How do big guys at Brooklyn benefit from six million followers?

by micheal 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • micheal

    I am 99.999% sure jw's do NOT have the truth, but maybe some here can enlighten me. What do the big guys in Brooklyn have to gain? Do you believe they think they have the truth. Do you think they are purposely decieving others? How in your opinion do you think they gain for their position?

  • gitasatsangha

    Their gain is the commodity of power. These men have absolutey authority over every waking moment and thought of over six million people. Even few dictators can make such a claim. The sun never set's on the Brooklyn Empire.

    Plus, they're filthy rich. I suspect that some of them have convinced themselves that they are correct.

  • NaruNaruChan


    They believe in it, that's their gain. It's not a matter of whether or not it's true for them, they've been brainwashing themselves for years, the same way a drug addict gets after years of abusing their bodies... they just get used to it. These guys don't see themselves as misleading millions... they just do it. That's what makes it so devious... this kind of abuse spans over a century of mind abuse started waaay back in the day.. and now it's just blown way out of proportion.


    How do they benifit? Power,money,and the and perks that go along with it...OUTLAW

  • berylblue

    This is an excellent question, one which I've pondered for a while but just can't seem to find a satisfactory explanation. Perhaps because I'm not into "power", I just don't understand the appeal. But then again, I'm trying hard to remember that not every one is like me (gee, Rosemarie, what a frigging epiphany!!!! But you know what I mean....sometimes, it's difficult to understand how someone could want something in which you have no interest. And the only power I have ever wanted was to make people THAT's power....a really fun kind...)

    I'm not explaining myself well tonight. (Tonight???)

    Does anyone at all understand what I mean? I myself can't understand wanting power so badly that one will hurt others to get it, and hurt many, many others to maintain it. I'm not sayingI don't believe the GB are not doing just that, merely that I myself can't understand it.

    I'm leaning toward believing that some GB members do love the power, and others are honest in their intentions, but very blinded and misguided (to say the least).


  • Mystery

    I don't know if I believe the Brooklyn "leaders" believe it is the truth. They try to hide or cover up history of JW's.

    I believe I have read on some of the threads that there are Bethelites on the forum. What is your perspective on this? Do the Leaders live at Bethel? Or do they drive to work everyday? Is it power? prestige? money?

    Who has been there and seen it up close?

  • JamesThomas

    Power Corrupts - Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. I am not a psychologist, but something tells me there is a related phenomena in regards to the rapist, Saddam Hussein, and the GB. Their egomania has cut them off from reality. They may be psychotic, able to function (seemingly) only within a very controlled environment. It's likely that they truly believe they are God's holy henchmen....just as Hitler did. They could be sweet as granny's apple pie on the outside, friendly and caring to friends and family, and still march thousands into the gas chambers, or watch calmly and unaffected as thousands of lives are torn apart at their decree. Who knows what warped sense of gratification they get out of it. They probably sleep like babies just after humming lullabies of praise to themselves. I may have a growing compassion and caring for the JW who knocks at my door, but the guys at the top make me want to lose a meal. JamesT

    Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other. -- Carl Jung

  • rocketman

    I have not seen it up close, but, having been an elder, I did see what human pride and desire to maintain position can do.

    I used to think that since they were not in it for the money, their motives could only be pure. However, there are many advantages to being a GB member that even include money (if not in the form of a salary, then at least in the form of having all your needs and expenses met and getting to travel the world expenses-paid), and also include various perks such as the admiration and obedience of 6 million people.

  • Satanus

    Worshipful adulation gives a tremendous high, more than most drugs. Also, there are no hangovers, just a continuous warm fuzzy feeling, knowing that millions of fans the world over can be made to jump at the whim of a gb member. It may be better than being a rock star.


  • Xena

    My sister lives onsite at an Assembly Hall...she and her husband have a beautiful apartment that they don't have to pay for...people constantly give them things because they devote ALL their time to "the kingdom interests". They go to Eurpoe once or twice a year and it is usually on tickets and frequent flyer miles other people have given them...when they get there they stay with people or at the Bethels...

    I would imagine even if they ever did figure out it was all a scam they would be hard put to give up the sweeeeeat deal they have....


    If they get all that can you just imagine how good the governing body has it?

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