got my stopwatch.............

by BlackSwan of Memphis 60 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jgnat

    Schizm, your ignorance abounds. I don't think your disdain is limited to religious organizations. I suspect you don't like people much either. A small sampling of very determined organizations, spreading the Good News.

  • Schizm


    I'd like to know YOUR take on WHAT truth is, and WHERE it is. You seem to have trouble admitting you still feel somehow the WTBTS are the only ones who come/came close to pleasing the almighty.

    No, I don't have any trouble in that regard. I don't know what made you think that. My belief is that the religion as practiced by the WTS is what true worship is all about. That's not to say that there aren't problems that need to be ironed out. I believe that Daniel 11:35 is relevant to the WTS's present doctrinal errors, and as that scripture clearly shows, the true religion refered to there is due to undergo a doctrinal refinement.

    You hate churches, you hate the clergy. What DO you like in the religious arena? Is it ALL bad to you? Is there no truth to be found? If there is,....where is it?

    Nah, I really don't "hate" anybody ... not even AuldSoul (but don't let him know I said so, okay?). I do have an aversion to the Clergy's misconceptions and their hard-headedness, even as I do with the WTS's misconceptions. Of course I'm more apt to control my tongue when it comes to the WTS as compared to Christendom, because the WTS is my "mother". LOL

    Misconceptions about the Bible is a "turn off" for me, with the misconceptions of the WTS being no exception. To me, though, their is hope for the WTS (a coming "refinement"; Da 11:35) getting its doctrinal problems all straightened out, whereas there isn't any such hope for Christendom doing the same. Christendom will never change. Some of her member will, but her teachings about who God is, the immortality of the soul, etc. will remain with her until she is destroyed by the 8th King.

    Hope that didn't bore you too much. LOL


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Let's say you have 20 seconds (give or take) to make an impression on a jw. To say something that will stick in their head and make them really think. Because you know, that once they realize you are an apostate, they will shut down anything else that you have to say.
    What do you say?
    You have one sentence to do the above. What do you write?
    I realize that the thing is, some are just searching, and others are more like, well, Scholar. But this is your one shot. How do you simplify it to one statement?

    If 2 people get together to read the bible in the name of Jesus Christ, pray for Holy Spirit to direct them and they come out of their bible reading with completely different ideas then what the WT teaches, did the Holy Spirit mislead them?

    Sorry… Schizm did I interrupt?



  • Schizm
    Sorry… Schizm did I interrupt?



    This is really funny to me. For a change I stole some elses thread. Happens to me all the time girl. Check this one out, for example: The difference is that in YOUR thread we got off topic unintentionally, whereas there was a deliberate attempt by other to sabatoge my thread. You might ask: Where are the moderators at such times? My answer would be: I'll be damned if I know!


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    Sorry… Schizm did I interrupt?



    This is really funny to me. For a change I stole some elses thread. Happens to me all the time girl. Check this one out, for example: The difference is that in YOUR thread we got off topic unintentionally, whereas there was a deliberate attempt by other to sabatoge my thread. You might ask: Where are the moderators at such times? My answer would be: I'll be damned if I know!

    That is not a reply to this thread. Do you or don’t you have a reply to what this thread is about?

    Are you ever just nice to people? I mean, NICE?

    Like if I were to run into you at Panera’s (I don’t know if they have those where you live, great coffee and great food) and we were standing in line next to one another, would you be polite or would you be rude?

    I bet you are an exceptionally nice fellow, when you aren’t insulting people on jwd.

    Oh, Shite, I just got off my own topic. Darn you, Schizm!



  • Schizm
    Let's say you have 20 seconds (give or take) to make an impression on a jw. To say something that will stick in their head and make them really think.... What do you say?

    I wouldn't say anything. I wouldn't try to make an impression on them. With time, in the scripturally prescribed way (Da 11:35), the WTS will come around to realizing its real errors, and things will get straightened out the proper way.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    You know, since I believe that all things are possible, I am not going to say you’re wrong.

    I hope that one day, yes the WTS will realize it’s errors.

    And you have made an interesting point.

    What is the point on making an impression with people?

    To me, and you might agree, Jesus said that He is the truth. To uncover truth, wherever it lies, be it in religion, politics or philosophy or whatever… is important.

    IF a witness came to my door, I feel I have the responsibility to be truthful with them.
    Will I approach a crowd of JW’s in the coffee shop to put things in their face? No.

    I guess I am thinking along the lines of, if the opportunity arose, how does one use that opportunity?

