Biblical PROOF that Jesus Christ IS GOD

by Bibleboy 156 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pomegranate


    Prov 2:1-6
    My son, if you accept my words
    and store up my commands within you,
    2 turning your ear to wisdom
    and applying your heart to understanding,
    3 and if you call out for insight
    and cry aloud for understanding,

    4 and if you look for it as for silver
    and search for it as for hidden treasure,
    5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD
    and find the knowledge of God.
    6 For the LORD gives wisdom,
    and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

    Results if God wants you as His:

    1 John 2:27
    27 As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit-just as it has taught you, remain in him.

    God will teach his children.

  • Bibleboy

    I have not avoided ANYTHING. I have simply just not responded yet. I am having a laugh to see how carried away YOU get. Joke's on you!

    Nor am I a JW. I am far from it. JW's dont' believe in the Trinity. And they also believe that the WTS is God's appointed organisation. I don't believe that and I believe that the NWT is NOT Superior to any other translation. I am not a JW, but a blood bought born again Christian.

    I haven't been using skills to debate, I just haven't been debating. I've been listening. I told you that.

    Pomegranate> you used scripture that said the Comforter was the Holy Spirit. And then another scripture to say it was Jesus Christ. Both scriptures say that they are different Persons, yet it is the same title. How then can you disprove the Trinity, Especially when the second scripture you quoted (Isaiah 9:6) supported the Trinity again by calling Jesus Christ, the Everlasting Father.

    >Isaiah just defined Jesus Christ as the Counselor. There
    >is no third
    , except in the way Christ was speaking.

    does that make John's account null and void JUST because YOU say, "ISAIAH SAID!"? No, It makes it that more important. You may not discard scripture to your liking. This may be a harsh word for you.
    Oswald Chambers writes in his devotional, MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST, August 17th. "Have you ever heard the Master say a hard word? If you have not, I question whether you have heard Him say anything."
    I agree withf Chambers in that EVEN Conviction of the Holy Spirit is a harsh word.

    But anyway, you can't divide Scripture against itself, otherwise you stand on Satan's sandy foundation and will not stand forever.

    Isaiah 40:8
    8 The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever."

    >Christ is speaking figuratively of himself in the third person. It's
    >a common figure of speech, refering to oneself as somebody else.
    >Christ even says he has been speaking figuratively to his disciples,
    >in these very discussions about the Couselor/Holy Spirit.

    Of COURSE! How could I have missed that... silly me! so when Jesus said in John 14:6 that He was the Way the Truth and the Life, and that nobody could go to the Father but by Him, He was ONLY SPEAKING FIGURATIVELY! I SEE THE LIGHT!!!!!!

    THE LIGHT OF SATAN AFTER A CUT AND PASTE BELIEF! Don't take things out of context PLEASE... we'll waste less time...

    And IF that were true, then HOW could this Counselor appear in TWO places at once. Notice that the Father is ALSO present.

    Matthew 3:16-17
    Mark 1:9-11
    Luke 3:21-22

    Figuratively, eh?

    Do your Homework! And may God bless you with a fruitful life.

    In Love and Honesty,

    and in Jesus' Precious Name. Amen.

  • dubla


    you continue to humor me, and most likely the rest of the posters on here. where is all this talk of you now being a jw coming from??

    quote: "Nor am I a JW. I am far from it. JW's dont' believe in the Trinity. And they also believe that the WTS is God's appointed organisation. I don't believe that and I believe that the NWT is NOT Superior to any other translation. I am not a JW, but a blood bought born again Christian."

    who said anything about you being a jw?? i know i didnt, and im 99% sure no one else did. you continue to show your ignorance mark.

    also, youre having a laugh seeing how carried away i/we get? jokes on me? lol, what joke bibleboy? none of us are joking, nor do we consider this a laughing matter or a game as you seem to. we are simply engaging in an analytical and logical discussion/debate on the trinity which YOU started. remember? so youve been "just listening"? in other words, you just threw out this big trinity bone for everyone to grab so you could amuse yourself with the responses? lol, dont start something you cant finish bibleBOY.

    i find it extremely interesting and noteworthy that you are now finally choosing to respond to someone, namely pom (who incidently didnt provide age/location/belief as you said was an ABSOLUTE requisite for any response to come from you. changing the rules mark?), but only on the parts of the trinity that you threw out to argue. typical of someone that can only defend part, not all, of his beliefs with scripture.



  • pomegranate

    Christ=Counselor=Holy Spirit.

