JW kids: How old were you when you stopped getting spanked?

by rebel8 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • CountryGuy

    I was 18 the last time I got spanked, or as we called it "a whoopin.'" It was about a month after high school graduation, and about a week before I told my parents that I had decided to go to college and had applied and been accepted to a University in a nearby town without their knowledge.

    I don't remember what it was for, but I do remember that I deserved it. I would have to say that every whoopin' I got, I deserved. My parents never "beat" me, but they were not afraid to use the belt at all. Like Cyg's father, my parents always made sure I understood why I was being punished. Afterwards, I always got a hug from my mom or dad to reassure me that they still loved me. I remember one time when my older brother slammed the car door on my hand on purpose, my father gave him a whoopin.' After it was all over, and my brother came out from his room, he went up to my dad, hugged him, and said, "Dad, I know you said it hurt you more than it did me, but it wasn't in the same place."

    I know that many on this board were abused, and I totally feel for you all. Its a horrible thing to do that to a child. However, I feel that the whoopin's I got as a kid, helped me grow into a responsible adult. Had my parents gone about discipline in a different manner, I probably would feel differently.


  • Frog

    14, then for some reason it stopped. My lil bro was 16 and bigger and stronger than my pa before he realised that dad didn't have it over him anymore. My sisters and my room that we shared was covered in strap marks from where dad had flung, missed and hit the wall!...oh the memories...

  • Soledad

    I was 14 the last time I got hit. My mom had found a pack of cigarettes in my purse (why the hell was she going through my purse I'll never know but my mom had a habit of going through my things)

    Anyhow, as silly as this will sound but I swear it was the truth----the cigarettes were not mine! I became curious, of course, because all of a sudden I was in my freshman year of high school and it seemed like all the kids I went to grade school with were smoking openly. So I started asking questions to a classmate of mine, like when did you start and why and do your parents know, etc. She gave me the last 3 cigarettes in her pack. I thought about it but then I chickened out. I just stuffed the pack in my purse and forgot about them.

    No amount of explaining I could do would convince my mother. Ah well f*ck it, I thought, I didn't care what she believed. By 16 I pretty much smoked a lot, and I knew how to cover it up very well.

    At 19 I got threatened with a beating. I forgot what exactly my mom and I were discussing----I think it had to do with a music artist I liked and she hated. At one point the argument became somewhat heated and my mother was like "just shut up you're irritating me if you don't stay quiet I will slap you." I looked at her and said "you're going to assualt another adult just because you don't know how to gracefully disagree with her opinion?" That stopped her cold. I just looked at her and shook my head; she was so pathetic.

    Before age 14 I was beaten regularly, one brutal assualt left me blind in one eye for a couple of days and one before that made me bleed profusely.

  • Frog

    oh soledad that's some pretty sad childhood memories for you, but I think many of us can totally relate. There were so many screwed up closet child bashers in the borg. x

  • crazyblondeb

    My mom used the fly swatter on all of us. When I was 16 she was chasing me around the table. I suddenly stopped and grabbed it from her. I yelled at her and told her never again.

    My daughter doesn't know want a spanking is.


  • l3gi0n

    i was 17, the last time i remember getting spanked... LOL.. stupid...

  • freedom96

    I must have been about 13.

  • bigwilly

    My last experience was also in my mid to late teens, after that I was bigger than both of my parents (thus the name, big willy). I belive i volunteered for my last one, my sister and I were both screwing around in the yard instead of getting ready for the meeting. My Dad yelled at us both and gave her a spanking, I figured that if we were doing the same thing, we deserved the same treatment and volunteered for a spanking as well. After that, we reached a point where he had to look up to meet my eyes and i never was hit again. From there on, it was all verbal discipline. Big Willy

  • technics1200

    i got phsically abused up until is was about 19.

    got my two fingers broke for having a bad report at school

    got beaten with peice of timber for having a non-jw g/f when i was 18

    got knocked unconcious for having the wrong facial expression whilst being told off (apparently)

    the beatings took place almost everyday at one point (when i was at secondary school)

    after such beatings, he used to show me prov 23 (?) about train up a boy, not spare the rod.

    i became so tough, once he broke the belt on me during said whipping, and got another one.. and i was so hardened i didnt cry for the next couple times, he said your not showing humilty as your not crying.

    one day at school getting changed for PE, schoolmate pointed to my back and said 'what's that'?

    loads of accounts to tell you but too much time!

    im glad to say i now have forgiven my dad for this, he still goes meetings but he has chilled out a lot, still got a lot to work on. although i ve forgive him i still cant be in the same room as him for long, these days.

    but.... thank heavens ive left the house!!!

  • DannyHaszard

    Meetings meant beatings

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