by DannyHaszard 402 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • sf

    Thus the insertion "many times" Frannie.


  • DannyHaszard
    Tacoma,Washington usa
    Witnesses’ blood ban could get more complex

    NEW YORK – Jehovah’s Witnesses are renowned for teaching that Jesus is not God and that the world as we know it soon will end. But another unusual belief causes even more entanglements: that God forbids blood transfusions even when patients ...

    • Tacoma News Tribune
    • 2/2/2006
    --------------- Has the extra content below A subsequent Watchtower pronouncement forbade storage of a patient’s own blood for later transfusion. In all, Associated Jehovah’s Witnesses lists 20 shifts and refinements in blood-related rules over the years. Other tenets of Jehovah’s Witnesses • Jesus isn’t God, and the Holy Spirit is merely God’s impersonal power. • Before his earthly birth, Jesus was the Archangel Michael. • The last days began in 1914 and the War of Armageddon will occur while people conscious of 1914 events remain alive. • After the current world system ends, true believers will enjoy paradise on Earth while 144,000 of the anointed rule with Jesus in heaven. • God’s proper name is Jehovah. • “Pagan” observances such as Christmas, birthdays and national holidays shouldn’t be celebrated. • Since Satan rules this world, true believers must not vote, hold public office, serve in the military or salute national flags. • Jesus died on a single “torture stake,” not a cross. • Believers should consider “theocratic” careers without worldly higher education. Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
  • DannyHaszard

    LETS GET OUR OWN JW NEWS WIRE Click and fill out form adapt edit what I posted below or copy verbatim I filled out the form and made a suggestion saying: This site is updated almost daily with news (pro and con) related to the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses), including their ongoing litigation regarding pedophiles, blood transfusion ban, overseas persecution of, and changes in leadership and policies. If enough nominations are made google may list-Danny Simon could also set up a news thread here at JWD

  • wombat


  • DannyHaszard
    DannyHaszard In a cult and want out? SIGN UP DR PHIL SHOW ON CULTS all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men/women to do nothing-Danny Haszard Bangor Maine

  • DannyHaszard
  • M.J.

    Has the story come up in a Seattle paper yet?

  • DannyHaszard

    Hypocritical JW religious discrimination lawsuit Mumphrey attorney called shining star in legal arena
    Houston Chronicle, United States - 1 hour ago
    ... 2002. The jury awarded his client, a prison employee and Jehovah's Witness, $500,000 in damages plus $44,000 in attorney fees. The ... [......A licensed attorney since 1994, Davis, 36, says he has tried about 70 cases as both a former prosecutor and a private attorney. Some of his notable victories include: •A federal religious discrimination suit against the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in 2002. The jury awarded his client, a prison employee and Jehovah's Witness, $500,000 in damages plus $44,000 in attorney fees. The employee claimed she suffered retaliation after she complained about a warden requiring employees to pray with him during monthly meetings.......]

  • X-jdub4life

    Once again, for the what is it? 20th time, they are changing their ~New Light~? Ugh! Talk about false prophets!

  • X-jdub4life

    Any one has a copy of the new ~Directive~? I sure would like to get my hands on the new info!

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