Spankings Cause Aggression and Anxiety in Kids

by Gretchen956 28 Replies latest social family

  • Gretchen956

    From MSNBC:

    Spanking can fuel aggression, anxiety in kids
    Physical discipline leads to more behavior problems, research suggests Reuters Updated: 3:52 p.m. ET Nov. 21, 2005

    NEW YORK - Children who are spanked when they misbehave are more likely to be anxious and aggressive than children who are disciplined in nonphysical ways, research shows. This is true even if spanking is the "cultural norm."

    Whether parents should spank their children or use other forms of physical discipline is controversial. Some experts argue that children should not be spanked when they act out citing evidence that it leads to more, rather than fewer, behavior problems and it could escalate into physical abuse. There are data to support this argument.

    Other experts, however, argue that the effects of spanking and physical discipline might depend on the characteristics of the child and family and the circumstances in which it is used.

    To investigate the latter theory, researchers questioned 336 mothers and their children in China, India, Italy, Kenya, the Philippines, and Thailand about cultural norms surrounding use of physical discipline and how it affected their children's behavior.

    Jennifer Lansford, a research scientist from the Center for Child and Family Policy at Duke University spearheaded the survey. She told Reuters Health that "across the six countries studied, children who were physically disciplined more frequently were more aggressive and anxious than were children who were physically disciplined less frequently."

    "However, in countries where the use of physical discipline was more common, being physically disciplined more frequently was not related as strongly to aggression and anxiety as it was in countries where physical discipline was less frequently used," she said.

    Not surprisingly, in Thailand, a country where peace-promoting Buddhist teachings predominant, moms were least likely to spank their children or use other forms of physical discipline.

    In Kenya, on the other hand, where use of physical discipline is common and considered normal for the most part, moms were most likely to spank or engage in similar disciplinary tactics. In a study conducted in Kenya in 2003, 57 percent of grandmothers reported caning, pinching, slapping, tying with a rope, hitting, beating, and kicking as forms of discipline they had used on their grandchildren.

    One question the findings raise, according to Lansford, is whether being physically disciplined more frequently causes an increase in aggression and anxiety or whether children who are already aggressive and anxious are simply physically disciplined more often. "On the basis of other work conducted in the United States, the answer is probably some of each," Lansford said.

    "Another question is whether physical discipline is appropriate in this day and age, regardless of how accepted it may be," she added.

  • mrsjones5

    Oh I dont know. I've have noticed that the more aggressive kids I have known either had family problems (no father in house, exposure to parents lifestyle of multiple partners, no structure - child left alone often) or had parents who were very lenient and didnt disclipine at appropriate times. I do spank but very rarely and for very serious infractions. I do not hit or spank or whoop my kids for small infractions or when they are just being kids. I do talk to my kids more than my parents did and I respect my kids (something that my parents never did) by treating like human beings. My kids dont seem to be aggressive in a negative way nor do they seem to be anxious. Actually my kids are better behaved in public than at home (or maybe it just seems that way to me) and are very well mannered, well spoken, and friendly.


  • Crumpet

    well to be honest how can you expect a kid not to hit its siblings and peers when the rod of discipline is so well maintained at home. i got smacked a lot. this probably led me to equate in some sense a good thrashing and my ex bf kicking me on the floor on the way home with a demonstration of his love.

    whenever dad smacked me he always told me how much he and jehooba loved me before and after. so when i left i looked for the same scenario.

    thankfully i am over that metality thoroughly now and would not take any kind of physical abuse from someone else. I even found myself standing up for myself recently when being verbally abused.

    very proud!

  • bigwilly

    Crumpet, I'm very proud of you too! It takes alot to change those patterns. You are a rock star!

    Big Willy (some proud-of-you-guy you don't know)

  • bigwilly

    On a personal note; I recieved spankings well into my teens. They mysteriously stopped around the time i was taller/bigger than my dad

    I never developed outward agression towards others, but am freaked out by anger in others. My poor wife has to remind me that she still loves me when I piss her off (doesn't happen very often). Due to the dub upbringing, I associate anger with unlove. Talk about some f*cked up dynamics. So it did result in anxiety for me.

    Big Willy

  • RichieRich

    Like Big Willy, I too associate anger with unlove. Thats messed up.

    I used to get beat. alot. Not something I care to dwell on, but it definitely had an impact on me.

    Up until about 2 years ago, anger meant violence from me. I could always control it, and not blow up at my parents, but the next day school, the first person to cross me was in trouble. I always somehow forced them to do the first hit, and then I'd tear em up. Still not proud of that, and it definitely earned me a reputation, but that reputation is a bit of a protector.

    Now, when I get mad, I go to the gym and lift weights. You still get the endorphins, the pain, the burn. But no legal trouble.

  • mrsjones5
    Due to the dub upbringing, I associate anger with unlove.

    wow Bigwilly, my husband (due to his upbringing by a extremely physical abusive mother) also associates anger with unlove. After the last fight we had I told him that when we fought about something it didnt mean I or we dont love each other. I would be really worried if we never had fights. As it stands now we only fight about once a month if that, but it still scares him.


  • bigwilly

    Mrsjones, my poor wife has to do the same thing. I'm sure it's not easy on you to reassure us when you are pissed about something at the time, but I can tell you from my experience it really does a world of good. I know my wifes understanding and help in dealing with my issues has made our relationship stronger, and made my love for her that much deeper

    Big Willy

  • daystar

    I have to say I have seen the most aggressive behavior from:

    1. Children who receive no discipline at all.
    2. Children who receive the more violent sorts of corporal punishment from their parents.

    Growing up, there was a kid down the street whose mother backed him on everything. The kid could do no wrong according to her. Other parents would confront her. She would ask him and he would deny any wrongdoing. This kid was the neighborhood bully. He shot up the neighborhood with BB guns, cursed out the neighbors, adults included. He would deny all to his mother and she would believe him. He was never corporally disciplined.

    "Spankings Cause Aggression and Anxiety in Kids" ?? The article doesn't even conclude that.

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    I have to agree with Daystar on this..

    My best friend does not spank her children and they are constantly hitting my son and doing really mean things. There is not any discipline in that house. They are like the wild boys in peter pan!

    My oldest son has been spanked - not much - but yes and he is the kindest kid in the world.

    And no - I didn't enjoy spanking him. I have gone into the bathroom and cried each time. But I did what I was taught to do by my mom and grandparents.

    I have never spanked my 15 month old and I don't know that I ever will because I have found time outs , a very stern NO, and revocation of priviledges works so well.

    I subscribe mostly to the Dr. Phil method.....take away what he loves most. It's very effective and is much more powerful than any smack on the bum.


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