JW video about Katrina relief

by zagor 42 Replies latest social entertainment

  • wombat

    ***Alot of people complain that the WTS do little, if any humanitarian work. And when they do....It gets critised.****

    You should have said "And when the FINALLY do.....etc"

    Saorise......Great points. Like, they can't afford TV/radio programs ? Are they really serious about getting the "good news" out. Or is the door-to-door just a means of controlling their members.

    The WTS needs a good Marketing Manager. Also, so does Jehovah. He really mucked up picking them as his Chosen People.

  • luna2

    The relief effort is great. The making of propaganda tapes in order to puff up the WTS is disgusting and taints the memory of the good that was done. If you do something positive and beneficial, shouldn't that be enough? Are you doing it to make a "showy display" or are you doing it to help people purely because its the right thing to do? Does God need a tape deliniating exactly how many hours or how many people or how much food the holy WTS contributed?

    I think that's what has always disturbed me the most about the dubs. The WTS is not a truly spiritual organization. It doesn't seem to think that just pleasing their god with their activities is enough...or maybe they don't think Jehoho is taking note of what they are doing so its necessary to count everything and put all of their efforts into published reports as proof that they've accomplished something. Kind of a pathetic sort of god who needs that kind of record-keeping in order to know what his people are up to...or who directs them to make videos bragging on how great it is that his really, truly, one and only borganization did something to help people (mostly their own people) in a major catastrophy.

  • jschwehm

    The problem is not that the Watchtower Society participated in Hurricane Katrina relief. The problem is how they participated and perhaps why.

    When a major disaster happens the JWs mobilize and send lots of volunteers and help. This could be a good thing. However, it has been reported that most of this help goes only to their own fellow JWs or those somehow associated with the JWs whom they would like to convert. Others just get the left overs. It also seems that the JWs like to use these disasters and their ability to help at least initially as great opportunities to brag about their supposed superiority over other relief and religious organizations. This is not in keeping with authentic Christian charity. Authentic Christian charity is about giving without expecting anything back, giving to all in need, and giving without tooting ones own horn about being better than everyone else.

    Recently, I had the privilege of speaking with a young man who was investigating the JWs. He brought up about the love that the JWs show to each other and how effective they are in hurricane relief. I told him that the JWs are very good at mobilizing their people to donate food and supplies in the initial aftermath of a disaster but then I asked the question, "Are the JWs going to be there to help the community rebuild over the long term? Once the TV cameras stop rolling are the JWs going to be opening schools to educate the children of the Gulf South or opening hospitals to take care of the sick of the Gulf South, or opening nursing homes to care for the aged of the Gulf South, or opening soup kitchens or food pantries to feed the needy of the Gulf South over the long term?" I asked him to look into what groups already had schools up and running in New Orleans even before the gov't could get their act together. His answer, "the Catholics, the Lutherans, and other Christian denominations and non-Christian religions." What about the JWs? He said no they do not do that. Why?

    I can tell you the reason. It is because the JWs are not into disaster relief over the long term and the JWs misunderstand what authentic Christian charity is about. It is not about getting converts or making one religious or disaster relief group appear superior to another, it is about showing love to all people because all people regardless of their religious beliefs are children of God and deserve to be treated as such.

    Jeff Schwehm


  • DannyBloem

    I read this thread 15 minutes ago, and notices I was singing the song in the movie

    Anyway, of course a lot of JW and the WTS are not all bad. They do care for their fellow brothers and sisters (or for their sheep). probably they really want to help and do good, they have feelings also. (and that it is a nice opportunity for some preaching is a nice coincidence).

    It does not say anything about right or wrong. Most cirminals love their mother. Many religions care about these things and help others. So?
    Just give them the credit for this and move on to important issues

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Just give them the credit for this and move on to important issues

    Danny, I think we've done that here.


  • heathen

    In all fairness the bible principal is to do fine works before all men . Of course they are miserable hypocrites and proply are relying on these type of compaign messages to boost their image some .

  • katiekitten

    Didnt jesus say something about blessed being those who do good works in private, and dont go about praying on the street corners about it?

    I dunno. I think any good works are good, but you dont need to go making a video about them. If I give a homeless person some money I dont video it on my mobile phone and show all my relatives later.

  • observador

    But wait a minute... are these things now allowed for "true christians" ?

  • bebu

    I'm actually relieved to hear that they did something. I'll bet many of you may have been involved, if you had still been active. I would love to see the WTS shackles drop off of the ones who helped.

    I don't expect perfection in every action, it's nice to see something done even if motivations aren't pure. What I wonder is, how they can pat themselves for restoring an area that has a huge reputation for all kinds of immoral people (per the WTS), as NO was full of Catholics, and voodoo practitioners, had the Mardi Gras, etc.. Aren't they always sighing for God to wipe out all of the people on this evil earth? How can they reconcile the relief effort? Fatalism and judgementalism says that they shouldn't help anyone...


  • observador

    Now we're talking....

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