    Not Comforter. Please re-read my post and the Bible. Very basic stuff.

  • dubla


  • Bibleboy

    Read 1st Thessalonians 5:23

    God's "Image" = Body Soul and Spirit

    Besides, the words to concentrate on are:
    let "US" make man in "OUR" image.

    You are ONE Pomegranate, but you are body, soul, and spirit.
    You are ONE jdubla, but you are body, soul, and spirit.

    also we FIND this regarding sanctification:

    WHO is the One Who sanctifies?

    1 Thessalonians 5:23
    23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Acts 26:14-18
    14 We all fell to the ground, and I heard a voice saying to me in Aramaic,[1] `Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads.'
    15 "Then I asked, `Who are you, Lord?' "`I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,' the Lord replied.
    16 `Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen of me and what I will show you.
    17 I will rescue you from your own people and from the Gentiles. I am sending you to them
    18 to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.'

    1 Peter 1:1-2
    1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God's elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia,
    2 who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance.

    If Trinity doesn't exist, we have a problem don't we?! Unless of course you could explain that!?

    Doctrine of the Trinity
    By Dr. Ed DeVries

    Dr. Ed DeVries is an evangelist out of Shady Acres Baptist Church, Houston, Texas. Brother DeVries is also the President of the School of Biblical & Theological Studies, 310 West Prien Lake Road #584, Lake Charles, LA 70601, 1-800-516-7322 ext. 1611. School of Biblical & Theological Studies (SB&TS) is to provide a vehicle by which individuals called of God into Christian service may reach their goals while receiving a solid, conservative, biblically based education. SB&TS offers diploma through doctorate in the fields of Bible, Ministry, Theology, Religious Education, and Biblical Counseling through a challenging series of home study courses.


    Since God is a triune being, theologians use the word Trinity to represent the complex doctrine through which man comprehends His existence. Since the word Trinity is not found anywhere in the received text or in it's offspring (the Authorized Version and other biblical translations derived from the received text), many argue that the doctrine of the Trinity is not a Biblical one. However, when a person comes to understand the theory that is embodied in the terminology they can not help but find proof of the Trinity throughout the Bible. The doctrine of the Trinity is believed by all Christian groups. Some groups profess to be Christian and do not believe in the Trinity, however, none of these groups are truly Christian because their various perversions of the gospel cause them to have, "a form of godliness but denying the power thereof" (II Timothy 3:5). The Bible went on to say we should have nothing to do with them. Why? Because they are not Christians. This does not mean we can not love them and share the gospel with them, it simply means we are not to fellowship with them as brothers in Christ. The concept of the Trinity is the very concept of the existence of God, and since God reveals himself to his children, it only makes sense that all Christian churches would believe in and defend the doctrine of the Trinity.

    Since the word Trinity is used to represent God as a triune being, what is triune? Noah Webster defined the word triune to mean, "three in one." This means that God, a singular being, exists in a plural manner. This is why the term Godhead is often used in scripture (Acts 7:19, Romans 1:20, Collosians 2:9, etc.). God's very name implies His triune existence. The Hebrew name for God used in all known manuscripts is ELOHIM, so Genesis 1:1 could read, "In the beginning ELOHIM created the heaven and the earth." The word ELOHIM means three in one. The word ELOHIM has both a singular and a plural usage in Hebrew, uniquely, the two usages are always simultaneous. The word ELOHIM can never be used in the plural form without implying the singular and vice-versa. Note also, that all Hebrew letters have a numeric value, all Hebrew words also have value. ELOHIM is an interesting word in that it has two values, three and one.

    The Trinity Illustrated in Nature
    It is no wonder that when God, ELOHIM, said in Genesis 1:26, "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness," that He then created man to be a triune being. Just as God is composed of three, so is man. Man is composed of a body, a soul, and a spirit. We all know man to be one being, not three, in spite of his triune composition. The body is separate from the soul which is separate from the spirit, however they still make one man.

    Man was only one of God's many creations. God is the creator of the entire universe. Just as God created man in His own image, he had also created the universe in the same fashion. The building block of the universe is the atom. Any object in the universe when broken down to it's smallest form has been discovered to be nothing more than a complexly designed series of atoms. The atom is a triune object. It is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Each part of the atom is independent of the other two, yet it remains only one object, a proton can not exist without an accompanying neutron and electron and vice-versa.

    We understand ourselves, how we exist. Through science we are learning of our environment and how the things around us exist. So man has always understood the concept of the Trinity, and this understanding is what helps us to understand the existence of God.

