Assembly, the aftermath

by Sam the Man 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    Sorry to hear about the situation you are in. Keep posting here to vent and probe for answers. There are lots of people here who are in your corner.

  • Honesty

    You are a courageous man.

    From someone who has gone through almost exactly the same thing; numerous visits from 2 elders with inquiring minds, an ex-spouse who was 'worried' about my 'spirituality' (actually my declining meeting attendance and hours of FS), divisions within the home due to my non-compliance with WT directives to study the WT and not the bible, comments from the ex to our children that I was going to be destroyed at the Big A because I no longer believed the WT is the FDS, etc.

    My advice to you is get yourself a great attorney now and let him get familiar with JW child custody cases. If the spouse is already putting her allegiance to the WTBTS instead of supporting you the end of your relationship with her is more than likely just a matter of time. Remember, the WT sends attorneys out for the faithful WT spouse in child custody cases while it's strange that, as far as I am aware they never have represented any JW child involved in a sexual abuse case with an elder or member of the servant body.

    An excellent source for material is found at the following:

    Witness Inc. Box 597 Clayton, CA 94517

    Witness Inc. Box 1084 Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0

    MacGregor Ministries Box 454 Metaline Falls WA. 99153

    MacGregor Ministries Box 294 Nelson B.C. V1L 5P9


  • BrendaCloutier

    Aw geez, (((( Sam )))) I'm sorry it had to blow up the way it did, but I understand the pressure.

    Yes, you need ammunition for dealing with child custody etc. Get as much info as you can well in advance of needing any of it.

    Hugs and good luck


  • DanTheMan

    Wow Sam, the shit has hit the fan eh? Keep us updated!

  • Virgogirl

    Forget about the elders; they have already decided to disfellowship you. See if your marriage can be salvaged, if you still want to. Poor man, no wonder you've got stomach pains! I'm willing to bet you find blessed relief and healing once you've got peace and quiet from the stressful meetings and "concern" from the elders. I know the ulcers and stomach cramps I used to suffer from are a thing of the past and stopped when I stopped going to meetings. Best of luck, please keep us posted as to how you are doing!

  • Mary
    Then these elders tried forcing me into co-operation. ‘Brother, you are on thin ice, the things you are saying is reminiscent of apostate speech, and not that of a former Bethelite, or good brother’.

    Typical double-talk.......when they've got no reasonable answer to any question you pose, it's automatically considered "apostate".

    I got fed up of their shit. Months, if not years, of emotional pain boiled to melting point. I stood up (by this time the two elders were ready to leave) and told them to get out and never come back, since ‘I am taking the kids from your evil hands to re-educate them away from this bullshit’. At this point my wife came in and told me never, and she quickly huddled into the elders and left.

    First thing you need to remember is that these guys have NO say in how you raise your kids. It's none of their damn business. I'd be having a good long talk with your wife too. Make it clear that if she decides to put the religion before her family, you'll be suing for custody of the kids and you'll expose the kind of brain washing mind control the religion puts on children, forcing them to be shunned at school, not being allowed to be normal, and being forced into embarassing situations like knocking on doors, not being allowed to participate in any holidays, etc. If the elders try and disfellowship you, I'd tell them point blank that they better think about it carefully, because if they try to, you'll be suing THEM personally---not the Organization, but THEM. And whether or not you win, it'll cost them a shit load of $$$ in lawyers fees.

    Good luck and keep us posted!!

  • TresHappy

    I remember meeting all these men at the Witnesses Now for Jesus Convention some years back fighting for custody of their kids because the wife was diehard JW. I wonder how some of these turned out?

  • jillbedford

    I wish the best for you. We all sympathise and can relate. I will pray for you to have strength and endurance.

    Do the right thing for your conscience and yourself.

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