Jw answers to questions

by lime05 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • lime05

    A few points OldSoul made on the forum a while back which Jehovah’s Witnesses have no explanation for. I asked a witness and he gave me these answers. Please leave any comments.

    (1) They have no explanation for why they believe the Faithful and Discreet Slave is a class (or group) of people. (Matthew 24:45-47)

    One person couldn’t live for hundreds of years obviously, therefore a class (or group) of people were required to dispense spiritual food over time. The “slave” then became responsible not only for ministering to the needs of the anointed body members but also for taking on the responsibility of preaching the good news of the established Kingdom to people of all nations. (Matt. 24:14)

    (2) They have no explanation for why they teach that God's Organization is spirit-directed when no organization in the Bible ever was.

    The organizations in the bible were spirit-directed, it talks of disciples praying to God.

    (3) They have no explanation for claiming God uses the Faithful and Discreet Slave "Class" exclusively as a conduit for "new light" (that is, new teachings that may directly contradict old teachings)

    The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light getting

    brighter and brighter until the day is clearly established.

    (4) They have no explanation as to why they teach that the "other sheep" of John 10:16 have a different destiny from the ones already in the fold, although the Scripture specifically states

    that the two groups of sheep are from different sources but have the same destiny .

    The Bible does not state the sheep are from different sources,

    The sheep are on the earth and refer to people of a teachable nature. All the sheep have the hope of living forever.

  • thinker

    Hi Lime,

    (1) They have no explanation for why they believe the Faithful and Discreet Slave is a class (or group) of people. (Matthew 24:45-47)
    One person couldn’t live for hundreds of years obviously, therefore a class (or group) of people were required to dispense spiritual food over time. The "slave" then became responsible not only for ministering to the needs of the anointed body members but also for taking on the responsibility of preaching the good news of the established Kingdom to people of all nations. (Matt. 24:14)

    This really isn't a complete answer because it leads to the next question, namely, who was this group of people over the last 2000 years. The WT itself names just a few and no JW can tell you who they were historically.

    (2) They have no explanation for why they teach that God's Organization is spirit-directed when no organization in the Bible ever was.

    The organizations in the bible were spirit-directed, it talks of disciples praying to God.

    What does individuals praying have to do with an organization being spirit-directed? If an individual prays then he receives an individual answer. Can an organization pray?


  • Woodsman

    Well, first I think the questions are poor because of course the JWs have an explanation for each item. It is an explanation they provide but often does not stand up to further comparison with facts. Like Thinker said, who was the FDS between 1st century and Russell?

    Many times I find the JWs have their own explanations for things that WTS has unsatisfactorily explaned. This is odd because it shows the WTS to be weak in that JWs mind. Also any explanation for Biblical text that is not issued from the FDS but from an individual JW's interpretation is technically apostacy. I know many JWs who for example think the FDS is wrong about resurrected ones not being able to marry.

    1. Whoever is faithful and discreet and successfully accomplishes the things Jesus described in MT 25 verses 36-44 is a faithful and discreet slave. It seems to me many people can be one, in fact every Christian should be one. I see no text indicating it is an exclusive class that is closed to all but a few.

    2. The "organizations" that I see mentioned in the Bible is Judaism and Christianity. One is a Nation of people, and some converts, who are in a covenent relationship with their God. The other is people from all Nations who are in a covenant relationship with God. Both claim to have and pray for spiritual direction from God. Are the JWs in a covenant relationship with God?

    3. The scriptures say individual Christians are taught by God thru the spirit. If your JW friend says that Pr 4:18 proves that God uses only the FDS as his channel because it says the path of the righteous ones is like the light getting brighter, does that mean your JW friend is not righteous? If they are why aren't they God's channel too? If you can be righteous but not be God's channel then Pr 4:18 alone is not an adequate explanation.

    4. The Bible says not of this fold, so if a fold is a source then then the Bible does say the other sheep are from a different source, as the Gentiles ,which is further explaned by many other scriptures. Are not the annointed on earth, of a teachable nature and have the hope of living forever?

  • AuldSoul


    I remember those questions clearly. Those questions went a LONG way toward snapping me to my senses. I'm not peevish at you, but the Witness' responses have me a little peeved.

    One person couldn’t live for hundreds of years obviously, therefore a class (or group) of people were required to dispense spiritual food over time. The “slave” then became responsible not only for ministering to the needs of the anointed body members but also for taking on the responsibility of preaching the good news of the established Kingdom to people of all nations. (Matt. 24:14)

    Wonderful. So, explain why Matthew 24:14 or 24:45-47 or any other part of Matthew 24 indicates that this Slave would need to dispense food to anyone for two millenia.

    And even if they can explain that (which they can't), the response fails to address the question: Is there SCRIPTURAL evidence (as opposed to interpretive and imagined historical proof) that the "faithful and discreet slave" is a class of people?

