Jaracz is not important

by Kismet 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kismet

    While I understand the attention given to the 20 seconds of comments by Jarcz and the damning arrogance he displayed, his role on Panorama was not important.

    The strength, the courage of the victims that spoke up on that show. The raw courage it must have taken to back into the room under the house, to stand in front of a camera and talk about these despicable acts perpetrated against them, that was the most important thing.

    I take my hat off and deeply respect the courage it took for these survivors, (I loved the sound clip from the candlelight vigil, regarding victim vs. survivor) to stand up and roar.

    Congrats to all involved in standing up to the Borg.

    As a caution tho, to all those that remain silent do not feel you have to become an advocate and media star in order to heal. Do not let other people push you into a path that is not healthy for you. If you can stand up and do this that is a good thing. If you cannot, and just making it through the day is what surviving means for you, be proud of that. Not all should be activists. Do not let misplaced guilt push you into anything unhealthy.

    Cheers to all survivors, roaring or silent!!!


  • orangefatcat

    Kismet I feel the same way as you do. What tremendous courage these survivors have and courage too. My heart goes out to them and I can only wish them all an inner peace that comes with healing. May your accusers and those who protected them get whats coming to them.


  • Simon

    Well said Kismet.

    I would never presume to tell any survivor of abuse what they should do other than to do what is best for them. If they want to expose their abuser then there are people who can help. If they just want a virtual shoulder then there are people here for that too.

    The only advice I would give is not to suffer alone in silence - there are quite a few here who have gone through similar things and can help. Some very impressive people that I am in awe of.

  • SYN

    Maybe there is such a stir over Jaracz because many of us would never have dreamed of questioning his words whilst still Assimilated, but now we have the freedom to. But I agree, focusing on one dude is not what this whole thing is about - it's about the victims, not about Jaracz. Rock on, RoaringLambs!

  • outoftheorg

    Well done Kismet. Very very good advice.

  • Gopher


    Very good post. The main reason T. Jaracz and the presiding overseer they caught on camera have significance is that their cowardice and malice provide a stark backdrop against which the raw courage and care of the victims who spoke out can shine even more brightly. The contrast provides any thinking person, including hopefully some current JW's, real food for thought.


  • JanH

    Much of what is said here is true, but TJ's role in the WTS leadership simply cannot be overestimated. He may well be the only thing currently stopping reform on issues like blood and child abuse.

    - Jan

  • Kismet


    There is no question Teddy is the man that is pulling all the strings right now. But I did sooo enjoy typing the subject of this thread. LOL

    I also didn't want him to get all the attention that he loves so much and wanted to re-focus the attention on where it was deserved, the survivors of the abuse.

    Kismet - who enjoyed seeing him scampering away from that mean ole reporter, clutching on to Melita as he ran away.

  • hillary_step


    A kind and considerate post, and I also agree with most of what you say, I do however like Jan feel that Jaracz influence on WTS issues should not be underestimated.

    If you have been an elder, you know that there is always a person who is stronger, more opinionated and has an almost unbreakable confidence in his belief that he is being directed by God on the body. This is Jaracz, I have personally seen him in action over a variety of issue and it is no exaggeration to say that he in many ways is WTS policy.

    Many in PR and Legal despise him and his methods but cannot break through his titanium heart. The Panorama interview showed nothing of his ability to be intelligent, charming and reasonable when it suits him, which he can be, but it did show the disdain with which he treats all around him. Frankly, I think he is a trifle demented, but one thing is certain, change the mind of Jaracz, and you stand a good chance of seeing policy change. I suspect that is why so many focus their ire on him.

    Best to you Kismet - an HS flying out of the door....

  • Kismet


    My comment was about the Panorama segment not about the whole issues revolving around the Scoiety. It was just my perception of the threads was that everyone was focussing on Jaracz instead of the survivors.

    I know Mr Jaracz all too well. I have had dealings with him on a number of ocasions, some pleasant other not so. I have enjoyed two meals in his room and feel I know or at least knew him fairly well. Even when I was a faithful JW, I was not impressed with him, impressed with his power (his position) but not by how he used it and abused it. Titanium heart is an understatement.

    Like I said, I was not minimizing his role in the abuse of power and cold heartedness manifest by the Society but was trying to re-focus things regarding Panorama to the "suffering little children"


    edits made to correct typos

    Edited by - Kismet on 15 July 2002 19:40:24

    Edited by - Kismet on 15 July 2002 19:45:18

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