barf-inducing quote on

by in a new york bethel minute 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • IP_SEC
    You mean the Conscience Matter™ on wearing beards? or sideburns? or women wearing slacks to the meetings or in service? or observing holidays and birthdays? or accepting medical blood products?

    Amen sista Scully.

  • gumby
    Jehovah's Witnesses avoid making rules and regulations beyond those provided in the Scriptures

    They should have clarified......"Jehovah's Witnesses avoid making rules and regulations beyond those provided in the Scriptures.......and we're the ones who decide what the scriptures say.....not you".


  • Cygnus

    Well............. if you don't like the tough parts of being a JW, you can quit. The protocols are all there. Nothing's hidden. And you don't have to DA or get DF'd. My dad has successfully faded. DocBob got out intact. AlanF has to be in the top 10 of all-time apostates of JWism and he's not DF'd.

    And after all, Ted Jaracz told the media that JWs "don't go beyond the things written."

  • sir82

    That quote is particularly hilarious when you consider one of this week's talks in the Service Meeting.

    I'm at work & don't have my KM or the WT-CD with me, but the talk is based on an article from the 9/15/02 WT, dealing with how "true" Christians respond to national anthems & flag salute.

    "If you are asked to stand and sing, you may stand respectfully....if asked to stand only, you must remain seated...if already standing, you need not make the special action of sitting down..."

    On and on and on...paragraph after paragraph of Pharisaic interpretations of what a "true" Christian will & won't do regarding patriotic ceremonies.

    If anyone has access to the WT-CD and can post that article, it would make a faxscinating contrast to put it, and the quote side by side.

  • Finally-Free

    1. Hour requirement for pioneers™, auxiliary pioneers™, etc.
    2. Reporting of field service™.


  • jula71

    That one is to easy!! I would have to equate the not wearing of beards, hourly FS requirements to the high priest way back when washing above the elbows before every meal. Just a tad going beyond what is written.

  • Seeker4

    I'm working on a piece for a newspaper article and trying to get across just what everyone here is witing about - the fact that so much is theoretically left up to one's conscience, and yet the WTS not so subtly ends up telling the average Witness exactly how their conscience should respond. And that line about even if it's OK with your conscience, you'd avoid doing it in order not to harm the consciences of others - that's a gem. And so true. Thanks. You've all helped me to adjust what I'm writing.. S4

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