any GOBSMACKING meetings ???????

by alliwannadoislive 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • alliwannadoislive

    was thinking about poor old brother who just stopped talking whilst giving a public talk ... went all quiet, then just keeled over ... GOBSMACKING moment it was - flurry of activity, fire doors flung wide open to get air to him - tie loosened - ambulance called - rushed to hospital - was okay - watchtower study brought forward - over-ran would you believe (was hoping to get away earlier) - excitement enough for one day though ...

    c'mon - lets hear about your audacious, breathtaking, heart-stopping, GOBSMACKING moments ???????????????????

  • Billygoat

    I heard of a pioneer sister who fainted whilst being interviewed by an elder at the service meeting. He had a reputation for being an old, crusty, boring speaker. She was part of a panel of pioneers being interviewed, but the elder seemed to be droning on not really interviewing. She was standing there and before you know she fell right off the stage. Brothers rushed to her as she crumpled to the floor. When she came to, someone asked her, "Are you alright?" The elder still had a lapel mike on and and the whole congregation heard her say, "Yes, I'm fine. Fell asleep out of boredom I guess." The whole congregation was aghast!

    I personally would have been laughing my little head off!


  • betweenworlds

    Hi there,

    Had that happen to a younger brother in our hall, he would try to give a talk, but would get so nervous he would pass out! Eeek! This happened 3x I think. Needless to say he eventually removed himself from the talk list. especially after the last time when he almost hit his head on the leg of the piano <which for some unknown reason was on the stage> Poor guy! Talk about embarassing.


  • Ranchette

    Hello everyone!
    Some of you will remember me from the old h20.I look foward to meeting the rest of you too.
    Heres a weird one for you.We had a pioneer sister in our hall who had cancer.She continued on the pioneer list and was regular at all the meetings even after her health deteriated to the point that she had to be in a wheelchair and on medication full time for pain along with oxygen to help her breathing.
    Boy let me tell you ,we all felt like bums comparing ourselves to her.
    Anyway,one sunday morning during the last prayer she up and dies on us right there in the back of the hall!Every one including many of the children knew what had happened except for the brother giving the prayer!He continues praying and praying and it seemed like ages with the crying going on!He finally got around to saying "Amen"and the brothers quickly wheeled our dead sister into the back room and called the authorities."What a way to go!"everyone said.

  • Englishman

    Hi Ranchette!

    I remember you, aren't you married to a Tlinget Indian?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • TweetieBird

    Ranchette, I said something to you in another post, just wanted to find out what you've been up to?

    As for Gobsmacking...I remember a guy coming to the meeting once and busting in to cuss out the elders. His wife was studying and he let loose with the F-word among other choice words. Went all the way to the front of the hall, the elders were trying to calm him down and get him to go outside. His poor wife just hid in her seat, mortified with embarrassment.

    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

  • Ranchette

    Hi there ol friend! Nice to talk to you again.
    I'm married to rancher from H20 not the indian.I think your thinking of cowgirl.
    We are the elder and wife combo that was trying to fade out.
    Anyway I'm having a blast with my new found freedom!!

    Hi Tweetiebird,
    I just made a post on the Kid Teen Parenting board.Check it out.


  • Francois

    In Kingsport, TN, one of the elders had converted a holiness preacher. The night he was to give his #4 talk, he wasn't into it more than about 30 seconds when he was seized by the spirit, and went into his panting, chanting, rant of a delivery - complete with eye-rolling, speaking in tongues, jumping up and down. The spirit was on this guy fer sher. My uncle, the elder noted above, horrified, had to get up and stop the talk. It was wunnerful.

    Is that a GOBSMACKING event?

    NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?

  • TweetieBird

    Oh I would love to have seen that!

    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

  • LDH

    Well this didn't happen at the meeting, and I was going to post it yesterday but the memory made me laugh to hard....

    When I was about 16, my sister 18, we were out in field service. She had been regular pioneering for some time, and was running on empty. Literally.

    We were at the door of an elderly 70-ish lady who appeared to be 'interested'. As my sister handed her the Live Forever book, she just kept tipping over.

    Yup she faited dead away on the little old lady, and mashed her into a corner. Of course the lady thought she was being attacked and started screaming. My sister came to, ran out the door and fainted again, on the front sidewalk.

    Thank God the lady realized something had happened, cause I had to ask to use her phone and call the ambulance.

    What a riot. The ambulance came and carted her away. She was LITERALLY running on empty. No food or rest for several days (gotta get those hours in the last week of the year).

    Oh I am laughing my arse off. Thanks for the memory.


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