What are you REALLY like?

by jwfacts 93 Replies latest jw experiences

  • anewme

    I dont know who or what I am.

    I know I've been one lucky gal to have lived the life I have though.

    I am always searching for ecstacy in life and thrilling insight and breakthroughs and happiness.

    If I could get paid for appreciating people I would be rich.

    Many times I have felt like the happiest person on earth!

    I have done this test in front of friends: I can ask perfect strangers for hugs and get them!
    I once stood on a corner and offered free hugs!!!
    It was such a high!

    I would like to be a therapist of some kind and help people.
    I love people and have a great mercy for them.

  • Pistoff

    early 50's; was a lifelong witness, if you knew me I was in the family with the beautiful children, home, business, etc. I am married to the most patient woman on the planet; I don't deserve her. My two older children have been through the fire and are now thinking for themselves, one df'd for 10 yrs, one reinstated and fading, and, gulp, one just baptized. My kids are the greatest. The oldest is graduated from college, middle one still in and the youngest just starting.

    In the mid 90's my belief system was gutted out, beginning with bad elders, the most corrupt CO on the planet (are you still "gung ho" Jack?) and the realization that my children could not go through the things some teens go through, and still be OK with the WT. I tried over and over to reinvent my faith; each time it got worse. It especially went off the WT tracks when I just read the scriptures in the meeting; try that sometime for complete dissonance.

    I am cynical, optimistic, skeptical, hopeful, outgoing most of the time. I love to read, sci fi, crime fiction (elmore leonard is the best). I hunt, am an environmentalist; love to alpine ski and water ski. It takes a lot to make me react, at which point I overreact.

    I am still in a holding pattern; my family is still in flux and may be for some time. Some of us are OUT and able to talk about it, others are "struggling" and don't talk about it.

    This place has been so much help, I can't find the words to express it. I have several heroes here: Barb and Joe Anderson, who had the courage to speak up and were booted for trying to help the fellowship. Leolaia: I am humbled by her scholarship. Alan F: if he WOULD EVER POST; alan just tells it like it is. Nothing like grabbing popcorn and watch scholar and alanF lob bombs at each other. Minimus: how do you post that much??? And though he is not here, and is a lightning rod for some BILL BOWEN.

    They all helped me get free.

  • Pistoff


    the incomparable Blondie, the quiet, informed voice of reason that week after week sacrifices her time to dig through the vomit of the WT study. Your work on this is astounding.

    Just2laws, who told me when I got here to just sit tight and NOT TALK to any other witnesses "just yet". Thanks so much.

    People I miss: Hilary Step, Amazing, heck even RedRain.

  • Mysterious

    I think I get taken more seriously on the internet where people dont judge me on appearance and dismiss me out of hand. But I quite like it that way. I find the internet provides for a good deal of honest intellectual debate and I've always appreciated that. I quite often get guessed older on the internet than I am in real life and I quite often get taken for male while online and making no overtly gendered references.

  • bailabklyn

    I just started posting here and I think a lot of what I post goes unread but here it goes:

    I'm 5 feet, very fit, free-spirited, loner (because I'm tired and don't want to be bothered by too much noise when I'm not working), I work a LOT, inquisitive, smiley, easy-going, open-minded, quiet (especially for the past few years), and honest.

    I look just like my photo.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    I'm sitting here thinking about who i am. I'm sure I'm a freak. I think I'm normal. Depending on what one defines as normal. I am a 45 yr old animal activist organic vegan guitar playing former horse wrangler charity coordinating children's church teacher working with troubled children biker chik with hereditary hemochromatosis lupus thyroid disease fibromyalgia tic doloreux, mother of three grandmother of four with three step children. Since my disability has grounded me physicaly I have learned to knit and do art crafts especially bead work. I'd rather be travelling or riding horses or running or anything but sitting around being sick. Married a year and a half ago to a truly wonderful man that is as quirky as I am. We live on five acres of High Desert with the coyotes and wild critters. My mom recently moved in and we are all a bit eccentric. She is apostate too. Maybe I am not anywhere near normal. At least I'm HAPPY! My life's motto is " To thine own self be true" and " What can I do to be a part of the solution instead of complaining about the problem" I try to live my life that way. I battle with my weight too, the meds are hard on me. I have assisted a friend run a chat room to support d'fd for several years now. If I took a personality quiz it would probably say "error try again" I'm not very bright. I have memory problems which come in handy when watching Sienfeld and Golden Girl reruns. My niece says I am just like Dori from "Finding Nemo". My husband pastors a small Community Church.

    This thread is a great idea! I am enjoying getting to know everyone.

  • acadian

    Hello All,

    Welcome bailabklyn! and Apostate Kate

    I hate to say it, but I look just like my avatar.

    I'm too biased to discribe myself, so I'll just say I'm good and I'm bad, I have all traits.

    But i work on the good traits as much as i can.

    My way of life is to harm no one, and respect, always trying to remember who and what I AM.

    Kind Regards
    Acadian ~of the funny looking class~

  • FlyingHighNow

    Kate, you sound fun. I'd love to have coffee with you. I'm envious, too. High Desert? *sigh* I can relate to the health issues. I have my own challenges that way.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Hi Acadian, remember me?

    You're not funny looking at all. The picture is really too tiny for us to judge much anyway. From the things you've said in the past, you and your wife sound very interesting.

  • acadian

    Hi flyinghigh !!!

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