    The organizations in the bible were spirit-directed, it talks of disciples praying to God.

    Actually, OldSoul said he had no issue with individuals being spirit-directed. The Bible is full of examples of that. He said the organization is not spirit-directed. Think for a moment: If the organization of natural Israelites were actually directed by holy spirit, is it even possible for it to become corrupted? Can an organization pray to God?

    But this is all built on their basic cracked premise that God has always had an organization and always will.

    Oddly, they even say Jesus submitted to God's organization (as opposed to submitting to the Mosaic Law). The Pharisees, Sadducees, and Sanhedrin would be amazed to learn this. From their perspective, he was an apostate and a false Christ who was calling disciples after himself despite the policy of disfellowshipping anyone who confessed Jesus as Christ. (John 9:18-34) They didn't think he was submitting to God's organization.

    The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light getting brighter and brighter until the day is clearly established. (misquoted from Proverbs 4:18)

    This is interesting to me, because their entire defense of "new light" is based on a Scripture that refers at best to steadily more intense light. Actually, this Scripture doesn't contextually refer to organizational understanding at all and is clearly not prophetic of our day. It is a PROVERB.

    Merriam-Webster defines PROVERB this way: a brief popular epigram or maxim : ADAGE

    Here is the proverb in its entirety. I welcome your comments regarding whether it actually supports the concept of "new light" as being new organizational understanding of Scripture or doctrine.

    Proverbs 4:14-19 — Into the path of the wicked ones do not enter, and do not walk straight on into the way of the bad ones. Shun it, do not pass along by it; turn aside from it, and pass along. For they do not sleep unless they do badness, and their sleep has been snatched away unless they cause someone to stumble. For they have fed themselves with the bread of wickedness, and the wine of acts of violence is what they drink. But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. The way of the wicked ones is like the gloom; they have not known at what they keep stumbling.

    In context, please explain how this supports doctrinal "new light" from a centralized earthly organization?

    The Bible does not state the sheep are from different sources, The sheep are on the earth and refer to people of a teachable nature. All the sheep have the hope of living forever.

    This is at very best a misrepresentation of facts, and at worst an outright lie. I feel confident in your friend's case it is simply ignorant misrepresentation. However, he or she has certainly been lied to. In the Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures (Wescott and Hort's text) published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society—as ostensible support of their New World Translation—literally translates John 10:16 this way:

    John 10:16 (KIT) — And other sheep I am having which not is out of the fold this; and those it is necessary me to lead, and of the voice of me they will hear, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.

    In other words, according to the Greek text they specifically have two sources and one destiny. Jehovah's Witnesses defy the sense of Jesus' words at their convenience to make it seem there is one source and two destinies. A thought which is entirely supported by their mistranslation of John 10:16.

    John 10:16 (NWT) — "And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd."

    Now, the way they translated it still could be perceived to be within the meaning of the actual Greek. But the way they apply it and teach it cannot. They stretched the Greek as far toward their dogma as possible and then stretched the already stretched English, too.

    For a fun time, ask your friend to show you every Scripture in the New World Translation that uses the word "paradise" and invite him or her to teach you that it refers to earth using only the surrounding context of those verses. There are no two destinies in Scripture.

    I invite any comments you may have on these matters. Specifically:

    (1) does the Bible actively teach that the Faithful and Discreet Slave is a class or not?;

    (2) does God's spirit operate on individuals or on organizations?;

    (3) does Proverbs 4:14-19 teach that organizations will receive new doctrinal light over time?;

    (4) does John 10:16 demonstrate one source for sheep with two destinies, or two sources for sheep with one hope?

    and we'll add one, just for fun

    (5) does the Bible teach that the word "paradise" refers to earth?

    In other words, are these doctrines Scriptural or man-made? Which is the same as asking, are these from God or from false prophets? (1 John 4:1)


  • lime05
    This really isn't a complete answer because it leads to the next question, namely, who was this group of people over the last 2000 years. The WT itself names just a few and no JW can tell you who they were historically.

    I agree. Do you not think God knows who they were?

    What does individuals praying have to do with an organization being spirit-directed? If an individual prays then he receives an individual answer. Can an organization pray?
    Contrary to what the questioner believes an individual can pray to God and recieve no answer. For instance at Isaiah 1:15 it states: Even though YOU make many prayers, I am not listening.
  • Gozz

    Lime, what does it matter that God knows who they are? god may know, but He sure doesn't appear to be telling the Governing Body. The GB made the claim, they should be up to proving it. Why may this be important? It should be interesting to know who the Slave was at about 1850, or 1860, or up to 1900. Do you see this? How was that baton of responsibility passed around until it rested on the GB of Jehovah's Witnesses. And then, there remains the matter of what they were teaching when they claimed that were given that authority in 1919. Almost everything they taught in 1919 is now discarded; can God be responsible for that? Or, was Jesus fooled?


