Aliens having some fun??

by Okidok 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Okidok

    This formation appeared as usually suddenly last sunday at Wherwell,Hampshire. This can not be called crop circle. Lots of spots are making a pattern of a face.
    This image maker is clever whoever it is.

    What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
    Woody Allen

  • Abaddon

    Okidok; You posted a URL when I last replied to a post of yours (another crop circle picture).

    Have you actually been to that web site?

    Do you believe what the person writes?

    So there's the greys, and they're short, bad, consume liquidised flesh, and are in cohoots with the CIA/NSA (which are both Nazi organisations).

    They are the bad guys, as they want our planet, or our genes. A bit like the Soviets in the Cold War, except they wanted our jeans.

    Then there are the Swedes, or the blondes, who are good guys and between six and six and a half feet tall, and can drop in and out of space time, but their planet was taken over by the greys and the few that escaped are trying to help humanity falling victim to the same fate.

    However, you have to be careful as the greys make clones of the Swedes, but you can tell when you look in their eyes that they're clones, as there is no intelligence there.

    That's the gist of what I read; admittedly (sorry if this sounds harsh and like I've already formed an opinion) I only sped-read various extracts, but I have never, even including WT literature, ever, ever ever ever, read such a humungous load of balls in my entire life.

    Do you believe in that stuff??

    Oh, be careful, you're being watched by the greys...

  • Okidok

    Hi Abaddon. Yes I have been to that site, I think you mean The Dulce report. A lot of conspiracy theories. I believe there is secrets that have to be fully disclose.
    Take a look at this site

    What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
    Woody Allen

  • Okidok

    you said:

    Do you believe in that stuff??

    I believe in what I can see. I believe this image is not man made.
    Why? because it is impossible to create this image in 15 minutes with only help from your feet.
    Another formation seen near to this above is this:

    Two formations were reported to have appeared on Sunday 19th August in a wheat field next to the radio telescope at Chilbolton, Hampshire. One is a very strange rectangular formation with what looks distinctly like some kind of digital code displayed within it, the code being illustrated by standing patterns of crop. The second formation is also completely unique; at first it appears to be a random collection of standing circular clumps of varying sizes, also contained within a rectangle shape. However, as you get further from the pattern and gain some perspective, suddenly, and quite spookily, you see a face staring out at you from the crop field! Nothing like this has ever been seen before.

    What is so interesting is that this ‘dot matrix face’ and the strip of code next to the radio telescope are remarkably similar to the kinds of coded information we sent out into space on the Voyager spacecraft. Could this be our reply or some strange intergalactic echo?

    Many have already commented that they see a distinct similarity between this formation and the mysterious ‘face’ on Mars.

    Is this the face of the real circlemakers or a likeness of our own image engraved into the crop fields of Hampshire? Watch this space... Or is it space watching us?

    What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
    Woody Allen

  • StifflersErSlayersBrother

    hehe, either that, or the aliens r tryin to play an Atari game with us, GALLACTIC PONG!!!!!

  • Okidok

    Hi StifflersErSlayersBrother
    Nice to see you are laughing

    What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
    Woody Allen

  • lauralisa

    to Abaddon:

    Most lies about blondes are false.

    The above statement is true.


    It's only water from a stranger's tear (Peter Gabriel)

  • rem

    It's funny to me how some underestimate the enginuity of human beings.


    "Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so."
    ..........Bertrand Russell

  • Okidok

    Hi rem

    It's funny to me how some underestimate the enginuity of human beings

    Leonardo Da Vinci used several months to paint Mona Lisa. I dont underestimate his enginuity. But if he had used only 15 minutes to fullfill his painting? Would you beleived that??

    What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
    Woody Allen

  • larc


    I am really upset. These aliens spend all their time in the UK and don't come to the corn and wheat fields of the mid west of the United States. Now, that is just not fair. Maybe they are afraid that we will blast them to bits with our smart bombs. I don't know. I just don't know.

    Oki, do you think the aliens would be receptive to a Bible study with the Witnesses? What do you think?

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