How many left the JW cult after.....

by AK - Jeff 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedomlover

    Man, this thread has really made me feel better. I felt like such a dumb a** for not being able to figure all this out until I turned 30. Some days I feel so angry at all the years wasted. ( seems like a lot of you have had that experience also.) Then I have to just readjust my thinking a tad and realize I'm actually somewhat grateful for what I've been through. There really are only relatively few people that can have the perspective of what it's like to leave a cult/mind-controlling organization. I think it's in some ways a great gift to be able to help the next group of people out and share your experience. I tend to somewhat enjoy extreme "human" experiences sometimes. This has definitly been an extreme "human" experience. I am only 30, but I've had to grow up fast in my life. I truly have learned that the most challenging periods of my life has brought me the most clarity. So, sometimes you have to go through hell to get to paradise....ha ha ha.....

    great thread......IMO

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    I became involved at 15 and was DFed at 19.

  • Scully

    I was 29 when it started to unravel for me. Before I turned 32, it was game over... I knew I was never going back.

  • Kaput

    I was in for over 30 years. When I read about the UN/NGO thingy, the house of cards collapsed. After some research, I DA'd a few months ago. For me it was always about truth.

    freedomlover --- don't feel bad, you're still a whippersnapper. I know some elderly JWs still in it who are undergoing a wretched existence while still doing obeisance to the Tower. Sad. Very sad.

  • fairchild

    I left at age 42

  • alamb

    Parents got in the cult when I was 4. I was baptized at 16. Out at 36.

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes in my 40s when I started posting here

  • jwfacts

    I left at 35, but everyone thinks I am going through my mid life crisis, so maybe I am an early bloomer.

    My parents went the other way. In their 40's they examined the meaning of their lives and chose to go on Circuit work.

  • Thechickennest

    I started to fade out in my mid thirties and was officially done with it by the time I was 43. I waited for my wife to come along with me, it took longer, I love her dearly and it was worth the wait! I gave up in my heart on the organization when I seen there was really "no true love among these people", yup, they did not have the identifing mark of true christians after all, A rude awakening, but a valid one. With JW's it was all about money, judgeing, disfellowshipping, abusing kids and adults alike, No health care, no retirement plans, just give, give and give more. I did not want this for my young duaghter, wife, or myself any longer, it all was a lie. I am somewhat resentful of the wasted years, but at the same time life is a series of events, some which build character and give us somthing solid to build the future on. For my family the weakness of a cult in the foundation of life has been removed!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I was 46 when I df'd, almost 14 yrs ago. You're right. Too many lost years.


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