    The Trinity Illustrated in the Bible
    The concept of God being triune can be illustrated in the Bible just as easily as it can be illustrated in nature. John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." This shows God to exist in two forms. The word God in this passage refers to ELOHIM, or to God as a whole. The word Word refers to God the Son, who is Jesus Christ. This is shown in verse fourteen, "and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."

    Having established that God is a singular being with a plural existence, and understanding that the term "Word" (capitalized to represent deity) in John chapter one refers to God the Son who is the Lord Jesus Christ, let us read I John 5:7, "For there are three that bear record in heaven, The Father, The Word, and The Holy Ghost: and these three are one."

    Thus we have proof: His name ELOHIM (meaning three in one) is proof, the design of nature is proof, and in scripture there is proof. God is a triune being composed of God the Father, God the Word or God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost who is often referred to as the Holy Spirit. They are each independently divine, they are each a separate aspect to the overall personality of God, yet they are combined to make one singular being.

    How The Members of the Trinity Function
    The members of the Trinity work together in complete unity, totally dependant and yet totally interdependence of each other. God the Father is the sovereign ruler of the entire universe, everything operates because of and to fulfill his eternal plan. God the Son takes this plan out of eternity and brings it into time, administering the various aspects of the plan. God the Holy Spirit makes this eternal plan, the will of God, real to men. These functions can be illustrated many times in the Bible.

    The Function of the Members of the Trinity in Creation
    In his omnipotence, God the Father had already created the universe somewhere in eternity past before the existence of time as we know it. Even though the universe did not physically exist in time, it did in eternity (remember, eternity has no concept of time). God knew He would create everything, and in eternity already had ( our future is already God's past). The theory of omnipotence and God's eternal existence could not be adequately understood if I were to write a million pages on the subject, so I will not. It will be left to the reader to research the subject of God's omnipotence and eternal existence independently of this paper (it is of course assumed that all who read this work will already possess adequate understanding of these concepts). Let us just summarily say that God the father had willed and fulfilled creation somewhere in eternity past. This is why Genesis 1:1 says, "In the Beginning (present tense) God created (past tense) the heaven and the earth." God was doing in time what He had already done in eternity.

    God the Son brought creation into time. The creation had been the will of God for all eternity, all that was needed to bring that eternal reality into the reality of time was the spoken word. John chapter one teaches that God the son is the Word, and verse three says, "all things were made by him", meaning the Word who is God the Son. The word was given in Genesis 1:3, "and God said........" This spoken word of God the Son introduced the Father's eternal plan to time.

    The Holy Spirit was waiting upon the face of the earth to fulfill the Word, this is found in Genesis 1:2. As soon as Jesus spoke the word, the Spirit fulfilled the word, making it real to man.

    The Function of the Members of the Trinity in the Old Testament
    Just as in creation, it is God the Father who has sovereignly determined the course of the universe in eternity, God the Son who as the Word brings the will of God into time, and it is the Holy Spirit who makes God's will real to man.

    In God the Father's perspective, Noah had built the Ark before ever the earth was formed, so also had Moses and the Children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, etc. This is why God in Genesis 3:15 was able to offer salvation to Adam, He knew in eternity past that Man would sin and that Jesus would be the atonement for sin (read Revelation 13:8) so Adam placing his (present tense) faith in Christ's future act that, God had known about before the fact, resulted in salvation. Why? Because God knew it would happen so it was as good as done.

    It was God the Son who brought the will of God into time. Throughout the Old Testament we read: "The Word of the Lord came unto Abram." (Genesis 15:1), "according to the Word of the Lord, as the Lord commanded Moses" (Numbers 3:51), "The Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the Word of the Lord." (I Samuel 3:21), " The Word of the Lord came unto Nathan" (II Samuel 7:4), "The Word of the Lord came unto Solomon" (I Kings 6:11), etc., etc., etc.

    It was then the Holy Spirit who enabled these men to fulfill the Word which God the Son had given them. A good illustration is the story of Samson. Judges 14:6 says, "and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him." Thus, the will of the Father revealed by the Word of the Son was made real to Samson when the Holy Spirit empowered him to fulfill it.

    In the Old Testament era, the Holy Spirit did not continually abide with the believer as He does now. Instead, the Spirit came upon a man in order that he may be empowered to do God's will, then the Spirit would leave when the work was completed or when the man sinned. This is why we read that Samson, "Wist not that the Lord had departed from him" in Judges 16:20. This is also the reason King David prayed, "Take not thy Holy Spirit from me" in Psalms 51:11.

