Jesus 1000 years and Satan's 1000 years in the abyss

by berrygerry 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • berrygerry

    The thread about Satan in the abyss for 1000 years prompts a question.

    Jesus will rule for 1000 years.

    Jesus began ruling in 1914, which means his 1000 year reign will end in 2914.

    Satan will be abyssed for 1000 years.

    If the end comes in 2020, Satan will be abyssed in 2020, and then released in 3020.

    What happens between 2914 and 3020?

    Honest question.

  • jam

    berry: I believe JW are the only ones that teach Jesus has

    begun his 1000 year reign (invisable) LOL.

    My understanding that his reign will start after the Apocalypse.

    Rev.19;17-21 and Rev.20 1-10

  • smiddy

    But dont the christian greek scriptures , the new testament , clearly state that jesus IS the king of the jews? at his crucifixion ? or before ? , when he entered Jerusalem seated upon an ass ? or even before pilate ?

    Forgive me , if I have got things confused , I am old and have been out for over twenty years , and of course the way the society keep re-inventing themselves doesn`t help.

    What other religion re-invents themselves the way jehovahs witnesses do , changing , modifying their history to fit a new/ current interpretation .


  • BucketShopBill

    Smiddy, JWs hired a crew with the Mormon (Group Cult Discount) to down play all their errors and avoid a real discussion of failed prophecy. Mormons are paying top dollar for their image over-haul, you think the Watchtower would pay anything or stick to destroying all Watchtower CD-ROM data every Ten Years and tell their followers "You are Apostates or Weak if you read our writings over Ten Years Old because their god's chariot's wheels are broken. The Mormons are losing followers because of Joseph Smith and Brigham Youngs Adventures.

    What about Charley's Occult practices and Judge Rutherford leaving his wife and son for Bonnie and Betty? It's weird Bethelites have mentioned Freddy Franz having a femine side, I wonder if he was a closet homosexual or did he have a relationship with Canada's Branch leader? Nothing a PR crew can't clean up for a nice fee

  • Bobcat

    Jesus has been reigning since his first advent (Matthew 28:18; Colossians 1:13). He reigns 'until all his enemies have been subdued' (1 Cor 15:25). It is his followers that reign with him for the 1000 years (Rev 5:9, 10; 20:1-4). The phrase, "Christ's millenial reign" is a WT created fiction.

    See here for a link to additional references to how long Jesus reigns.

    Take Care


  • Splash

    The official WT position is that even though Christ has been ruling for 100 years already, this is not part of the 1,000 year reign.

    Therefore the 1,000 year reign will correspond to the 1,000 year abyssing - both are still future.


  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    I think the thousand-year reign begins after Armageddon and after Satan is locked up in the abyss. With no one to lead mankind astray, the people and animals will all live in peace and harmony. That means the Millennium. At the end thereof, Satan is released, he stirs up the wicked, there's a brief battle of Gog and Magog, then all of Jehovah's enemies and Satan, himself, will be destroyed. The other thread related to whether Satan was alive or dead (meaning existent or nonexistent) during the thousand years.

    Conventional Christian exegesis is divided between, generally, those who believe in literal prophecy and those who believe in replacement theology. JWs tend to go for the latter. Funny, they believe in literal prophecy up to a point, then, suddenly, it's all spiritualized. Nothing means what it says. And the Governing Body gets to determine what the prophecy means.

  • berrygerry

    The official WT position is that even though Christ has been ruling for 100 years already, this is not part of the 1,000 year reign.

    I have a book that says God's Kingdom Rules - and has been doing so for 100 years.

    So, this a different Kingdom, then, from Jesus' Kingdom of 1,000 years?

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Soo.. If the millennium is still future, and must be so to match Satan's Abyssing.. Then the bible is wrong. It is not a millennial reign.

    If the millennial reign really is for a millennium and that is the same 1000 years that Satan is abyssed, then the WT is wrong.

    How can that be?

  • Apognophos

    berrygerry, the Thousand Years is supposed to be from the time that Jesus begins reigning 'on earth as in heaven'. He has been reigning in heaven since 1914 (so the teaching goes), but obviously this is still Satan's world, so, no, the Thousand Year Reign has not begun.

    Captain Obvious, I'm not sure what you're saying. The teaching is that Satan goes into the abyss at Armageddon and then the thousand years begin to be counted down.

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