JW ghost, demon, superstition stories

by RunningMan 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I remember hearing about a demonized plant once, always in the neighboring congregation or a congregation not here. Well in the story, it goes that a plant was given to a congregation by a woman that was studying and the congregation loved it. In time the congregation was having weird problems and the sisters said walking by the plant made them ill and that part of the Kingdom Hall was colder. They checked with the plant and went to the woman who gave it to them and found out she was worshiping the devil. So they discarded the plant and the congregation was back to normal in no time. So it was considered, that the plant was demonized. ALSO .... SMURFS are demons too! One supposely walked out of a Kingdom Hall once, some kid brought it as a toy and it walked out. Guess it did not like those long boring talks either.

  • greendawn

    I remember a JW who said that he was attacked by demons on the night before he was due to get baptised, and he thought they were trying to prevent him from doing so. They tried to take possession of his mind but he prayed and fought them off.

    I later thought that incident was caused by one (suppressed) part of himself having serious doubts about whether the JWs were the true religion and it tried to short circuit his intention to get baptised by contriving that demonic attack. He left the JWs a few years later.

  • wombat

    In one of my earliest posts, I referred to a story I had read on this site.

    A brother purchased a jacket from a thrift shop (second-hand) and wore it out on service. As he was giving a presentation at a door, the jacket suddenly wrestled him off the porch.

    (I also made comments about what happened to me after consuming a bottle or rum that I had obtained from someone else. But let's not go there again).

  • stillAwitness

    I remember the one about the smurf doll too! And funny thing is that story has been circulating for practically a decade or more now.

    I remember one about a lady whose house was possessed by the demons and once she started studying the bible with JW's and they would come to the house all the normal pounding of footsteps and unexplainable rattling of the windows would stop for that hour. But as soon as they would leave it would presume.

    That story had me not being able to sleep in my own bed for 2 weeks! My parents made me sleep on the floor of their room instead. I still had a bit of a bed wetting problem at that time.

  • RunningMan

    Thanks for the help everybody. Keep 'em coming.

    By the way, here is my favorite smurf story:

    Like humans, all demons have different personalities. Whereas some demons are content with playing practical jokes, others are more evil, in a variety of ways. One smurf doll was possessed by a particularly nasty demon who happened to be a rapist. One day, he cornered a Jehovah's Witness sister in a dark alley and started to rape her. Remembering her Watchtower training, she screamed as loud as she could and fought back. The smurf was so surprised that he stopped his attack and asked her why she reacted like this, when other women would just give in. The sister then gave him a thorough witness. The smurf was so impressed that he began to study and today is serving as an elder in a congregation in Minnesota. True story.

  • Highlander

    Runningman Are you from minnesota or have lived there before?

  • Legolas
    There is the story of the sister who was out in service and called on a man. After she left the door, she was approached by two police officers who said that the man had just killed the last two people who had come to his door. When they arrested him, they asked him why they didn't kill the JW woman. He said that he wouldn't touch her because of the two big guys with her. She was alone.

    I was told that one when I was studying!

  • Super_Becka
    There is the story of the sister who was out in service and called on a man. After she left the door, she was approached by two police officers who said that the man had just killed the last two people who had come to his door. When they arrested him, they asked him why they didn't kill the JW woman. He said that he wouldn't touch her because of the two big guys with her. She was alone.

    Hmm, I think Christianity in general uses this one, I've heard a variation this story before, but just in terms of the girl being a Christian who went to church and loved God, and so when she was walking alone in an alley and a murderer/rapist saw her, he stayed away because she had two men with her, and when he was asked later why he didn't attack her, he said he had seen two big men with her, but she'd really been alone. The JWs just changed the story a little to make it look like only a JW would get that kind of divine protection.

    -Becka :)

  • Purza

    You know what is sad? When I was a dub I actually believed all these stories. When I walked away for good I was PARANOID the demons were going to come after me. What an idiot I was!


  • RunningMan

    Highlander: No, I'm not from Minnesota, but I do change planes there quite often. The story has to reference someplace distant, otherwise people will know it's not true.

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