why u should come back to Jahs fold

by nytelecom1 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • nytelecom1

    taken from greatcrowd.com

    I found out I had been "terminated" from my last job and found out on my first day back from vacation......argh, oh those CC bills! Well, I went out and immediately signed up with about 7 temporary agencies. Got a call on Monday to fill in as a receptionist at a Title Co close in to me. Monday turned to Tuesday and by Wednesday, my agency asked me if I was interested in staying on long term. I, of course said YES and now here I am. I must say, I'm CERTAINLY NOT bored and work my bootie off everyday!!! Hate to sound spiteful, but I'm secretly thumbing my nose at my ex-employer because here I'm making 75 cents more an hour and am WAY more challenged. . They are even willing to WAIT for me!!! I'm riding high, but very pooped! G'night all. I've worked hard and miss my mid afternoon nap with my 2 dachsies! Thank you Jehovah for your loving care and provisions [quote]

    u too can enjoy an increase of income by at least 75 cents and know that jehohvah manuevered it all to complete his purpose.......

  • RedhorseWoman

    Hmmm.....perhaps I should have done things differently and stayed at the KH. When I was downsized from my job several years ago, I got another, but I didn't get an increase of 75 cents an hour. All I got was $30,000 more per year. (sigh) WHAT am I doing wrong? (sigh)

  • dedalus

    I received a grant that makes it possible for me to take the next five months off from work. Thank you, Satan!


  • bboyneko

    I just got a $2,000 raise after only 5 months here at my new job. Thatz pretty cool considering its my first real job since college.

  • jayhawk1

    I am glad I did not listen to the elders in my former congregation. I took a job that paid twice what I made before. The only draw back was I had to go to second shift and miss the evening meetings. I guess that was not a very big draw back after all.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • TR

    Hi all, (short respite from work)

    I really went against the WTS grain and started my own business. Like Jayhawk, I had to miss meetings for several months. Thus, I was gradually weened from the WTS tit.

    Now I make enough money to have my favorite toys, save for retirement, buy a new house, and more importantly, spend QUALITY time with my family. DAMN! Should've stayed at the meetings!


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • nytelecom1
    . Thus, I was gradually weened from the WTS tit.

    is that unclean behavior??

  • Stacey

    NY, I cannot figure you out? You sit on the fence. But you seem like you are very much feeling out. What are you thinking????

  • nytelecom1

    what do you mean by "feeling out?"

  • Tallyman

    Okay, we can stop right there...
    but let's go on

    to sound spiteful, but I'm secretly thumbing my nose at my ex-employer because here I'm making 75 cents more an hour and am WAY more challenged

    Waaaaay... I thought being a Good Theokrat was challenging enuff!

    It's a full-time job to Keep Up with j-o'-th'-WT's Organization.

    - - -

    I ain't been getting nuthin' lately.
    Satan is NOT blessing my efforts.

    Hey TR,
    I bet I know what your "secret to success" is...
    you's a musician, and you done found the location of that Crossroads
    what Robert Johnson done sung about.
    Z'at it?

    Did the "bargaining" start out with $.75 more per hour, and proceed from there?

    Or was it more like a Charlie Daniels thang
    and you done 'Gone Down To Georgia'
    and got into a fiddling contest with the Devil
    and he done lost?


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