Elder Horror Stories

by Saoirse 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Saoirse

    Ozzie suggested we get all these stories together so I started a new thread. Post yours here!

    I have a friend that hasn't been to a meeting in over a year. She recently got a divorce from her abusive JW spouse. He beat her up and tore down a door in front of several people.

    Now this jerk decides that he wants to date but he can't because he's not scriptually free to marry. So he has started stirring up a bunch of crap trying to get his ex-wife in trouble with the elders. He is also spreading rumors that I gave my friend apostate literature (not true) and has gotten me shunned by some family members. I hate this guy.

    Last week, the elders came to the door while she was in the shower. Her young son answered the door. He told them she couldn't come to the door. They pushed past the boy and forced there way inside!!! They told him that it was urgent that they speak to her and told him to go get his mother.

    My friend comes out of the shower, wrapped in a towel and peers over the balcony and sees two elders standing in her foyer. She told them this wasn't a good time, that she had company coming and to please leave. They said - "but it's urgent we speak to you." She said "too bad, I don't have time, please leave". So they left.

    First of all, I can not believe these guys forced their way into her house like that, I would have called the cops. Is this normal procedure for elders?

    Secondly, her number is listed, why didn't they just call and try to schedule an appointment with her?

  • mustang
    First of all, I can not believe these guys forced their way into her house like that

    I have had a similar experience.


  • Elsewhere

    Yup... I've found elders parked outside my apartment watching me.

  • BluesBrother
    He is also spreading rumors that I gave my friend apostate literature (not true

    I'll bet that had something to do with it.

  • FairMind

    Yep, they’ll do stuff like that. One time my ex-wife falsely accused me of having had affairs with at least fifteen different women. The elders called a friend (inactive JW) with whom I spent a lot of time hiking and running and told him that he HAD to meet with them and tell them everything he knew about me. He told them where to get off.

  • Swan

    I'm pretty sure they had my house under surveillance after I sent in my letter of DA. I thought it might be them but all of my friends thought I was just being paranoid. Then later on I found out that the local elders had done the same thing to another family "suspected" of apostasy.


  • Lilycurly

    Ha! I'd love catching elders watching me out of my appartment! I'd make sure they see me as I take a look out at them, point a finger and laugh! I'd perhaps lift a finger too, if I felt real pissed.

  • Stephanus
    Ha! I'd love catching elders watching me out of my appartment! I'd make sure they see me as I take a look out at them, point a finger and laugh!

    It'd be fun to be obviously taking pictures of them with a camera , and pretending to be scribbling notes on a notepad - you'd probably see less of them in short order.

  • delilah
    When I was dating( my now husband), the elders had my JW neighbour spy on me, and report to them, how often my "boyfriend" was coming to my house....she told me this AFTER I was reinstated.....
  • HockeyMullet

    Here's one that just happened to my mother. She had just sent in her letter of disassociation last Friday (she beat me to it). Wednesday rolls around and she has to run into town so she hastily backs out of her driveway and is hit by a fuel truck. She has my 7 month old neice in the back, and thankfully noone is hurt. Just startled. The fuel truck ends up in the ditch with the driver really freaked out because of the crying baby. And who drives by at this time as well? One of the elders(at least when I was a jw). He drives by under 5 mph and smiles as he's looking at the totalled vehicle and goes about a 1/4 mile up the road, turns around and gives my mother the "It serves you right" look and waves as he continues on his way. The accident just happened and this !@#$% doesn't stop to see if everyone is alright. We will have words if/when I see him in public.

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