    OR do we let the opportunity slide? Like you said, not try to make an impression.

    But then don’t we have the responsibility to tell a person the truth?

    I feel like this, if a person wants to be a dub, fine, as long as they are able to make an informed decision.

    Before getting dunked, they have the right to know the full truth about the chronology, the Pleaides and all the other things. If they learn about all that, all of it, and they want to be a witness, fine. So be it.

    On top of that!, a person can be easily put into the position of losing everyone they love or truth, when no man, absolutely no man, has the right to do that.

    I guess, if someone is going to tell me that they are joining the jw’s, how do I help them to understand that they really need to do their homework, before they do?

    Even if the WTS comes around, in the meantime, my mom could very well die before that happens and I won’t at least get to say to her “Despite the problems in our family, I love you and you did the best you could.”

    I don’t want someone else’s heart to break. That’s all.

    So, in 20 seconds, what can I say that will help a person to at least understand that they need to really prayerfully, look at the whole of the WTS? Before they and their family, get so involved, that down the road a heart is needlessly broken?

    Hey, you still didn’t answer me. If we were in a coffee shop, what are you going to be like?


  • gumby


    Right kindly of ya to open up a bit there and tell us all your feelings in a nutshell. I figured you was about three quarters of a tease online.

    Don't get excited of me being nice though.....cuz I still think your a dipshit for having hope and belief in the Watchtower society. You've been on this board way long enough to see this sickening cult exposed in more ways than one....and you still feel they are the closest to god than others. From false prophecy, to double standards, to lying, to causing unwarranted deaths and divorces, broken families, and suicides this organisation has caused, and yet you'd put their adherants in line for salvation above a sweet little faithful baptist lady who's more devoted than most of them spiritually who wouldn't pull the shit they pull in the name of god.

    I'm disappointed in you for the mind you have.... and yet will not let go of a ship that sank shortly after it left port.


  • Schizm

    First time I looked at that it said "Shithead" (which I've also been called before). I Felt a bit flattered, then realized I had misread it.

    You've been on this board way long enough to see this sickening cult exposed in more ways than one....

    I've read claims made to that effect, but not really anything I see worth believing.

    From false prophecy

    I don't see the WTS's mistaken interpretations as "false prophecy". I think that's an exageration.

    to double standards

    I don't judge a book by its cover. I have to know all the facts before I'm able to pass judgement on any given situation. The "stories" others tell which supposedly prove that the WTS uses "double standards" doesn't mean much to me because I really have no way of being sure all the facts have been disclosed. Most times, the only ones that know the other side of the story are those that aren't here to tell of it.

    to lying

    Nothin' wrong with a little Theocratic War Strategy. Governments make use of the same tactic all the time.

    to causing unwarranted deaths

    Any death is a sad thing, of course. "Unwarranted deaths," you say? If people die because they refuse a form of medical treatment based upon what they themselves chose to believe, then who's fault is that? It's not only the WTS's fault for having misunderstood what the Bible teaches about blood and taught it. Each adherent to the religion has the responsibility to know whether or not the doctrines are sound, which includes the leadership. I haven't seen or read of any positive evidence of situations where the WTS is guilty of "causing unwarranted deaths".

    and divorces

    I personally know of a divorce that absolutely shocked me to learn about--a couple who were getting up there in age, and whose marriage was thought to be rock-solid--but I know of no divorces that are attributable to the WTS itself. Even the divorce that I'm aware of, I don't know all the details about.


    Well, even Jesus himself expected that would happen.

    and suicides this organisation has caused

    You make it sound intentional. I personally don't think a parent should shun their son or daughter to the point of cutting them entirely off. But that has happened, and is no doubt continuing to happen. The problem exists because of the ignorance of both the parents and the WTS. The WTS does the best it can in trying to understand the Bible correctly, and if it fails here or there then that's just the way the cookie crumbles--unless there's someone who wishes to go to the trouble to set the WTS straight.

    yet you'd put their adherants in line for salvation above a sweet little faithful baptist lady

    I haven't ruled out anybody being in line for salvation.

    who wouldn't pull the shit they pull in the name of god

    For example?

    I'm disappointed in you for the mind you have.... and yet will not let go of a ship that sank shortly after it left port.

    Sometime I dissapoint myself, but I think you're in for a surprise about the WTS's future.


    If any of this doesn't make a lick of sense, it's likely because I've been near to falling asleep for quite a while.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    If any of this doesn't make a lick of sense, it's likely because I've been near to falling asleep for quite a while.


    That’s why God created sleep.

    I think we can agree on that.

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