    The Function of the Members of the Trinity in the New Testament
    The primary activity of God in the New Testament was to provide for man's redemption and establish Local Churches to replace Israel as God's ambassadors to the world. (Israel is still God's chosen nation, they still enjoy the privileges of being God's chosen. Unfortunately, Israel failed in it's task in two ways, the first was in rejecting the Messiah and the second has been in failing to lead gentiles to the Messiah. The creation of the church does not infringe upon God's promises to Israel as some Christians believe, it was however God's way to in grace bestow upon us unworthy gentiles the blessing, i.e. the blessing of preaching the gospel and seeing people saved, after Israel choose not to take advantage of the opportunity.)

    God the Father, knowing man would one day sin, had established redemption in eternity past. This is why Revelation 13:8 says that Christ was, "slain before the foundation of the world." This is once again how He was able to justify Adam in the garden, and this is how the Old Testament saints were saved. Jesus brought the plan into time when He fulfilled His work on the cross (John chapters 19 and beyond). The Holy Spirit makes redemption real to men as He reveals the gospel to their soul and quickens their previously dead spirit (I Peter 3:18).

    God had also established the Church in eternity past, just as He has established His entire work. The Son brought the Church into time when He spoke the words, " Upon this rock I will build my Church" in Matthew 16:18. The Holy Spirit has made God's will real to men by empowering them with special gifts to fulfill the work of the Church (read I Corinthians chapters twelve through fourteen).

    The Function of the Members of the Trinity Today
    God the Father is the Sovereign ruler over all the affairs of the universe. He is the true standard of Holiness and the judge of all that is. God the Son is the Savior, the one through whom all men may receive justification before God. Jesus also acts as an advocate to the Father on behalf of the believer. "There mediator...Christ Jesus", I Timothy 2:5. Charles Wesley best defined the present day role and relationship of God the Father and God the Son when he penned the classic hymn, Arise My Soul Arise:

    Arise my soul ,arise! Shake off thy guilty fear's;

    The bleeding sacrifice in my behalf appears;

    Before the throne my surety stands-My name is written on His hands.

    He ever lives above, for me to intercede;

    His all redeeming love, His precious blood to plead:

    His blood atoned for all our race, and sprinkles now the throne of grace.

    Five bleeding wounds He bears, Received on Calvary;

    They pour effectual prayers, They strongly plead for me:

    " Forgive him, O forgive," they cry, " Nor let that ransomed sinner die!"

    The Father hears Him pray, His dear anointed one;

    He can not turn away The presence of His Son:

    His Spirit answers to the Blood, and tells me I am born of God.

    My God is reconciled, His pardoning voice I hear;

    He owns me for His child, I can no longer fear:

    With confidence I now draw nigh, And "Father, Abba, Father!" cry.

    The Holy Spirit is currently engaged in the work of enabling believers to fulfil the work of the Church (I Corinthians 12-14), empowering men to preach the gospel (Acts 1:8), quickening the spirit of repentant sinners (I Peter 3:18, I Corinthians 2:10), keeping the believer secure in Christ until the Second Coming (i.e. the eternal security of the believer, Ephesians 1:12-14), comforting the believer (John 14-15), being the very essence of Christ indwelling the believer (John 14:16-18), and finally, the Spirit never forsakes the believer (I Corinthians 6:15-20).

    The Modern Day Work of the Members of the Trinity in Prayer
    Prayer is the primary expression of the relationship between God and the saved man, so it is to be given it's own sub-heading.

    God the Father answers all of our prayers, hence we are taught to pray to, "Our Father which art in Heaven" (Matthew 6:9). He answers our prayers on behalf of, or because of our relationship with His Son, hence we pray in Jesus name. "Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, He will give it you" (John 16:23). And we pray through the power of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 26:41) revealing our needs to the Father with the help of the Spirit, "we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God." (Acts 8:26-27). The Holy Spirit could correctly be referred to as our prayer partner.

    The proof of God's triune existence has been plainly presented along with the mechanics of the doctrine of the Trinity emphasizing God's relationship to His creation (primarily man). Unfortunately this does not even begin to expound on the deep truths of God. Multiplied volumes have attempted such an undertaking, however, the subject is so deep that all attempts will fail in revealing all of it's depths. It will not be until we get to heaven and we finally see God face to face that we will comprehend the subject in it's entirety. Perhaps the best definition which man has given for the Trinity is found in the writings of Dr. John F. Walvoord, the president of Dallas Theological Seminary, "God is one numerically, He subsists in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit who are equal in eternity, power and glory, each possessing all the divine attributes and yet having properties which distinguish them within the unity of the Trinity."

