UK Posters: C'mon Gimme a Smiley :)

by philo 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free2Bme

    East Yorkshire!!!!!
    Def. not North Humberside grrr!

    Common as muck n'all


  • Sherri

    I'm an American (from Dayton, Ohio--any other Buckeyes out there?) but have been living in the UK (London, St Albans) for the past six years.

    Am homesick right now as I just had a baby and am away from family and friends, but generally prefer living here. I moan constantly about the traffic, infinitesimal (sp?) parking spaces, Thameslink trains, cost of petrol, etc., etc., but know deep down that I don't really want to live in the US again. With all its problems, the UK provides a quality of life that seems to be missing in the US.

    That said, I'm anxious to get the hell away from London to someplace that's not so flippin' crowded.


  • Sherri

    Me again. How do I get the cool smiley instead of :) ??

  • philo

    Hi Sherri

    Another new poster to me! Glad you like the UK. I'm moving back to the south soon.

    You get smileys by putting :) or :D or :( in square brackets [] easy


  • Sherri



  • Latte

    Just bringing back to the top.

    There seems to be so many new posters, just thought that they might like to 'sign in' the guest book.

    Latte from the North West.

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Did i just give birth to my first smiley?I did'nt feel it; so probably not.
    I'm in Somerset; probably quite close to Ballistic and Individuals wife; know any decent pubs near you? are either of you near the coast? i spend a lot of time wave watching, well, it beats going to meetings!

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I DID give birth to a smiley and did'nt feel it AAAAGGGGHHHHHH must do some more pelvic floor exercises.

  • Latte

    termite 35, glad it didn't hurt! Another fellow brit...and a mom!

    Just wondering...Do you have an e-mail address?...could you e-mail me please? I want to ask you something

    Come on, the rest of you Brits........please sign in

  • Prisca

    My grandfather was English and I visited England a couple of years ago - does that count?

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