Why am I still surprised at these?

by OnTheWayOut 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    Compound Complex has a thread that starts with the words PERSECUTION WANES. In it he states:

    "After the Judge's death, as World War II was ending and persecution against the Witnesses began declining, along
    with the attendant drop in news-media publicity, Hayden C. Covington told the author [of THE FOUR PRESIDENTS] that
    Fred Franz saw the prohibition against blood transfusions as a way to accomplish two things: to continue to publicize
    the religion, and to create an uproar in the community. This reaction would convince the membership they were being
    "persecuted" and "suffering for righteousness sake," a sure sign they were "in the truth."

    My jaw dropped when I read that. I decry the WTS cult. I post alot. Maybe I try to appear to have it all worked
    out- as far as disbelief in the WTS goes. Truth-be-told, I have only opened up to reading material from
    anti-JW internet sites and books from former members since this past Summer. I might still, in my mind, try to
    think that there is much sincerity and some sound judgment in decisions from the Governing Body.

    I may have thought that they were wrong about applying their blood doctrine to JW's based on the dietary restrictions
    listed in the Levitical Law, and a temporary injuction on blood by the apostles to avoid stumbling the Christians who
    were Jews. I may have thought that their "new light" on fractions was a way to correct their predecessors hardline
    stand on blood. NOW I KNOW BETTER, but I am still surprised.

    The WTS only started a ban on blood transfusions to keep the "persecution for the sake of righteousness" alive and
    well. They only moderate their stance as they see necessary to combat lawsuits. Being an oddball religion, bans
    like theirs on blood are just free advertising. Same with Christmas, the cross, flag saluting, voting, etc.

    Also, as I read IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM (faders can't just read it in one sitting, so I haven't finished)
    I get to a point about the reasons why the WTS studies the same books again and again. They have stockpiles of
    those books in the warehouse. It has nothing to do with "proper food at the proper time." Just accounting. They need
    newer ones to obtain those older books, so they can declare a profit on them. Why am I still surprised when I read that?

    I am getting more bitter as I become more AWOKE. WTS is just a book publishing company that wants as much free
    advertising and free labor and free salesmen as possible. It's all about selling books. Now that they are rich off expansion
    in previous decades, and tax laws have caught up with them and their efforts to skirt them with "donations only," (which
    eventually failed in many countries) they sell off expensive property and try to slow the sale of books to outsiders because
    profit is down.

    Thanks for a place to vent this.

  • Clam
    WTS is just a book publishing company that wants as much free advertising and free labor and free salesmen as possible. It's all about selling books

    It sure is OnTheWayOut; and in pursuit of its ruthless commercial endeavour it tears families apart. If a "salesperson" leaves then the Beast becomes angry. Angry at losing potential income. Baptism is akin to signing a commercial contract to work for nothing for the rest of your life. I'm grateful I only wasted part of my life and not all of it, like some of my family who've been peddling books and magazines for over 40 years.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Vent here. Or call me anytime, as you know I will listen.

    Sometimes I have anger thrust itself into my throat over what you mention, even after 3 solid years out and active against the cult. Something inside still wants to make me accept and believe that there is greater depth and love and godliness. But there isn't. And sometimes it hurts to see that, at least for me. Still - I need to see it, as it all part of the healing process IMO.


    BTW - What book is this referenced in - as for some reason I don't recall that precise matter and would like to familiarize myself. I have 4 Presidents - is that it?

  • purplesofa
    What book is this referenced in -

    yes, I would like to know as well. I am like you, I don't know why or how I can still be surprised. But this is just pure murder.


  • Pahpa

    It was always my impression that the ban on blood transfusions by the Watchtower evolved out of ban on vaccinations in the 1930s. At the time, Clayton Woodworth was in charge of publishing the Golden Age and had some very eccentric ideas. (He didn't believe in the germ theory of diseases.) And according to him, vaccinations were derived from "tainted blood" which he said was forbidden in the Bible. Many of his same arguments against the use of blood was later used in the Watchtower's prohibition of transfusions.

    It's difficult to second guess the motivations of individuals years after the events. But it would be interesting if some sort of documentation was available.

  • unique1

    I too am suprised.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings OTWO et al,

    My jaw dropped when I came upon the opening words of your thread. I read and reread this information from THE FOUR PRESIDENTS OF THE WATCH TOWER SOCIETY (JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES) - "The Men and the Organization They Created." The chapter [5] from which the thread "Persecution Wanes/Banning Blood Garners Publicity" [www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/126825/1.ashx] derives is entitled RESTRICTIONS, RULES, AND EDICTS: UNSCRIPTURAL, UNCHRISTIAN, AND SOMETIMES EXPEDIENT. The subheading that deals with this travesty - I am still reeling - is DEATH PREFERABLE TO HAVING A BLOOD TRANSFUSION, pages 74-78. There are references to other publications, too, including one by Dr. Jerry Bergman.
    I will post more information shortly.

    Yours truly,


  • What-A-Coincidence

    nice post!

  • done4good

    Wow. If this is true, this is on another whole level. This equates to murder, period. Can someone back this up?


  • avidbiblereader

    No offense and with all due respect, Jesus words at Matt 14:31b is appro

    “You with little faith, why did you give way to doubt?”

    Nothing anymore that I read is surprising, except that people are not leaving in droves.


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