    The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all, evermore, AMEN.


  • pomegranate

    >>1 Thess 5:23-24
    23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.<<

    There is nothing written here that says this is "in the image and likeness of God." YOU are teaching things here that are not written in Thessalonians. Genesis is plain in it's teaching of image and likeness being male and female.

    >>Besides, the words to concentrate on are:
    let "US" make man in "OUR" image.<<

    Two individuals are all that are needed to make an US and OUR. For instance regarding you and I, let US do this or that. OUR discussion should be so and so. See, all you need is TWO to tango. This is proving nothing in support of your menage au troi god.

    >>You are ONE Pomegranate, but you are body, soul, and spirit.<<

    No where does the Bible conject or connect to this scripture ANY reference or sense of this text being in the "image and likeness" of God. Anywhere. YOU are saying it not the Bible. The Bible is plain:

    Gen 1:27 the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them.

    Gen 5:1-2
    When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. 2 He created them male and female...

    Nowhere is YOUR premise supported. Male and female are the DIRECT context of these very words, which IS the image and likeness of God. You add your own context to Thessalonians. Context which is not there in God's word.

    >>WHO is the One Who sanctifies?<<

    Sanctification does not in any way shape or form support the trinity doctrine. Of course the Father sanctifies (sets apart) because He is God. Of course the Son sanctifies because he is also a SEPERATE God and has been given all things from the Father. Of course the Holy Spirit sanctifies, because it is this very Holy Spirit that is the Father and Son. "Holy Spirit" is just another way to reference the Father and Son.

    >>Doctrine of the Trinity
    By Dr. Ed DeVries<<

    Ohhhhh. It's the good doctor...Funny, I don't think he fits the bill:

    1 Cor 1:26-29
    27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things-and the things that are not-to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him.

    Does the Bible really teach that the Holy Spirit is a third seperate entity in God? Who does Paul identify the Spirit as??:

    2 Cor 3:17-18
    17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

    Funny thing eh? Paul just called the Lord Jesus the Holy Spirit. Why? Because Jesus IS the Holy Spirit. Just like the Father IS the Holy Spirit. THEY are the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit who can and does sanctify those whom they want as their own.

  • logical


    Is THIS what you meant to say???

    Removed due to excessive evilness and extremely bad taste.

    Please forgive me.

    Burned by the Burnmaker!
    * *

    OK... am I in trouble now?

  • dubla


    wow mark, that was a great article on the trinity doctrine you printed there. where pray tell did you cut and paste it from? lol, because all of us, having read your previous writings, know that it didnt come from you directly. (hint: next time, if you really want to make it look like YOUR thoughts, take out the article subheadings). if you think ANYTHING in the article you posted is new conclusive information on the trinity, you are sorely mistaken. and i find it very humorous once again, that you can argue for the trinity all day, and tell your side, backed up with scripture snipets taken out of text (ill explain in a minute), but yet you STILL refuse to even try to refute any of the arguments posed AGAINST the trinity; namely the various scriptures weve quoted and thoughts weve posed that make the trinity look preposterous and ridiculous. (i dont blame you, i realize they are difficult, if not impossilbe to argue against). mark, ill tell you, every time i think your skills cant get any worse, every time i think you cant show any more never cease to surprise me.

    as for your little "sanctified" example....puhleez, are you serious? are you really trying to use this as "evidence"?? tell me you dont have to reach that bad mark, please tell me that. three different beings all associated with the same verb, wow, unbelievable, thats definite proof they are one mark, good work, GOOD SHOW! (about as definte as if three different people are all recorded in a history book as performing the same deed.....then we could conclusively say the three are one. ridiculous!)

    again, thanks as always for the laughs, and god bless and all that jazz bibleBOY.


  • dubla


    ill have to apologize for one thing mark, i just realized you did give ed devries due credit for his writings (you didnt claim them as yours as i suggested)........realizing this ive come to the conclusion that quoting another source must be the only way you can give the appearance of sounding clear in your thought processes (or someone elses thought processes i guess).......start thinking and writing for yourself mark......hey, remember this quote? (its from your post).....

    quote (from bibleboy): question: are you getting your arguements from God's Word, (the bible)or are you getting them from the watchtower?
    (or elsewhere for that matter?)

    so mark, answer your own question. are you getting your arguments from "elsewhere" such as vanilla trinity articles, or are they coming from you?


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