It's MR. SCHNE_BELLYS Birthday!!!

by schne_belly 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • schne_belly

    Yep....he's 29 years YOUNG today!!!!

  • arrowstar

    Happy Birthday!!


  • whyamihere

    Happy Birthday!

    Love ya guys to bits!


  • ButtLight

    Happy bday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you guys going out tonight? We could meet ya for a birthday drink!

  • IP_SEC

    Happy birthday MR Schne

  • schne_belly

    Thanks guys!! I appreciate everyone here!

    I know this post will seem confusing to those who don't know we (my wife and I) share the same handle...and post from different computers.

  • Brigid

    Got this off of

    People born on this cusp absolutely fascinate me. Ever torn between traditionalism and non-conformity. It's a unique journey for you.

    Born on a cusp: Capricorn-Aquarius

    Capricorn is the tenth Sign of the Zodiac; Aquarius is the 11th Sign. Those born on the Capricorn/Aquarius Cusp are involved with and interested in social institutions. They want to make them work as they were meant to work. They are humanitarians and philanthropists, the visionaries of the Zodiac. Friendship is important to them, and they have many acquaintances, in addition to their close friends. These people are also ambitious and disciplined, determined and dedicated to achieving their goals. They are practical, realistic and cautious not to get in over their heads.

    The astrological symbol of Capricorn is the Sea Goat. They start from the sea and ascend to the highest mountain tops, working their way upward with every step. While the path is not always smooth, their determination to succeed ensures they will persevere. The astrological symbol of Aquarius is the Water Bearer. Like the Bearer bringing water to his people, this Sign brings new ideas to the world. It represents consciousness and the flowing of ideas. Capricorn/Aquarians work hard to bring their ideas to fruition, stubbornly refusing to give up their causes. This may appear as a Capricorn trait, but it is actually representative of the Fixed quality of Aquarius. The Cardinal quality of Capricorn is seen in their ambition and their willingness to embark on new projects. These people are independent and individualistic, within the world but detached from it. While they are peace-loving and friendly, they can be narrow-minded and overcritical of those not as ambitious as they are.

    Capricorn is ruled by the Planet Saturn. In ancient Roman mythology, Saturn (and his Greek equivalent, Cronus) was the father of many of the gods, including Zeus. Saturn is about discipline, hard work and responsibility. It rules both Capricorn and Aquarius; Capricorn is the feminine, or night aspect, and Aquarius is the masculine, or day aspect. Both Signs are concerned with achieving goals through hard work, but Aquarians work hard to achieve their visions, while Capricorns use hard work to gain authority and social status. When the Planet Uranus was discovered, astrologers assigned it as the modern ruler of Aquarius. It is from this Planet that Aquarians receive their visionary nature. Uranus is associated with progress and technology -- anything that is radical -- and it rules electricity and astrology. Some Aquarians have genius that borders on insanity, and their progressive ideas and association with anything that is different makes them dissimilar from Capricorn. Those born on this Cusp are both unpredictable and unconventional, while being interested in upholding tradition and conservative belief systems.

  • schne_belly

    Brigid - I don't usually look at that kinda stuff, but wow.... I have to agree......

  • AlmostAtheist

    Happy Birthday!


  • Brigid

    Mr. Belly,

    You're welcome. I get that all the time. There is nothing set in stone, but there are currents to our life. You are captain of your ship.

    Take what you need. Leave the rest.

    Happy Birthday!

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