my last meeting

by flag 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Welcome flag, you seem to be well on your way to freeing yourself from the captivity of the JWs.

  • flag

    I was the only one attending from my home. My husband hasn't been to the meetings for about 7 years (only occacional) and the reason he gave many years ago was that he did not want the kids to suffer the pain to be different and he want them to feel that they had other choice. At that time at did not quite understand his point of view but I respected it and I think deep inside of me I wanted the same thing for them because I never opposed to that and always thought that if the elders came to me and questioned me about them been in sports I would say that I was just following the "head of the house decision" . But they never approached me on the subject. I think because I had always been a straight forward person and had drawn my line on the sand and they don't know what to think of me.

  • flag

    When I made the decision of not attending meetings any more I did not feel guilty. Actually I was feeling worst by going to the meeting just to warmth the seat and not believing much of what they said. Also I felt like such a hypocrite going to the field service and not believing what I was preaching. I used to avoid the profecies issues.

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