by Terry 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Fool me once; shame on you...

    Fool me twice; shame on me.

    We've all heard that one before. It implies that being fooled is everybody's susceptibility until more facts are presented which enable more critical thinking.

    Critical thinking is something you aren't born with. It takes lots of practice.

    And anything humans want to learn requires many tries. Among the tries there are failures. So, we all make mistakes.

    But, being gullible isn't just making a "mistake"; it indicates a susceptibility to being fooled that in part of your habitual nature.


    What steps have you taken to overcome your willingness to "buy in" to what you want to be true (which may not be true at all)?

    DO YOU LIKE IT THAT WAY? In other words, do you prefer to be fooled about certain beliefs to the extent you cannot/will not penetrate deeply into counter-arguments?

    Example: If a friend took you aside and told you your mate was cheating on you; would you PREFER not to believe it--and--therefore CHOOSE to be gullible instead of investigating?

    This sort of thing goes on with people all the time.

    People are reluctant to change their INVESTED world view.

    They'd rather live in a fantasy if it comfortable.

    Are you that way?


  • LittleToe

    What's the difference between cynicism and scepticism?


    I think that most of the posters here can attest to the fact that we were all gullible at some point over our religious beliefs. I wanted to believe that everything I was taught, especially the coming Paradise on earth, was for real. Finally, after more than 40 years of hearing that it was just minutes away...I had to face the music and see it for what it was. It was a very tough thing to do on the one hand and yet liberating at the same time. Is there a part of me that wants to go back and live in that unreality again? NO If I had a choice to know the truth or not about something, I'll take the truth...I really do not like being fooled.


  • Terry
    What's the difference between cynicism and scepticism?

    A CYNIC views life as it is without resorting to the rose-colored glasses of an ideology or other mitigating emotional stances. A cynic is often considered a "party-pooper" by those around them. However, the purpose of cynicism is to deal with reality as much as humanly possible. A cynic wants to deal with facts and not with window-dressings.

    A SKEPTIC is another matter. Often a skeptic is philisophically reticent to accept that anything can be proved and that all we can hope for is a vague approximation of reality due to the flaw in human perception.

    The problem with language and definitions in this instance is that language is fluid enough that each person using these two terms might have slightly differnt personal definitions and thus an argument might consist of cross purposes.

    This is why I prefer to define my terms very often before launching into a long back and forth.

    My own view is that of the CYNIC. I don't want people pussyfooting with me and trying to color what they tell me to "spare" me some perceived hurt. Just the facts. It is up to me to be a grownup and use facts with prudence toward achieving an even footing with reality.

    Has any lady ever asked you, "How do I look in this dress?" only to sulk if you didn't answer the answer SHE WANTED TO HEAR?

    This is the sort of dualism inherent in so many social interaction that we tend to develop a recursive habit of not telling the exact truth to ourselves and others just to "go along to get along".


  • Terry

    The TRUTH for a JW is different from an ex JW.

    A JW wants to believe what the Watchtower Society tell them no matter how contrary it might be to fact.

    An ex JW wants to be told the facts no matter how contrary it might be to the Watchtower Society.

    And they call us, the Apostates, the ones who are evil?

    We are apostates to fantasy. We are apostates to mind-control. We are apostates to a manufactured world-view. We are apostates to counterfeit reality.


  • luna2

    I'm pretty gullible, I'm sad to say...and, no, I don't like being this way. Its very lowering to discover that you've been a fool.

    I didn't realize this about myself until after a series of very painful experiences culminating in the discovery that the whole JW thing was false, false, false.

    Unfortunately, I appear to be wired this way...to accept things and people at face value until I'm hit over the head enough times that I finally "get it". The questions that I should be asking often don't even occur to me.

    I probably should make a permanent list of things that I should know, questions I should ask, and things I will no longer do (ie, lending money) so that I can refer to it before making any more stupid decisions.

  • Satanus
    Are you that way?

    No, i have ripped off the rose colored glasses a few times. Each time resulted in pain, depression or disallusionment.


  • 2112

    In the end at all comes down to personal resopnsability. Yes we are all at time gullible and we can and probably have been fooled at one time or another. But what about those people that we know who have seen the real truth about the WT, yet they choose to ignore the evidence. They refuse to take the personal responcability to stand up for what they know is right. They all have their reasons what ever they may be. I think that they are counting on the fact that they will be able to stand before the judgment seat of Christ and be able to say "Ijust did what the elders told me" This can be said for any religion,cult, group, or whatever. But how many threads do we read here and you can just feel the frustration of those posting the the dubs just refuse to even look at evidence. Or when shown the evidence, they say "nope, not going to believe it" When we know some one who can say that they don't believe every WT teaching but still say it's from God, they have to have one three mindsets. First would be that they are totaly stupid people- there may be a few, but I would not like say such. Second, they would have to be pathological liers-which many seen to be. Third, and this one is scarry, they would have to be a sociopath. I know that may seen harsh but the profile fits. Remember I am not saying all dubs fall into one of these three groups just those who see the lies and yet still support the WT as God org. and never change.

    I again admit that I was there at one time so I'm not trying to sound accusatory. I know many here don't subcsribe to the whole God thing, and that is ok. At least you are being honest with yourself and others.

  • skyman
    cynicism is to deal with reality as much as humanly possible. A cynic wants to deal with facts and not with window-dressings

    I enjoy people challenging my beliefs. I was at one time the person, I hate now. The first time I lost an argument about religion was when I was 18 years old. It was over the cross. I refussed to budge. I went the college library and did not find what I wanted, so I ordered book from other library's that I thought would prove the JW's right. Finally I gave up, I was months into this argument before I gave up. Even then I could not believe the Society was wrong and refussed to admit it.

    I am a big cynic now I believe anything I think is true can be proved wrong. I welcome information and hate stupidity. I admit when I am wrong and thank the person showing me the facts.

  • Woodsman

    The reason I left the WTS was due to personal integrity and dignity.

    I no longer lie to myself or others about religous doctrines. I no longer allow others to lie to me.

    Jesus said beware you are not mislead. It is impossible for a JW to follow Christ's command unless they question the WTS which they are not supposed to do.

    They reason in circles:

    I trust the WTS so I don't need to read anything that would reveal faults and diminish my trust.


    I haven't read anything that reveals faults with the WTS or diminishes my trust in them.


    I trust the WTS so I don't need to read anything that would reveal faults and diminish my trust.


    JWs use more discernment to buy a car than they do with this life and death decision of following the Tower.

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