Watchtower PR Statement 8-7-01

by silentlambs 63 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • silentlambs

    For Immediate Release August7, 2001
    Sexual abuse of children is a terrible crime that can leave lasting emotional scars on its victims. Often, child molesters are attracted to organizations that have children as members, which makes protecting children from sexual abuse a complex and important societal concern.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses condemn child molestation, and they do not tolerate such activity within their membership. If there is sufficient evidence that someone has exploited children in this way, he may be disfellowshipped (excommunicated). A sincerely repentant former child molester may be allowed to remain a member of the faith, but he is strongly warned against being alone with children unless one of the parents or another responsible adult is also present. Moreover, as a protection to our children, former child molesters are not permitted to receive positions of responsibility in our religion.
    If an accusation of child molestation is made against a member of the congregation, the elders immediately work to assure the safety of the victim. Also, they make every effort to comply with the law. This includes complying with laws that mandate reporting the incident to the proper authorities. This is even done when a child is the only one to report the wrong conduct or when the elders received the allegation of molestation in confidence.
    The victim or the victim’s family may also report the matter to the authorities. They have an absolute right to report and none should interfere with this. If you would like to receive more information on how we report such matters, please contact Mario Moreno, Watchtower Legal Department. (845) 509-0416 or (845) 306-1000.
    Contact: J. R. Brown, Director. Public Affairs Office, telephone: (718) 560-5600

    Watch Tower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201-2483 USA.
    Telephone: 718-560-5600 Facmile:718-560-5619

    Now read the PR Statement from January 2,2001 do you find any differences????????????????????????????



    For Immediate Release January 2, 2001
    Jehovah's Witnesses abhor all forms of wickedness including child abuse. We do not condone the actions of those who exploit children by this terrible crime and such persons are disfellowshipped (excommunicated) from the congregation. A known child molester does not qualify for appointment as a. church elder or for any other position of responsibility in any congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    If child abuse becomes known to our church elders, they strictly comply with applicable child abuse reporting laws. We also encourage the wrongdoers to do everything they can to set the matter straight with the authorities. Furthermore, we do not prohibit or discourage the victim or the victim's parents from reporting child abuse to the authorities even if the alleged perpetrator is one of Jehovah's Witnesses. If you would like to receive more information on how we report such matters, please contact Mario Moreno, Watchtower Legal Department. (845) 509-0416 or (845) 306-1000.
    A primary focus of Jehovah's Witnesses is to elevate me Bible's strong family values in all communities and to help willing ones come to know and serve God acceptably.
    Contact: J. R. Brown, Director. Public Affairs Office, telephone: (718) 560-5600

    Watch Tower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201-2483 USA.
    Telephone: 718-560-5600 Facmile:718-560-5619

  • Maximus



  • bboyneko
    A sincerely repentant former child molester may be allowed to remain a member of the faith, but he is strongly warned against being alone with children unless one of the parents or another responsible adult is also present.

    Yeah but is the congregation warned about his past? And by their own admittance the society just sed 'we allow child molesters to be JW.'

  • bluesapphire

    Let me guess: A "known" child molester bla bla bla...

    How do we KNOW he is a child molester since only poor little suzie is the only one who says he's done anything to her and we know poor little suzie is a liar and has mental problems bla bla bla... Do not slander Brother Stickyfingers or you will be DF'd do you hear! Brother Stickyfingers will now represent us in prayer.

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    ...strongly warned? How? That he'll lose his right to answer during the Watchtower or go out in service? We're not talking about cheating on your taxes or watching an R-rated movie here.

    Thanks for posting this and for all you're doing.

    "When caught between two evils I generally pick the one I've never tried before." Mae West

  • jonjonsimons

    Typical of them, isn't it. I can't even think about it without wanting to hurl. You are fabulous.
    Peace and love,

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Hi, Bill.

    If you downloaded copies of these two press releases from THAT SITE, would you please send me copies of each by email? (I am not talking about copied and pasted versions) If you don’t have these, does anyone else here?

    It seems the WTS has removed both from their site! Thanks!

  • seven006

    Ya, and the checks in the mail and I won't cum on your teddy bear. What a crock.
    Do they think every person on the planet outside of the administration floor is completely ignorant?
    Now I'm really getting pissed off!


  • Anchor

    Now: "The victim or the victim’s family may also report the matter to the authorities. The[y] have an absolute right to report and none should interfere with this."

    Then: "Furthermore, we do not prohibit or discourage the victim or the victim's parents from reporting child abuse to the authorities even if the alleged perpetrator is one of Jehovah's Witnesses."


    I note the terms "terrible crime" and language like "a complex and important societal concern." Looks like they have reached out to obtain outside legal counsel.


  • stephenw20

    ah yes.. the light got brighter........

    after all they are imperfect men...... or are they divinely appointed....?

    oh please!... this is complete shit.. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE HONEST APOLOGY

    I am printing this out and postin it onthe door of the kingdom hall

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