by exodus 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • exodus

    Hi all,

    Well my friend, after a second attempt to reach out to me and give me the decision last night I received an unexpected visit from two of the local Elders. Apparently the two WTS agents decided to pass the torch to the local elders this time. This local elders of course had nothing to do with this JC in the first place. This was organized by the CO along with WTS instructions. The local elders were kept way. Anyway they informed me that that the JC had reached the decision to DISFELLOWSHIP ME FOR APOSTACY. I wasn't surprise at all.

    I asked about the letters I sent and no respond was giving. I asked why they reach such a decision without giving any kind of consideration to my letters as to why the case was handle parcially. The JC was under the direction of the CO and WTS.

    Now, who were the coward for not showing up?. Instead they sent two elders who had nothing to do with the case in the first place. I've changed my mind and was willing to accept their visit this time. So that's why I allowed my local to come in. I won't even bother appealing the decision. What for? There is no justice within this WTS. The only justice I know come from Jehovah God and Jesus christ and not from this men made org. I'll be subsequently execute next week. I will miss all my friends but I think I have gained a lot more and true friends whom I feel their unconditional love on this board. I love you all for giving me all the support that I need it. It was sad scene to see my fellow Elders shock up in tears knowing that it was not what they expected. They knew they were losing a true friend but what can they can do. I appreciated all the years I worked closely with the elders in helping the flock and the love and care we showed them. I told them I was not going to shun them at all and that if they ever need help I will be more than willing to help. It is up to them to stand up for truth and the real christian love. My love for God and Jesus still remains and no one will take that way from me or family. I'm ashamed of been part of all of JC I was assigned. If there is anything I can say to those who's lives were severed I will apoligize and ask their forgiveness.

    Life goes on for me and my family. I have a lot of catching up to do now. I can now fulfill my long time dreams. Get my BA and then my master. I will contribute more towards helping my community in a more productive way. I'll conitnue to raise my kids and give them all the support and good spiritual values I've learned from the bible. I'm reaccessing the damages and hopefully this will take sometime to heal. I still have a strong faith and God and Jesus and I know deep inside that it was in my best interest to just leave quietly. Of course I was force to leave and it goes to show for all those WTS defenders that there is not a honorable discharge in this org. This once again has been proved.

    Thank you all for all your support and love!

  • Disengaged


    Keep your chin up things will only get better. It will take time to heal though. Make no mistake about that. Time heals all....

    "They couldn't quite explain it, they'd always just gone there.....mmmm.mmm.mmm. CTDummies

  • Shaneliza

    Hang in there. You're going to have good days and bad. Just keep in mind what you are gaining now....the freedom to live your life the way YOU see fit. The freedom to make your OWN decisions. You will make new friends that will accept you for who you are and will not stand in judgement over you. You have alot of support already from the wonderful people who visit this board.

  • beroea

    I feel sad for you. You didn’t have the opportunities to make your own decision at your own speed. Sometimes circumstances are not in our hand. There is nothing you are able to do – so try to accept the realities. If you fell anger then fell anger for sometimes – but not to long. It’s only destructive in the long run. See this as opportunities for a new start of a new live. You are free to do something you haven’t been able to do before.

    In your post I read you still believes in God and the Lord Jesus Christ. The Borg has nothing to do with that and is not able to split you from them.

    I’m still an elder - here in Europe - as you have been. I still consider you as a brother in faith. A DF from “nobody and nothing” will never change that. Keep smiling my brother - and take care of your family. Show them you still are a good father and stay with them in good and bad times.

    Love from

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'd like to add my word of support.

    I admire you for the stand you've taken and I feel empathy for you in the difficulties you've endured.

    Although you may be feeling quite OK right now, don't be surprised if you find yourself hit by waves of sadness from time to time. You've planned to set new goals for yourself and to move toward accomplishing them, and that will be very helpful. Keep reminding yourself of the progress you've made and the progress you will continue to make.

    "And life itself told me this secret:'Behold,' it said, 'I am that which must overcome itself again and again."
  • Patriot

    Hey Exodus,

    Thats alright, they were the cowards this time.

    One thing that you did not mention to everyone here is that you did not even get to GO to the Judicial Comm. They interviewed additional witnesses and even made a date to meet with you, but you informed them that you were going on vacation for 2 weeks this month. Then when you came back, this is the decision that they took in YOUR ABSENCE!!!!!

    I hope that every "loyal" witness hear can see how underhanded and sneaky this Org. is. This brother was not given a chance to question the witnesses against him or to accept the counsel given by these elders or to "repent" from his actions.

    Even though these are clear guidelines outlined in the elders manual and partially in the organized book.

    So the question then is: Why did they rush to hush up this brother? Why weren't clear guidelines followed? Why wasn't this brother even present when they took this decision? Now he's disfellowshipped for apostacy?

    Well loyal JW's just remember that if you have the slightest doubt or question about any of the Borgs teachings then this is also you fate: A quick and silent death in order to take away any chance that you have to keep talking to others.

    But he that laughs last does laugh best, you see one of the reporters from Dateline have been following this case and will now mention it in their special and show how when you question certain "rules" including the harboring of pedophiles, then you get shup up and fast.

    Good going WTS, just added more wood to the fire, Everyone will know who the goons involved were.



  • sf

    {{{{{{Tight hugs for you and your family}}}}}

    You are an inspiration.

    And now you are free. Soar high my friend.

    Love, sKally (shedding a few tears here)

  • joelbear

    These types of things adversely affect the watchtower society in a couple of ways.

    1) Honest, straight forward people are kicked out and the society thus loses their strength and experience.

    2) The ones that remain become hardened by their experiences in kicking out people they know are really honest hearted ones.

    On both accounts they lose.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If possible, please post the relevant sections of the Elder's manual and org handbook here for all to see.

    "Hi everybody. I'm dead now, and I have to let you know I was wrong, terribly, terribly wrong. Flee while you still have breath in you!."

    - Nathan The Devil

  • Winston


    Embrace your freedom because it is oh soooooooooo good!

    Former elder turned apostate (by WT definition)[:)}and proud of it!

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