Curious as to what a wedding at the KH is like...

by Riverwatcher 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass
    By not allowing the Kingdom Hall to be used by a Witness who plans to ‘become unevenly yoked with an unbeliever,’ the congregation elders can underscore the seriousness of God’s counsel to marry "only in the Lord

    ... yawn. I think IfTheresAGod avoids KH weddings for their total lack of love and inspiration towards it.

    I like to think that IfTheresAGod dropped in on mine briefly, to take in the spectacular view over the mountain range with the rainforest behind us. Put on some gorgeous weather for us too. I can't think of a more depressing place to take your vows to share your life with someone than on the same stage you've had to stare at three boring times a week for your entire life thus far.

    Just before I got the boot, I attended a JW couples' wedding outside a KH. They were put under a lot of pressure by their Elder Body to have the ceremony in the KH as it 'brings glory to Jehovah'. I think there was a lot more glory to god happening in the garden they chose than would have been if they'd had it in their shabby, gloomy, stinky hall with the plastic seats and plants.

    ... then again, they will always be *under suspicion* by their congregation; 'what did they do to disqualify them from having the wedding at the KH?'

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