New Light! “Invisible Armageddon!”

by jstalin 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Joannadandy

    I recall being scandalized when I met a brother from Bethel who told me a lot of lifelong JW's in Noo Yawk would get their magazines, go to a donut shop, dump their magazines, and read the paper and eat donuts and sip coffee for a couple hours.

    Okay, now if you're ready for some real scandal...when I was 18 and living in San Jose I would often go out into field service alone. When I did, I really pressed hard for magazine subscriptions. I did so because I liked keeping the money. I figured the householder didn't really want the magazines, they just wanted me to go away. So, by taking their money and pocketing it I was performing a community service. They never saw me again.

  • greendawn

    It works out better than moving the 1914 date forward to 1957 as Ray Franz said they were planning to do, LOL.

    There are no doubt lots of invisible resurrected dead roaming about, including the Hebrew patriarchs invisibly ruling the world. They musy be staying at beth sarim thanks to Rutherford.

  • LittleToe

    (((Jojo))) !!!!!!

    Can I be your invisible tiger?


    good thing their members are walking free thinking individual would buy into the psy-op job.

    Aye, it's a bit like that invivisble conspiracy that's going on around us. Only the zombies believe in it...

  • AuldSoul

    "Invisible Armageddon" already happened. In 1914. Ask any Bible Student in 1923 (after the "Millions Now Living" talk). Doubt they'll try it again.


  • dedpoet

    If the wt say it, then I'll believe it!!

    Actually, I think I must have been invisisble this morning. At least, a couple from my old kh looked at me as if I wasn't there while I was out shopping.

    Good post Jstalin

  • upside/down

    "Remember back when the Earth blew-up?....

    You remember...they loaded us all up into the giant "space ark" and we all came to this planet?....

    And they decided not to tell any of the stupid people, so that............OOOOhhhhhhhh!"-

    Steve Martin

    u/d (of the couldn't help myself class)

  • hamsterbait

    "The World has ended - Millions now dying invisibly will never live." (1921)


  • observador

    And I gave a totally visible and loud laugh. So visible that I actually felt embarassed.



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