WT PR- We Offer Release Of Information

by silentlambs 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    Watchtower has stated they wish to reveal no information about the upcoming judicial hearing being conducted against those who are on the Dateline program. They say they are confined to “ecclesial privilege” and are unable to offer to the public any information other than it is not related to silentlambs but has to do with some other infraction that breaks God’s law. With the statement below we ask Watchtower to release to everyone any charges or information about breaking God’s law they have against Carl and Barbara Pandelo, Barbara Anderson, and William H. Bowen. We have a notarized copy of this statement that has been faxed to Watchtower Public Information and to anyone else who requires a copy. We categorically deny any infraction against God’s law and demand WT release the basis for these judicial hearing. We hereby waive our “ecclesial privilege” and ask for the public to know the actual evidence and charges against us.

    Carl and Barbara Pandelo
    Barbara Anderson
    William H. Bowen


    I hereby release any personal and all confidential information within confidential files or any evidence to be offered by testimony from witnesses in writing or otherwise held by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. or by any of their representatives. I welcome and demand that any information relating to my judicial hearing be released to the public and press to answer any questions regarding my standing before God, my personal conduct, or any question regarding my personal honor and integrity.

  • BoozeRunner

    The WTS is notorious in its attempts to block an accused member from mounting a fair defense. Amazingly, so called "worldly" courts require a release of ALL documents regarding any supposed violation of law.

    The WTS uses "ecclesiastic" privilege and the "confidential matter" cliche as more smoke & mirrors.

    Their day of reckoning is near.


  • Siddhashunyata

    Heroic! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  • Elsewhere

    That’s interesting... the ecclesial privilege is intended to protect the people confiding in or seeking refuge with the clergy.

    I wonder if they will refuse to release the information that is being held confidential for the "protection" of you and the others.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    Bill I am proud of you. I think you have accomplished what others before have been unable to do and that is to make the WT Society sweat. I think they are digging themselves into a deeper hole everyday. They must be frantic from fear and embarassment and are forgeting the terrible PR they are doing to themselves.
    There is a saying "that if you are being run out of town by a mob pretend you are leading a parade." The smart thing for them to do is to ralley behind you and clean out the snake pit.
    Again, I am proud of you.

  • Matty

    By speaking out for ones that are too frightened and traumatised to speak for themselves, you have earned the love and respect of not only those who are not Jehovah's Witnesses, but also those within the group that recognise that wrongs have been committed by the organisation that was supposed to protect them.

    If the Jehovah's witnesses Governing Body are truly God's representatives on earth we should expect that they would show the humility that befits people that are supposed to follow Jesus Christ's lead. They would not be thinking of saving their own skins and saving face by tenaciously following a irrational course that they set themselves with no thought of the consequences.

    If there is a God, and he recognises that Jehovah's witnesses are actually his own people, he will have to ensure that his name is not dishonoured, there is no question of that. So either way, this matter will HAVE to be resolved, it cannot be covered over or ducked.


  • AlanF

    As we all know, in cases like this the Society invokes "ecclesiastical privilege" for one and only reason: to protect itself by not releasing damaging information about its nefarious practices.


  • LoneWolf

    Excellent. If they don't release it, I'd make a major issue of it in a subsequent suit.

    They are attempting the equivalent of Enron's shredding documents.


  • Pathofthorns

    I'd like to tell them where they can stick their "ecclesiastical privilege". Everyone knows elders can rarely keep matters confidential and much gossip about private matters can be traced to elders who have not kept matters confidential.

    Because it is no secret that Witnesses like to gossip and God knows with regard to you and these other accused, gossip has likely distorted the facts way beyond reason, the Society should respect your request to make the allegations public. Too much goes on behind closed doors. In order to clarify these matters in the eyes of local Witnesses who likely do not have all the facts, your request should be respected to help reverse harmful gossip originating from the Society and their representatives.

    You already have evidence from a phone conversation with a Society representative where he was discussing "Bill Bowen" having been disfellowshipped. This might be sufficient grounds to prove they have damaged their own claim to ecclesiastical privilege. If you can come up with further evidence of them discussing these private matters with other members of the congregation you might be able to prove they have already given up their rights to claim "ecclesiastical privilege". They can't have it both ways.


  • SYN

    SCREW ECCLESIASTICAL PRIVILEGE! These people are NOT going to sweep THIS under the carpet like everything else! We love you Bill! KICK THEIR ASSES! Make sure those allegations that you guys are going up before the JCs for are made public, and involve the Press as much as physically possible...we're holding thumbs for ya on this side of the Atlantic for sure!

    "If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."

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