  • jgnat

    The "answers" provided remind me of a typically evasive "politician's answer". That is, respond to the easy part and ignore the rest. Here's an excerpt from the www.fallacyfiles.org

    Saturday, February 08, 2003 ( 10:46 PM )
    Fallacy Hunt

    Michael Koplow sent in the following excellent example:

    Example: "Tavis Smiley (interviewer): How are you going to respond to folks on the campaign trail when they ask what qualifies you to be the commander-in-chief given that you have not served in the country's military?

    Al Sharpton (interviewee): I think that just because one served in the military does not make one a competent commander-in-chief.

    Michael contributes the following analysis of the example [with some clarification for the reader added in brackets]:

    "I don't know the official name for this fallacy. Let m = '[Sharpton has] military experience', q = '[Sharpton is] qualified to be commander-in-chief'. Smiley asked Sharpton to respond to '~m —> ~q'; Sharpton responded with '~(m —> q)'.

    Counter-Example: "This is hard, because you need a first statement with a debatable underlying assumption to make it completely analogous. 'What makes you think you can run a marathon, given that you have a leg injury?' 'Just because you don't have a leg injury doesn't mean you can run a marathon.' This may not work in arguing with someone, because opinions are involved. It's easier if you take that part out of it. 'Given that this isn't a piece of furniture, how can it be a chair?' (This assumes that all chairs are pieces of furniture.) 'Not all pieces of furniture are chairs.'"

    I'll add a few points to Michael's analysis:

    • Generally, Sharpton's argument is an "ignoratio elenchi", which is a type of mistake first identified by Aristotle. "Ignoratio elenchi" means "ignorance of what is to be refuted" in Latin, and refers to an arguer attempting to refute something other than what they are called upon to refute. Usually, what is refuted is something logically similar enough to the target to confuse the casual observer, or even the arguer himself, who may honestly feel that he is answering the objection. In this case, Sharpton is attempting to refute something other than the objection that Smiley raises.
    • Specifically, Sharpton is committing an "improper transposition". Smiley is raising the objection: "If Sharpton doesn't have military experience then he is not qualified to be Commander-in-Chief", but Sharpton is denying "If Sharpton has military experience then he is qualified to be Commander-in-Chief". These propositions are not logically equivalent, so Sharpton is not answering the objection raised by Smiley. Sharpton is confusing necessary and sufficient conditions, which are logically similar enough that the audience may not notice that he has pulled a logical "bait and switch".

    Of course, since Sharpton gives a typically evasive "politician's answer" to Smiley's question, we might conclude that while he's not qualified to be Commander-in-Chief, he's certainly qualified to be a politician! Thanks, Michael!

  • jgnat
    (1) They have no explanation for why they believe the Faithful and Discreet Slave is a class (or group) of people. (Matthew 24:45-47)

    One person couldn’t live for hundreds of years obviously, therefore a class (or group) of people were required to dispense spiritual food over time. The “slave” then became responsible not only for ministering to the needs of the anointed body members but also for taking on the responsibility of preaching the good news of the established Kingdom to people of all nations. (Matt. 24:14)

    What is wrong with this answer? We're not suggesting that the FDS was an individual, either! Most churches interpret the Faithful and Discreet Slave as being an example that every Christian should follow.

  • jgnat
    (2) They have no explanation for why they teach that God's Organization is spirit-directed when no organization in the Bible ever was.

    The organizations in the bible were spirit-directed, it talks of disciples praying to God.

    Again, a deliberate misconception. We're not worried about the spirit-directed part here, every Christian needs that. We're talking about the Organization part. Was King David an organization? His son, Solomon? How about the Maccabees? The Maccabees are not in the bible, but they were contemporaries. The Sanehedrin? Pharisees? Is there any evidence in the bible that the disciples themselves were coordinated and organized in the way that the contemporary Jehovah's Witness organization is? Did the early Christians receive their instruction and spirit-direction THROUGH the organization, or were they directly anointed with the Holy Spirit after baptism? If they were individually anointed, did they require direction on their daily walk from the disciples? Or were they required to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling?

  • jgnat
    (3) They have no explanation for claiming God uses the Faithful and Discreet Slave "Class" exclusively as a conduit for "new light" (that is, new teachings that may directly contradict old teachings)

    The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light getting brighter and brighter until the day is clearly established.

    No explanation how they came up with this one. And it definitely does not explain doctrinal flip-flops (if the direction is refining, why would they revert to an older teaching?). Flip-flops sound a lot more like "imperfect" men making up the rules as best they can. In other words, no different than the rest of us.


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