beliefs I thought were unique to JWs because they had holy spirit

by demeter 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • demeter


    This forum rocks. I like it very much.

    I want to talk about something that I have noticed since leaving the JWs.

    I thought the ideas about the millenium, armeggedon, invisibility of Christ's Presence, etc were inspired as truths given only to the anointed to pass on to the faithful witnesses. The parousia idea was an idea borrowed from a preacher named Miller when one of his apocalyptic prophecies failed to come true. Turns out the Bible students appropriated this idea in the 1870's and then again in 1914.

    Turns out JWs are an offshoot of the Adventist movement began in the 1800's with the Millerites. None of those ideas were unique to the Witnesses.

    What things have you discovered are not a unique identifying mark of this "true God inspired" religion?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey dem! welcome to the board!

    Turns out JWs are an offshoot of the Adventist movement began in the 1800's with the Millerites. None of those ideas were unique to the Witnesses.

    yep, you have hit the nail on the head there.

    What things have you discovered are not a unique identifying mark of this "true God inspired" religion?

    everything dem. everything. everything that they think make them special is not unique to them. there is no inspiriation. there is no holy spirit. there is no god apart from you.

    the fact that they preach from door to door all over the world is not a unque identifying mark of true religion. parsimony, something i go on and on and on about, would have jehovah's witnessism as HUGE EXERCISES IN FUTILE IDIOCY, before they would be considered a true religion. it's all so asinine when we think about it.

    and the "love"? come on! i love my dog, does that make me a prophet? well, it depends on your spelling. prophets for profits? sure, i can do that. anyone can. they're not special.

    cheers, and stick around and post lots and become fat and slick with knowledge.


  • Cygnus

    Christadelphians and WWCoG Faith of Abraham are nontrinitarian, soul-sleepers, believe in an earthly paradise. Early Bible Students had very different ideas on end-times and the ransom doctrine. Although it's rarely talked of, Baptists and BACs of the Robert Bowman ilk believe that the earth under Christ is man's destiny. The orthodox and catholic churches affirm the resurrection of the body and believe nobody went to heaven until Christ. I had been told differently by JWs on all these points.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hmmm it could be very useful to have a chart/table comparing beliefs and see who has the same ones as the JWs who are always claiming exclusivity

  • demeter

    Tetrapod.sapien--thanks for the welcome.

    I think I'm already fat,but not with knowledge--more to do with Pringles and Breyer's...

    I think a chart would be cool.

    Pentecostals think Halloween is evil. That's another one. Mormons and Babtists have been known to go door to door.

    How about the narrow twisted road that leads to eternal life and the broad road that leads off to destruction? All of christianity might fit in that one because actually christians are a minority in the world.

    The belief that the Faithful and Discreet slave is the Anointed might be unique to witnesses though. And the insistence that the 144,000 anointed is a literal number going to heaven--Revelation---I think that understanding might be unique. However I was reading in a book about religions that Adventists,as a catagory of religion,generally believe that the faithful will rule with Christ for a thousand years.

  • theinfamousone

    the funny thing is... JEHOVAH"S WITNESSES ARE STUPID!! ha ha take that...

    wait, let me rephrase that the WTBTS is STUPID!!!

    the infamous one

  • Riverview
    the funny thing is... JEHOVAH"S WITNESSES ARE STUPID!! ha ha take that...

    wait, let me rephrase that the WTBTS is STUPID!!!

    Yeah well....the WTBTS sure treats the average JW as if they are Stupid - thats 4 sure.

    - Chris.

  • greendawn

    What they had to say about the signs of the end though they may appear as strikingly truthful wars, earthquakes, famines, when closely scrutinised history reveals that in previous centuries there were equally bad or even worse wars famines and earthquakes with the 14th century being one of the worse. Contrary to what they claim the 20th century was a good one with much civilising progress relative to previous times.

    They are once more guilty of selective quoting that is cunningly calculated to paint a deceptive picture. No wonder the prophecies of armageddon failed time and again.

  • avishai

    They say they're the only ones who don't go to war. This is BS, quakers, etc., have a much longer tradition of pacifism

  • Ténébreux

    When I've pointed out to them that there are other organizations who also follow almost any given JW teaching, I've found that the response is usually something like "Yes... but we're the only ones who do ALL of those things. Show me any other organization that preaches door-to-door AND doesn't go to war AND doesn't celebrate worldly holidays AND doesn't accept blood AND..." and so on.

    And meanwhile, somewhere out there, there is another religious group saying "Yes, but show us anyone else who doesn't go to war AND doesn't celebrate Christmas AND denies the Trinity AND preaches door-to-door AND abstains from playing the banjo on Thursdays..."

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