground to build on. They were forming lifelong friendships, learning to deal with confrontation, learning from their mistakes and experiences, and dating. I was trying so hard to be better than them via my fault-finding ways because I thought this would lead me to happiness and fulfilmment. Or no, rather, I thought that would make my parents happy, and if my parents were happy, surely God would be too. Anyhow, I'm just glad to be older and wiser now...I'm finally learning how to function as an individual, and how to see others as individuals with the right to make their own choices. It's really amazing!

  • Bstndance

    A couple kids were homeschooled in my hall and so I felt like it was the cool thing to do. I was spending almost every non-meeting night afterschool at a local dance studio and homework was really preventing me from dancing. So I told my parents I wanted to homeschool so I can pioneer. I believe I aux-pioneered maybe for one month. But I turned 16 and started working.

    Honestly, I don't think it was a wise choice. After getting kicked out of my parents house for coming out to them I didn't finish school. It took till I was 19 and moved out here to California to get my GED, get on my feet, and then finally enrolled in a community college at 22.

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