Nearly a week smoke-free, and I am MOODY!!!

by AlmostAtheist 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Dave - haven't followed the thread except the first entry and the last. I see you are still smoke free. Congrats to this point.

    I heard once that if you thread a hair from a horses tail thru a cigarrette that the one smoking it would become so ill that he/she would not ever lift another one to his/her lips. Not that I recommend it - but if you try it let us know how it worked. Hint; make sure you remove the hair from the tail first - horses have been known to get angry when someone lights up right in their ass.


  • AlmostAtheist
    Hint; make sure you remove the hair from the tail first - horses have been known to get angry when someone lights up right in their ass.

    No worries on that score, Jeff. I'm never doin' THAT again!

    It's gotten harder in the past few days. I hope this is the "hump" and not the middle of some ever-steepening hill.


  • Gretchen956

    Dave, don't worry about tomorrow or next week, thats where you lose. Its one day at a time, and sometimes its one minute at a time. You can do this!


  • AlmostAtheist

    Thanks for reminder and the encouragement, Sherry. As it happens, I'm chewing the gum less and less and finding the urge to smoke hitting me less and less. Quitting really seems to be in sight this time. Today marks three weeks smoke-free.


  • Gretchen956

    Woooooohooooooo!!! Congratulations Dave! I bet your wife is pretty happy you're getting over this!!


  • serendipity

    Good job Dave!!

  • Stewart75

    Let me recommend this site...

    after smoking for 10 years it has really helped me, this book by Allen Carr...

    Worth a look I am confident!! try it.

    You have my best wishes..


  • fairchild
    Today marks three weeks smoke-free.

    That's a huge accomplishment, Dave! Great job!!

  • LittleToe

    Well done, Dave! You're over the worst of it, but you need to keep your motivation high.

    You need to treat yourself for your milestone accomplishments, like fixing something in mind for the one month mark; for example taking Gina out to dinner

  • greendawn

    You are winning the battle and overwhelming the habit, very soon you will start enjoying the good rewards, saving your money and saving your health from cigarettes.

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