What was your biggest pet peeve ?

by jurs 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    My biggest pet peeve was the " instant friends " theory. I went to 3 different halls. We moved around Colorado. When I was studying the sister I studied with told me how when your a witness you have instant friends where ever you go. How come I was sooooo LONELY when I was a witness? I had to give up my old old friends because they were bad association and there wasn't much to replace it with.

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    jurs - Before I left the JWs my biggest pet peeve would have been very similar to yours - I remember time and time again going to the khall and not having one single person greet me, it was so strange, so 'clicky'. They claim to have love amongst themselves, it is supposed to be an identifying mark of the true religion but I would totally disagree with that. I used to walk in, sit down, listen, get up, circulate, smile at people, walk out again. That was when I went on my own..... now, when I was with my husband... what a different story, what an effort they would make then. Never could understand that, even to this day. Was it because I was a mere woman?? Sometimes I would have all 3 kids with me, a struggle in itself.. then more often than not, one or two of them would fall asleep causing difficulties when it was time to go home. Offers of lifts? Very infrequently, and then only done grudgingly, always made to feel as though I was being an inconvenience.

    Now that I have left my pet peeve has changed - now I get angry when I think about how prejudiced they are against other religions, they are so intolerant, always convinced they are right and everyone else is so wrong. What arrogance! I am so glad that I am out of it all and am free to make my own decisions about things such as homosexuality and festivals and blood etc. Nice to be able to have my opinions at last without having to feel as though I have to fit in with how they think. How refreshing!!

  • seven006

    Blurry photos of women.


  • MadApostate


    Too many moons ago to remember the exact name, but the Aurora, CO Cong was the most unfriendly cong I ever was associated with!

  • Vitameatavegamin

    Hi all,

    One of my many pet peeves has been the "you are good association if you go to all the meetings" bull. I know people right now in my cong. that rarely ever miss a meeting but are completely ignorant. One sister was having an affair, some of the teens are drinking, dating "worldly" people, cheating on business deals, etc. The list goes on . I would say that the congs. are having many difficulties. I think it is a sign of the times. And my comment above in no way makes non witnesses bad association, just observing again that at times they don't even follow their own rules. Thanks!!

  • more2C


    One of the many pet peeves, I have had, (It doesn't matter what cong.
    you go to) As soon as you walk in the door of the KH, someone comes up to you and sarcastically asks, "Haven't seen you in sooo loooonnng!" "Where have you been?" (They must be jealous) What a welcome! They should be glad that I actually made it there. Ugh!

  • Bridgette

    Hey, are any of you guys still in Colorado? I myself am in beautiful Golden. I work in Denver.
    My Pet Peeve:
    the utter lack of love. How the elders' wives and kids usually act so piggish, rude and elitist. Although, I understand and honestly have sympthy for the fact that they suffer and develop this psychosis out of neglect. However, they seem bent on spreading their misery to the minions. i.e., when I reassured my then 6 year old daughter not to worry when we moved away from friends and family because Jehovah's peole had friends no matter where they went in the world. After our first meeting at our new cong., my daughter exuberantly announced that she was going to meet her new friends! She returned crushed a few minutes later at having been snubbed by 2 little elder twits. I know it must have been quite overt, as my daughter is very gregariuos and at times can't take a hint. I never went back, adn will never ask her to choke down that brand of "love" again. She told me not too long ago "Mom, we're so much happier than when we were witnesses". Out of the mouths of babes.
    I jsut feel sad for all those that are left. Even the poor over worked, neglected elders' families who know not what they do. My mother, who's still a dub, assured me not too long ago that the ORG stays on top of all this internet stuff, spying, etc. I said, great! I love speaking for those who can't speak out for themselves. So, if there are any elders trolling about, PLEASE, I mean this in all sincerity: go hug your kids. Go buy your wife roses for no reason. Maybe they'll feel inclined to give off a little warmth and a kind word to a new or discouraged face at the next meeting.

    The world is my country and to do good, my religion.--Thomas Paine

  • slipnslidemaster


    What a kind heart you have.

    PLEASE, I mean this in all sincerity: go hug your kids. Go buy your wife roses for no reason. Maybe they'll feel inclined to give off a little warmth and a kind word to a new or discouraged face at the next meeting.

    Maybe they will take away the seed that there is real love and caring out here.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right."
    - Henry Ford

  • Bridgette

    Thank you slipnslider--I just hate to see people hurting and you see so much of that in the ORG. I think if you can cut through walls--organizational and otherwise, adn connect with the one thing WE ALL have in common: our humanness, we can truly communicate. That's what I missed in the org: permission to be human.

  • slipnslidemaster

    My pet peeve was that when I took the effort to fake a temperature by sticking the thermomether against a light bulb or pour vegetable soup in the toilet, I should have been allowed to stay home just for the effort!!

    Slipnslidemaster: "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right."
    - Henry Ford

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