highlights from the annual bethel meeting...?

by in a new york bethel minute 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    my mom came home with some wonderful experiences from the annual meeting at bethel, related by bethelites in her hall. unfortunately she couldn't remember any of them... any details on this???


  • wanderlustguy

    Something about breakfast and the text maybe?

  • Kaput
    unfortunately she couldn't remember any of them

    experiences or bethelites?

  • blondie

    This reminds of when JWs would come up and say, "Wasn't that a wonderful talk!"

    I would ask, "What point stood out?"

    They would get a glazed look and walk away.



  • joanne_

    ohhhh blondie..that is so funny, I was one of those...'what a great talk' and then remember maybe 1 point. Or sometimes, when everyone was saying what a great talk, I would just go along. There was no bloody way you could critizise a brother for giving a bad talk. Oh I remember the days of pretending to be so 'happy'...not.....lol

    I am so glad I can be honest with those around me and with myself...


  • gumby

    Amen Blondie.

    my mom came home with some wonderful experiences from the annual meeting at bethel, related by bethelites in her hall. unfortunately she couldn't remember any of them

    Yeah.....just like after an assembly ain't it. You spend hundreds of $$$$, lose work, spend three days sittin on yer arse.....then when it comes time to review the assembly program on thursday night and you forgot your "notes".....ya can't remember a damn thing........but.....you say that was the best assembly ever! I shoulda bought some real estate with the dang money I wasted!


  • MerryMagdalene
    I shoulda bought some real estate with the dang money I wasted!

    If it makes ya feel any better, Gumby, I think the WTS bought real estate with at least some of the dang money you wasted.


  • gumby
    If it makes ya feel any better, Gumby, I think the WTS bought real estate with at least some of the dang money you wasted.

    Now ya went and made me paranoid that those greedy bastards did just that. You think I can get a refund?


  • oldflame

    Gee that sounded like me. Everytime I went to a meeting I left DUMB FOUNDED

  • crazyblondeb

    My sisters and I used to get in trouble on the way home from either an assembly or a meeting if we couldn't come up with something that we learned. Usually all I could show was dooddling (is that a word?). Sometimes I'd get busted for writing notes. That's when the "hard" questions would start!


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