Finally got scans of the new blood card

by PoppyR 46 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Jourles

    bttt....What? No heavy discussion on this?

  • observador

    thanks for the scans, PoppyR.

    It seems like the last page of the "instructions" is missing???

  • sf

    Haha..."seems of sound body and mind" while lying here on a gernie bleeding to death...

    Now, where do I sign doctor?


    This blood card needs to be included in that essay from Kerry. The world needs to WITNESS the WTBTS sheer insanity. Too many misinformed parents are allowing their children to die, in the name of THAT insanity.


  • AuldSoul

    Another copy from an anonymous (unless they choose otherwise) blood [card] donor:

    UK Blood Card (PDF format; 334 KB)

  • Balsam

    Poppy thank you so much for those scans. I had seen one the other day that belonged to a JW neighbor of mine but I couldn't ask her to let me scan it. I was so wanting a copy of that. Thanks,

    Balsam aka Mary at AJWRB

  • PoppyR

    Hi observador

    No.. it's all there, the page is just shorter and has a blank space underneath to add names, I didn't scan the blank part to save on file sizes, the final page is also blank,

    just a small observation but it's printed on terrible cheap quality paper! I've noticed that a lot lately with the WTBTS stuff.

    I didn't think actually... but I have two of the junior cards my husband brought home, which I promptly put in the bin, I didn't look at those properly as they looked the same as previous years.. I should have scanned them.. sorry! I was too focussed on making sure they weren't filled in!

    Poppy xxx

  • Atlantis



    Many Thanks!

  • Gerard

    I disagree with the whole thing specially the statement that this card was signed "free from fraud or undue influence". If your law suit is heard and the blood brochure is shown to have misrepresentations it can be argued that was fraud and then I can see a point developing against undue influence to refuse certain medical treatments.

    Did I just saw the light?

  • Gerard

    Am I misreading something or the WT just changed their blood doctrine by accepting autologous (your own blood, stored previous to treatment) blood transfusions?

  • loosie

    When is this to be released in the states?

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