JW response to latest hard line anti-education WT article?

by watch the tower 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • watch the tower
    watch the tower

    Based on some of the recent threads, it seems that the latest WT study article has created quite a stir within the congs. For those of you that are still attending meetings and in active association with the cong, I am curious as to what the private response of individuals has been like. I'm not talking about the usual, "wasn't that a great study?" token response that you usually hear. I'm talking about how the individuals really feel about the most recent flip-flop. Has anyone made any interesting observations as to the general response of the article?

    I find it hard to believe that ppl can take this seriously anymore. I would think that a lot of ppl would feel discontent and frustration on a private level with this kind of thing.

  • cruzanheart

    My friend who still goes to the occasional meeting told me that it was yet another article about avoiding higher education. She just rolled her eyes and sighed.


  • carla

    husband says they are not discouraging higher ed. just that you should be 'careful' (of what? learning how to do actual research?) and your goals should be more about God than the 'world'. Something like that.

  • sir82
    husband says they are not discouraging higher ed. just that you should be 'careful'

    A common response here too.

    Anyone with more than 3 connected brain synapses would conclude that the article most certainly condemned university education.

    Persons who make such comments are, IMHO, aware of how cultic the article is. They make statements such as "they're not saying don't go to college" to convince themselves that the religion they belong to is rational and reasonable. Cognitive dissonance--if they were honest with themselves, they would realize their religion is not so.

  • watch the tower
    watch the tower

    Yes. Doublespeak seems to be used all the time in this org and it works all the time with those trapped inside.

    Say two opposing things and have it both ways.

    "Don't believe a word I say because everything I say is true."

  • Ozner

    In our congregation I heard 3 opinions about the article:

    1. the most outspoken: witnesses with no education at all condemned to follow Higher Education, learning to be "a captain on a sinking ship".

    2. some with a balanced view: "at the headquarters many brothers have followed Higher Education".

    3. most of the witnesses did not answer the questions of these article at all.

    But I think many of the cleaning-job witnesses will have no problem with this doctrine.

    I was thinking: "how are the Higher Educated watchtower officials thinking about it.


  • VM44

    Someone here at JWD posted that the Society paid for them to go to engineering school, but then asked them to keep it quiet as to who was sending them to school.

    Now who posted that? Anyone recall?

    Anyway, if something is for the benefit of The Watchtower, it is OK

    Actually, everything that The Watcthower says is about what will benefit the organization.


  • VM44

    One more point.

    Notice that The Watchtower has been sending people to school to learn engineering, law, and accounting.....but you never hear of them sending anyone to school to learn Biblical languages!

    Why do you think that is the case?


  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    My brother works with a rather liberal jw, who has been encouraging his children to get whatever education they'd like and to do what they want with their lives, even if that means leaving the dubs. Anyhow, at this Sunday's wt study on education, his son walked out of the congregation disgusted by the discussion and his daughter was so emotionally distraught about the subject that she was in tears when she got home.
    This jw called a certain open-minded elder in his congregation and had him come over to listen to his concerns, which the elder did. Apparently this elder said that he understood the concerns and that in the end, it's up to the individual what they want to do about their education. I'm thinking this elder is the exception to the rule.
    tall penguin

  • carla

    Why do they send people to be engineers? I can understand why they need accountants and lawyers but engineering? or is that for the new system?(that sounds so retarded, only in dub land could I even seriously ask that) Is there anything on record anywhere that shows the wt pays for these higher educations? thanks.

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