Was Charles Taze Russell A Drug User, Drug Abuser, or Even An Addict?

by West70 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • gumby

    Seems like I read somewhere that someone suspected him of being a FreeMason or sumthin.


  • West70

    There is no way that Charles Taze Russell was not either an OPIATE user, abuser, or even an addict given his 30, 40, or 50 years of constant pain.

    Menta Sturgeon's remarks about Russell's aging and falling asleep immediately after hitting the sack fits the MO.

  • Abaddon

    Yes? And? So? What?

    While arguably true, as his entire religion was a load of balls, him being off his nuts on opiates or M&M's is not of great import.

  • hamsterbait

    Until drug addiction and abuse was recognized as a problem, little old ladies used to inject each other at afternoon tea for a "lift".

    Some doctors visited every day to deliver a morphine injection to elderly clients.. Coca Cola, until the 20's contained cocaine (hence the name) it was "the most refreshing drink in the world and relieves fatigue." people drank it and took an aspirin at parties to enhance the effect.

    Laudanum, and tincture of opium were over the counter medicines, as were arsenic and tartar emetics. Sherlock Holmes called for his 5% solution of morphine.

    it is unfair to criticize him by 21st century standards. perhaps in the 23rd century we will be criticized for taking Pepto, or codeine based cough medicines - maybe even nicotine and alcohol. (The future is a scary place)


  • West70


  • tetrapod.sapien

    ya, even by 21st century standards, it's like: who cares man? the guy was probably ENJOYING himself. what? you're not aloud to do a little opium and start a cult and fool millions of people? well, if a man can't do that, then what can he do?


  • West70


  • West70

    Bumping to top so more recent visitors can see how some posters react to this VERY REAL - VERY LIKELY PROBABILITY that Charles Taze Russell was a lifelong DRUG ABUSER.

    Warning to "newbies" -- Russellites and Russellite sympathizers inhabit this and other XJW DBs.

    There is another likelihood for some of the non-Russellite responses.

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