7 Times 2520 Years - Nut Jobs Everywhere

by LostGeneration 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LostGeneration

    The WT isnt alone...I didn't realize how many nut jobs use this math to forward their prophetic agendas. Dates start all over the place and end up in around our time, give or take a few hundred years..


    The WT doesn't even make page one on google with their 2520 theory. Have to go to page two to find them...Of course they lie right off the bat with this quote:

    DECADES in advance, Bible students proclaimed that there would be significant developments in 1914. What were these, and what evidence points to 1914 as such an important year?

  • snowbird

    Copycats, the whole lot of them.


  • thetrueone

    If you want to draw attention to yourself in an effort to sell literature, DVDs, CDs or whatever,

    exploit the known belief in the bible by making impending apocalyptic proclamations.

    Its worked wonderfully for the WTS.

  • straightshooter

    We are all doomed.

  • LostGeneration

    What is incredible is that probably 99% of JW's think CT Russell was some sort of number genius and came up with 606-1914 607-1914 with Gods help and he alone figured out the start of Armageddon invisible and unprovable return of Christ.

  • WTWizard

    I can expose a lot of fallacy here. First, they are using 360 days in a year to arrive at 1260, and 2520. As we all know, a year actually has 365 days (a leap year has 366). Just that leads to a bad number.

    Additionally, they use "a time and times and half a time". Where does it say "times" must mean "two times"? Nowhere. There isn't one damn word in the Bible that says definitively that "times" is two times. It has to mean any positive integer, greater than one. "Times" could mean two times, or three times, or 4 times, or 5 times, or a billion times, or any positive integer greater than one. That could throw the whole prophecy way off, if they are looking for two times and it turns out to be more than two times. They should say "at least 3 1/2 times", but there is no upper limit.

    And where does it come out and instruct people to double 3 1/2? Nowhere. And, why does a day have to stand for a year? Does it say anywhere in the Bible that this incident has to make a day for a year? Just because a different incident had a day for a year doesn't mean this one does.

  • sd-7

    What I've realized about this is that we're looking at the absurdity of it from so many angles, but the one of the easiest ways to tear down this 1914 concept is really right in front of our faces. I'm going to post on this issue today, hopefully, to 'draw JWN posters away after myself.' Blah hah hah hah!


  • sd-7
    DECADES in advance, Bible students proclaimed that there would be significant developments in 1914.

    That's right out of the What Does the Bible Really Teach? Appendix. It's, to put it lightly, a misleading statement. They manage to conceal what 'significant developments' were actually proclaimed. They certainly weren't proclaiming THEN what they claim it is NOW, not precisely. The end of the Gentile Times, at least, is consistently true, I would say, but what happened in 1914 was NOT predicted at all. If World War I hadn't happened in that year, I guarantee you 1914 would've been dropped like 1874, 1918, 1925, 1975, and "this generation" have been.


  • sd-7

    Oh--wait--let me correct myself. They do still believe 1918 is a year marked by Bible prophecy (as evidenced by an upcoming 3/15/10 study article), same as with 1919. So...guess they did keep some of it.


  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    LostGeneration - "What is incredible is that probably 99% of JW's think CT Russell was some sort of number genius and came up with 606-1914 607-1914 with Gods help and he alone figured out the start of Armageddon invisible and unprovable return of Christ."

    Ya, the scriptural version of the teaching came AFTER the deduction of 607 from the study of the pyramids... which apparently didn't fly so well.

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