If You Had Internet Access Years Ago----Would You Have Gotten Out Sooner?

by minimus 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    I would surely be out quicker because some final doubts I had about the FDS and the GB would have been resolved, I would have been 100% sure that they were a con.


    I think I might have. It's hard to say positively either way. However, the thought of having thousands of people with your back, could have gotten me out quicker.

  • lucifer

    For me it would've depended on my parents, since I'm only 18 now I just basically followed them religion-wise, but I'm pretty sure if mom had access to the info she has now I can safely say yes we would have been out sooner

  • minimus

    The more I look on the net, the more I realize that I would have left years ago!

  • skeeter1


  • Nellie

    I'd like to think so - but the reality of it is - they call it "brain washing" for a reason. Until you're ready to hear the truth, nothing and no one can make you accept it. I had opportunity and desire (I was really really curious after Ray Franz was disfellowshipped), but I wasn't ready.

  • Junction-Guy

    This is an older topic, and Im not sure if I have already responded on here in the past, but yes I would have left alot sooner. I already had doubts about it from the day I was born, I just didnt know where to look for answers. If not for the internet, I would still be a fence sitter to this very day, still waiting on Armageddon.

  • done4good

    I hate to admit this, but although I considered researching jws on the net years ago, (late '90s), and had Internet access a good few years before that, (1995), I could never bring myself to do it then. It really took personal changes in my life to get to "wake up" to the point where I could freely research dubs on the net. Glad I did though.


  • JWdaughter

    No, I got out as soon as I reasonably could in any case. I was 15 then. Probably would have learned more earlier, but also learned enough to fade a little more gently. Still would be out by 15.

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