No More Publisher Numbers

by GermanXJW 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GermanXJW

    According to a report on the German XJW-board: the German Kingdom Ministry for February 09 does not contain a supplement with the publisher figures.

    Furthermore, it does not contain the monthly report for the first month of the service year 2009 (Sep 08) as it used to in the past.sixty years.

    This may indicate that the WTS is not that transparent with their publishers numbers any more if they are not even doing away with it.

    Can anyone confirm from other countries?

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Maybe the tipping point has been breached? Party 5

  • slimboyfat

    Very interesting if confirmed. I would not have predicted this. The numbers have looked slightly better for the Witnesses in the past couple of years.

  • stillajwexelder

    I have not even got my January KM yet

  • slimboyfat

    If numbers for each month are no longer to be printed in the KM then you would expect this change to take effect from January not February as the January KM would have the figures for September, the start of the new 'sevice year'. Maybe they simply mean to say that the service report is no longer to be recorded anywhere except from in the Yearbook. That would make sense, but would not be such a big deal.

    But if numbers really are no longer to be printed does that mean they will no longer be collected? No more time slips?

    Now that would be a massive change for Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • WTWizard

    I got the numbers--by guesswork and by figuring out what must be going on behind closed doors:

    Total publishers--7,000,001

    Total at the REJECT Jesus Party--18.000,001


    Of course, all of them are fake. Of course, the other possibility is that they are down and too embarrassed to report the declines received from the oral sex issue, the Kool Aid washtowels, the April 2008 Kool-Aid, the pedophile embarrassment, and the fact that more people are seeing the blatant lack of scriptural support for the doctrines.

  • shamus100

    Maybe this will be the new dubdom... get rid of inactive ones, get rid of the numbers. They could be morphing yet again. Look at how crazy they have been in the past - it isn't like it couldn't happen.

  • still_in74
    But if numbers really are no longer to be printed does that mean they will no longer be collected? No more time slips?

    that will never happen! That is the single strongest factor for dubs to be active. How many do you know are out the last saturday of the month to "get there time in" - their time being 2 hours for the whole month.

    If it wasnt for time slips anyone under 5-6 hours per month would stop going out.

  • still_in74
    Maybe this will be the new dubdom... get rid of inactive ones, get rid of the numbers. They could be morphing yet again. Look at how crazy they have been in the past - it isn't like it couldn't happen.

    you may be onto something here....

    if the dubs effectively "delete" inactive ones, it wouldnt really have any impact on the numbers because they are already inactive - BUT - it would be the perfect excuse to justify the falling numbers.

    "yes the numbers are reducing, as we sift out inactive ones we will see the numbers of TRUE servants of Jehovah become more apparent. Have the numbers of worshipers of Jehovah really dropped? Of course not! The number of genuine christians is increasing every year! As these last days draw to a conclusion Jehovah will have a pure organization worthy of his name, and wholy deserving to enter into his rest!" (applause! applause!)

  • shamus100

    That's right, still in. Dubs love the term 'sifting work'. When I was in, we were told that eventually we would not be able to place magazines, as there would be no other 'sheep' to save. Numbers could be published once a year instead of monthly...

    This religion changes so much it's hard to reallly keep up with it. Look at how bizarre it was with Rutherford to now.

    We've been seeing small changes over time for so long, we forget to look at the big picture sometimes. I think they could be closing the doors, so to speak. It's a theory, but time will tell.

    But to make things clear, leaving numbers out of a KM is HUGE. Something is happening.

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